Most of the pointcloud work at the center was done 2 years ago, I want to check if that software is still working.
At the first sprint I want to work towards a new version of with the more detailed ahn3 data set ( To do this we will need to construct a octree from a subset of the ahn3 datafiles using
After that we will use to visualize the octree.
Finally run the web service so users can extract points.
We will approach the 3 repos as a developer who has just found and wants to re-use the visualization for his/her own data. During the 3 steps we will update the documentation, build infrastructure and code where needed.
The second sprint I want to follow the tutorials of the photogrammetry pipelines: and By testing these tutorials we will most likely run into problems, will improve the tutorial, installation documentation while solving these problems.
The third sprint I want to follow the tutorials for pointcloud analysis and PattyAnalyitcs has tools for segmentation and registration. Python-cl is used as a dependency in PattyAnalytics. is a fork, let's catch up with the upstream repo ( and see if any of the improvements in the fork can be changed into pull requests for the upstream repo. The python-pcl is a Cython wrapper around the pcl library so it requires at least one team member with Cython knowledge to work on it.
We also want to have a pointcloud viewer integrate into Regis, clicking a polygon in a 2d map should show the pointcloud of that area. This would give the the project a boost.