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Releases: NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd-mobile


04 Apr 03:35
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Bug Fixes

  • tabbar: fix tabbar set activeTab not work and add demo (#345) (3f8becd)
  • accordion: fix accordion support async load accordionPanel (#355) (924bcc2)
  • carousel: fix carousel vertical mode error (#344) (e9ae898)
  • inputitem: fix inputitem extra support template (#353) (aeb3cbe)
  • inputitem: fix inputitem label css init (#364) (bd11c54)
  • picker: fix async picker data need to update selected data (#346) (fbcc0cf)
  • picker: fix picker wrap z-index same as mask (#362) (3f2a83c)


  • carousel: feat carousel support dragging (#350) (5dc49a4)

Performance Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • tabbar: 修复 tabbar 设置 activeTab 错误并修改 demo (#345) (3f8becd)
  • accordion: 修复 accordion 支持异步加载 accordionPanel (#355) (924bcc2)
  • carousel: 修复 carousel vertical 模式异常 (#344) (e9ae898)
  • inputitem: 修复 inputitem extra 模板支持 (#353) (aeb3cbe)
  • inputitem: 修复 inputitem label 样式初始化问题 (#364) (bd11c54)
  • picker: 修复异步传入数据,需要更新选中数据 (#346) (fbcc0cf)
  • picker: 修复 picker wrap z-index 与 mask保持一致 (#362) (3f2a83c)


Performance Improvements


12 Mar 07:00
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Bug Fixes

  • assets: fix logo name (#319) (475eb14)
  • grid: fix return contentType error (#320) (dd88a52)
  • input-item: fix custom keyboard input value and defaultValue (#330) (a73a7e8)
  • popupservice: fix popupservice get component name with build prod runtime error (#333) (b69ee5a)
  • textarea-item: fix textarea-item value protect (#331) (ffe4f8d)

Bug Fixes

  • assets: 修复 logo 名称 (#319) (475eb14)
  • grid: 修复 contentType 返回错误 (#320) (dd88a52)
  • input-item: 修复 custom keyboard input 值 (#330) (a73a7e8)
  • popupservice: 修复 popupservice 获取 component 名称时运行时报错 (#333) (b69ee5a)
  • textarea-item: 修复 textarea-item 值保护 (#331) (ffe4f8d)


04 Mar 03:38
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Bug Fixes

  • accordion: fix accordion support template and add support innerHtml (#307) (15f90a6)
  • carousel: fix carousel detect height change need to init carouseItem (#290) (86be97d)
  • carousel: fix set Carousel component selectedIndex( = last) invalid (#315) (193a4d6)
  • drawer: synchronize code and documentation (#311) (1d53a15)
  • inputitem: fix inputitem onChange does not trigger when typing Chinese characters (#299) (e7a925d)
  • PopupService: fix when using multiple PopupService working error (#292) (3717db7)
  • swipe-action: fix unable to respond to scrolling events error (#300) (98bd525)
  • tabs: disable descendants (#296) (5ed613e)
  • date-picker: fix select error when ngmodel set to null (#310) (58e88ca)


  • list: renderHeader&renderFooter support String and Templates (#313) (546b38d)

Performance Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: 修复 accordion template 支持 (#307) (15f90a6)
  • carousel: 修复 carousel 检测高度变化 (#290) (86be97d)
  • carousel: 修复设置selecedindex值超出当前最大值的问题 (#315) (193a4d6)
  • drawer: 更新文档 (#311) (1d53a15)
  • inputitem: 修复输入中文时 onChange 不响应的问题 (#299) (e7a925d)
  • PopupService: 修复多 PopupService 运行错误 (#292) (3717db7)
  • swipe-action: 修复无法响应滚动事件问题(#300) (98bd525)
  • tabs: 禁止 descendants (#296) (5ed613e)
  • date-picker: 修复当 ngmodel 为 null 时选择出错的问题 (#310) (58e88ca)


  • list: renderHeader 和 renderFooter 支持 String和 Template 输入 (#313) (546b38d)

Performance Improvements


21 Feb 07:22
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Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: fix code title->message error (#283) (f850e1a)
  • date-picker-view: fix value input not work (#287) (7d74e54)
  • stepper: fix stepper js float calculation bug (#280) (5cd1f6c)
  • swipe-action: fix autoclose not work bug (#282) (acb180e)

Performance Improvements

  • tabbar: enlarge tabbartab click zone (#286) (5830cd6)

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: 将模板中 title 改成 message (#283) (f850e1a)
  • date-picker-view: 修复 input 不生效的问题 (#287) (7d74e54)
  • stepper: 修复 float 计算bug (#280) (5cd1f6c)
  • swipe-action: 修复 autoclose 不生效bug (#282) (acb180e)

Performance Improvements

  • tabbar: 扩大 tabbartab 点击区域 (#286) (5830cd6)


14 Feb 07:24
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Bug Fixes

  • carousel: fix set Carousel component selectedIndex invalid. (#269) (55ae6d2)
  • input-item: fix ios9 chinese character bug (#249) (f421746)
  • notice-bar: fix notice-bar-card color (#274) (53f5b45)
  • searchbar: fix ios9 chinese character bug (#250) (3e7efd4)
  • date-picker: fix not use onOk the next time show error (#258) (2f5fc79)
  • date-picker: fix open next show error when set minDate ma… (#256) (41f20f5)
  • date-picker: fix select interval when set min date and max date (#267) (3fa56dc)
  • date-picker: fix set minDate error (#243) (8fdbe8f)
  • pulltorefresh: fix when up pull, then down pull, emit refresh error (#248) (5fd57d7)


  • button: feat add dashed type (#273) (8759db0)
  • grid: feat support dynamic ng-content in Grid. (#268) (2a579a2)
  • grid: support custom icon and local assets (#257) (eafe8ec)

Performance Improvements

  • picker: perf delete default data in component. (#272) (ec748c3)

Bug Fixes

  • carousel: 修复设置 Carousel 选中序列失败的问题 (#269) (55ae6d2)
  • input-item: 修复 iOS9 中文字符输入问题 (#249) (f421746)
  • notice-bar: 修复 notice-bar-card 颜色问题 (#274) (53f5b45)
  • searchbar: 修复 iOS9 中文字符输入问题 (#250) (3e7efd4)
  • date-picker: 修复不使用onOK导致的下一次显示失败问题 (#258) (2f5fc79)
  • date-picker: 修复设置最大最小日期后打开 Picker 显示错误 (#256) (41f20f5)
  • date-picker: 修复选择最早最晚时间时的 interval (#267) (3fa56dc)
  • date-picker: 修复设置minDate错误 (#243) (8fdbe8f)
  • pulltorefresh: 修复上划然后下划时导致的 refresh 信号错误 (#248) (5fd57d7)


  • button: 增加 dashed 样式 (#273) (8759db0)
  • grid: Grid 中支持动态的 ng-content (#268) (2a579a2)
  • grid: 支持 自定义 icon 和本地静态资源 (#257) (eafe8ec)

Performance Improvements


11 Jan 06:25
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  • actionsheet: feat support locale (#232) (39870da)
  • carousel: feat when item=1 can not drag (#239) (799ce51)
  • datepicker: feat set disabled work (#233) (8f772a9)
  • picker: feat set disabled work (#231) (02733b4)
  • switch: feat add active an inactive class for modify css (#238) (1117c7c)
  • showcase: feat set website kitchen-sink "user-select: none" (#234) (65ad469)

Performance Improvements

  • actionsheet: perf actionsheet with cdk (#228) (9a9988a)


  • actionsheet: 支持 Locale 国际化 (#232) (39870da)
  • carousel: 仅有1个元素时禁止drag (#239) (799ce51)
  • datepicker: 增加disabled 属性 (#233) (8f772a9)
  • picker: 增加 disabled 属性 (#231) (02733b4)
  • switch: 根据选中状态在子元素设置类名 (#238) (1117c7c)
  • showcase: 在 kitchen-sink 中设置 "user-select: none" (#234) (65ad469)

Performance Improvements


08 Jan 03:23
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Bug Fixes

  • calendar: fix timepicker select error (#216) (03ffa9e)
  • codebox: update zorro mobile version (#218) (3fb41f1)
  • modal: fix no actions would work error (#222) (25b7aec)
  • package.json: make desktop website great again (#213) (b53ff31)
  • showcase: fix website icon show error bug (#214) (bfe2b3d)

Performance Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: 修复 timepicker 选择报错(#216) (03ffa9e)
  • codebox: 升级ng-zorro-antd-mobile的版本号 (#218) (3fb41f1)
  • modal: 修复无 actions 报错 (#222) (25b7aec)
  • package.json: 升级ng-zorro-antd依赖 (#213) (b53ff31)
  • showcase: 修复文档官网 icon 显示问题 (#214) (bfe2b3d)

Performance Improvements

  • modal: 优化 modal service 的使用 (#220) (4fca40a)


29 Dec 10:38
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Bug Fixes

  • ActionSheet: fix when no title or message would not show blank on header (#192) (b0f41b7)
  • checkbox: fix checkbox init status when checked is true (#193) (0293e85)
  • input-item: fix input value can't be 0 or '' (#185) (59e0ea8)
  • input-item: fix inputitem value protect (#196) (883c2ba)
  • package.json: fix a loop of Invalid Host/Origin header -> [WDS] Disconnected! (#199) (450c66a)
  • picker: click ok button will throw error when use service (#176) (40a8fee)
  • picker: fix click cancel no response (#205) (bee4fc4)
  • textarea-item: fix textarea value can't be 0 or '' (#186) (0759f65)
  • textarea-item: fix textarea-item value protect (#197) (e2c0157)


  • Framework: support Angular 7.0
  • date-picker: feat support date-picker ngmodel (#207) (c1e6d11)
  • picker-view: picker-view add ngModel (#180) (500c893)
  • pulltorefresh: feat support scrollendrefresh and support both up and down (#204) (149c461)
  • range: range add ngmodel (#208) (26d019d)
  • searchbar: searchbar add ngModel (#179) (8bd39d7)
  • slider: slider add ngModel (#202) (3db39ae)
  • stepper: stepper add ngModel (#181) (23f36c1)
  • modal: feat add modal closable and maskClosable demo (#195) (d3d3478)

Performance Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • ActionSheet: 修复当无标题或消息时头部不为空的问题 (#192) (b0f41b7)
  • checkbox: 修复初始值为选中时checkbox状态不对的问题 (#193) (0293e85)
  • input-item: 修复 input 值不能为空字符串或0的问题 (#185) (59e0ea8)
  • input-item: 修复 inputitem 值保护问题 (#196) (883c2ba)
  • package.json: 修复 Invalid Host/Origin header 导致的循环问题 (#199) (450c66a)
  • picker: 修复当使用服务并点击 OK 按钮抛错的问题 (#176) (40a8fee)
  • picker: 修复点击取消无响应的问题 (#205) (bee4fc4)
  • textarea-item: 修复 textarea 值不能为空字符串或0的问题 (#186) (0759f65)
  • textarea-item: 修复 textarea-item 值保护问题 (#197) (e2c0157)


  • Framework: 支持 Angular 7.0
  • date-picker: date-picker 支持 ngmodel (#207) (c1e6d11)
  • picker-view: picker-view 支持 ngModel (#180) (500c893)
  • pulltorefresh: 支持 scrollendrefresh 和 上、下两个方向滑动刷新 (#204) (149c461)
  • range: range 支持 ngmodel (#208) (26d019d)
  • searchbar: searchbar 支持 ngModel (#179) (8bd39d7)
  • slider: slider 支持 ngModel (#202) (3db39ae)
  • stepper: stepper 支持 ngModel (#181) (23f36c1)
  • modal: 增加 modal closable 和 maskClosable 演示样例 (#195) (d3d3478)

Performance Improvements


20 Dec 05:56
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Bug Fixes

  • checkbox: disable checked status while disabled is true (#170) (5fe311f)
  • step and slider-marks: fix aot build error (#157) (94cb387)
  • button: fix loading input only work first init. (#161) (b54bd04)


Bug Fixes

  • checkbox: disabled 状态为 true 时 checked 状态应该锁定 (#170) (5fe311f)
  • step and slider-marks: 修复AOT build 错误 (#157) (94cb387)
  • button: 修复 loading input 只在第一次启动时生效的问题. (#161) (b54bd04)



06 Dec 11:41
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Bug Fixes

  • calendar: 引入 LocalProvider Module (#134) (37f20ae)
  • checkbox&radio: 修复回调状态错误(#122) (e709b86)
  • popover: 修复 Visable Input 除初始化外无效 (#127) (05313a4)
  • Searchbar: 修复 LocaleProviderService 依赖问题 (#133) (1ac6008)
  • TabBar: 移除对 TabsModule 的依赖(#135) (eab449b)


  • badge: 在 text 文案外层增加 span 标签 (#125) (e362320)
  • popover: 增加自定义样式支持 (#129) (26bbe53), closes #120
  • PickerView: 引入 PickerModule 和 LocaleProviderModule
    (#141) (52ebaeb)
  • popover: 增加是否使用组件内部的点击自动关闭 opover
    (#130) (71ea780)

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: export calendar module&export local provider module for calendar (#134) (37f20ae)
  • checkbox&radio: fix output status error (#122) (e709b86)
  • popover: fix visible input not use without init (#127) (05313a4)
  • Searchbar: fix no provider for LocaleProviderService (#133) (1ac6008)
  • TabBar: TabsModule import is no needed (#135) (eab449b)


  • badge: add span to badge text (#125) (e362320)
  • popover: feat add customClass for customer (#129) (26bbe53), closes #120
  • PickerView: import PickerModule and LocaleProviderModule (#141) (52ebaeb)
  • popover: feat add autoClose to set click popover item to close popvoer (#130) (71ea780)