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Command-line tool for queries about component availability, settings, and hardware counters.

Available Components

timemory-avail -C provides the list of available components. Using the -s option provides the list of available string identifiers which can be used in the environment variable settings.

Sample output from timemory-avail -C --description --brief

allinea_map Controls the AllineaMAP sampler
caliper Forwards markers to Caliper instrumentation
cpu_clock Total CPU time spent in both user- and kernel-mode
cpu_roofline<double> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a CPU architecture.
cpu_roofline<float, double> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a CPU architecture.
cpu_roofline<float> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a CPU architecture.
cpu_util Percentage of CPU-clock time divided by wall-clock time
craypat_counters Names and value of any counter events that have been set to count on the hardware category
craypat_flush_buffer Writes all the recorded contents in the data buffer. Returns the number of bytes flushed
craypat_heap_stats Undocumented by 'pat_api.h'
craypat_record Toggles CrayPAT recording on calling thread
craypat_region Adds region labels to CrayPAT output
cuda_event Records the time interval between two points in a CUDA stream. Less accurate than 'cupti_activity' for kernel timing
cuda_profiler Control switch for a CUDA profiler running on the application
cupti_activity Wall-clock execution timing for the CUDA API
cupti_counters Hardware counters for the CUDA API
current_peak_rss Absolute value of high-water mark of memory allocation in RAM
data_rss Integral unshared data size
gperftools_cpu_profiler Control switch for gperftools CPU profiler
gperftools_heap_profiler Control switch for the gperftools heap profiler
gpu_roofline<double> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a GPU architecture.
gpu_roofline<cuda::half2, float, double> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a GPU architecture.
gpu_roofline<cuda::half2> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a GPU architecture.
gpu_roofline<float> Model used to provide performance relative to the peak possible performance on a GPU architecture.
kernel_mode_time CPU time spent executing in kernel mode (via rusage)
likwid_marker LIKWID perfmon (CPU) marker forwarding
likwid_nvmarker LIKWID nvmon (GPU) marker forwarding
malloc_gotcha GOTCHA wrapper for memory allocation functions
monotonic_clock Wall-clock timer which will continue to increment even while the system is asleep
monotonic_raw_clock Wall-clock timer unaffected by frequency or time adjustments in system time-of-day clock
num_io_in Number of times the filesystem had to perform input
num_io_out Number of times the filesystem had to perform output
num_major_page_faults Number of page faults serviced that required I/O activity
num_minor_page_faults Number of page faults serviced without any I/O activity via 'reclaiming' a page frame from the list of pages awaiting reallocation
num_msg_recv Number of IPC messages received
num_msg_sent Number of IPC messages sent
num_signals Number of signals delivered
num_swap Number of swaps out of main memory
nvtx_marker Generates high-level region markers for CUDA profilers
ompt_handle<api::native_tag> Control switch for enabling/disabling OpenMP tools defined by the api::native_tag tag
page_rss Amount of memory allocated in pages of memory. Unlike peak_rss, value will fluctuate as memory is freed/allocated
papi_array<8ul> Fixed-size array of PAPI HW counters
papi_vector Dynamically allocated array of PAPI HW counters
peak_rss Measures changes in the high-water mark for the amount of memory allocated in RAM. May fluctuate if swap is enabled
priority_context_switch Number of context switch due to higher priority process becoming runnable or because the current process exceeded its time slice)
process_cpu_clock CPU-clock timer for the calling process (all threads)
process_cpu_util Percentage of CPU-clock time divided by wall-clock time for calling process (all threads)
read_bytes Physical I/O reads
stack_rss Integral unshared stack size
system_clock CPU time spent in kernel-mode
tau_marker Forwards markers to TAU instrumentation (via Tau_start and Tau_stop)
thread_cpu_clock CPU-clock timer for the calling thread
thread_cpu_util Percentage of CPU-clock time divided by wall-clock time for calling thread
trip_count Counts number of invocations
user_clock CPU time spent in user-mode
user_bundle<10000ul, api::native_tag> Generic bundle of components designed for runtime configuration by a user via environment variables and/or direct insertion
user_bundle<11100ul, api::native_tag> Generic bundle of components designed for runtime configuration by a user via environment variables and/or direct insertion
user_mode_time CPU time spent executing in user mode (via rusage)
user_bundle<11111ul, api::native_tag> Generic bundle of components designed for runtime configuration by a user via environment variables and/or direct insertion
user_bundle<11110ul, api::native_tag> Generic bundle of components designed for runtime configuration by a user via environment variables and/or direct insertion
user_bundle<11000ul, api::native_tag> Generic bundle of components designed for runtime configuration by a user via environment variables and/or direct insertion
virtual_memory Records the change in virtual memory
voluntary_context_switch Number of context switches due to a process voluntarily giving up the processor before its time slice was completed
vtune_event Creates events for Intel profiler running on the application
vtune_frame Creates frames for Intel profiler running on the application
vtune_profiler Control switch for Intel profiler running on the application
wall_clock Real-clock timer (i.e. wall-clock timer)
written_bytes Physical I/O writes

Available Settings

timemory-avail -S provides the list of available environment variable settings, descriptions, and C++ static accessors.

Sample output from timemory-avail -S --description --brief --value

TIMEMORY_SUPPRESS_PARSING bool Disable parsing environment
TIMEMORY_ENABLED bool Activation state of timemory
TIMEMORY_AUTO_OUTPUT bool Generate output at application termination
TIMEMORY_COUT_OUTPUT bool Write output to stdout
TIMEMORY_FILE_OUTPUT bool Write output to files
TIMEMORY_TEXT_OUTPUT bool Write text output files
TIMEMORY_JSON_OUTPUT bool Write json output files
TIMEMORY_DART_OUTPUT bool Write dart measurements for CDash
TIMEMORY_TIME_OUTPUT bool Output data to subfolder w/ a timestamp (see also: TIMEMORY_TIME_FORMAT)
TIMEMORY_PLOT_OUTPUT bool Generate plot outputs from json outputs
TIMEMORY_DIFF_OUTPUT bool Generate a difference output vs. a pre-existing output (see also: TIMEMORY_INPUT_PATH and TIMEMORY_INPUT_PREFIX)
TIMEMORY_FLAMEGRAPH_OUTPUT bool Write a json output for flamegraph visualization (use chrome://tracing)
TIMEMORY_VERBOSE int Verbosity level
TIMEMORY_DEBUG bool Enable debug output
TIMEMORY_BANNER bool Notify about manager creation and destruction
TIMEMORY_FLAT_PROFILE bool Set the label hierarchy mode to default to flat
TIMEMORY_TIMELINE_PROFILE bool Set the label hierarchy mode to default to timeline
TIMEMORY_COLLAPSE_THREADS bool Enable/disable combining thread-specific data
TIMEMORY_MAX_DEPTH unsigned short Set the maximum depth of label hierarchy reporting
TIMEMORY_TIME_FORMAT string Customize the folder generation when TIMEMORY_TIME_OUTPUT is enabled (see also: strftime)
TIMEMORY_PRECISION short Set the global output precision for components
TIMEMORY_WIDTH short Set the global output width for components
TIMEMORY_MAX_WIDTH int Set the maximum width for component label outputs
TIMEMORY_SCIENTIFIC bool Set the global numerical reporting to scientific format
TIMEMORY_TIMING_PRECISION short Set the precision for components with 'is_timing_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_TIMING_WIDTH short Set the output width for components with 'is_timing_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_TIMING_UNITS string Set the units for components with 'uses_timing_units' type-trait
TIMEMORY_TIMING_SCIENTIFIC bool Set the numerical reporting format for components with 'is_timing_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_MEMORY_PRECISION short Set the precision for components with 'is_memory_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_MEMORY_WIDTH short Set the output width for components with 'is_memory_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_MEMORY_UNITS string Set the units for components with 'uses_memory_units' type-trait
TIMEMORY_MEMORY_SCIENTIFIC bool Set the numerical reporting format for components with 'is_memory_category' type-trait
TIMEMORY_MPI_INIT bool Enable/disable timemory calling MPI_Init / MPI_Init_thread during certain timemory_init(...) invocations
TIMEMORY_MPI_FINALIZE bool Enable/disable timemory calling MPI_Finalize during timemory_finalize(...) invocations
TIMEMORY_MPI_THREAD bool Call MPI_Init_thread instead of MPI_Init (see also: TIMEMORY_MPI_INIT)
TIMEMORY_MPI_THREAD_TYPE string MPI_Init_thread mode: 'single', 'serialized', 'funneled', or 'multiple' (see also: TIMEMORY_MPI_INIT and TIMEMORY_MPI_THREAD)
TIMEMORY_MPI_OUTPUT_PER_RANK bool Generate MPI output per-rank (skip aggregation)
TIMEMORY_MPI_OUTPUT_PER_NODE bool Aggregate MPI output per-node
TIMEMORY_OUTPUT_PATH string Explicitly specify the output folder for results
TIMEMORY_OUTPUT_PREFIX string Explicitly specify a prefix for all output files
TIMEMORY_INPUT_PATH string Explicitly specify the input folder for difference comparisons (see also: TIMEMORY_DIFF_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_INPUT_PREFIX string Explicitly specify the prefix for input files used in difference comparisons (see also: TIMEMORY_DIFF_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_INPUT_EXTENSIONS string File extensions used when searching for input files used in difference comparisons (see also: TIMEMORY_DIFF_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_DART_TYPE string Only echo this measurement type (see also: TIMEMORY_DART_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_DART_COUNT unsigned long Only echo this number of dart tags (see also: TIMEMORY_DART_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_DART_LABEL bool Echo the category instead of the label (see also: TIMEMORY_DART_OUTPUT)
TIMEMORY_CPU_AFFINITY bool Enable pinning threads to CPUs (Linux-only)
TIMEMORY_TARGET_PID int Process ID for the components which require this
TIMEMORY_STACK_CLEARING bool Enable/disable stopping any markers still running during finalization
TIMEMORY_ADD_SECONDARY bool Enable/disable components adding secondary (child) entries
TIMEMORY_THROTTLE_COUNT unsigned long Minimum number of laps before throttling
TIMEMORY_THROTTLE_VALUE unsigned long Average call time in nanoseconds when # laps > throttle_count that triggers throttling
TIMEMORY_PAPI_MULTIPLEXING bool Enable multiplexing when using PAPI
TIMEMORY_PAPI_FAIL_ON_ERROR bool Configure PAPI errors to trigger a runtime error
TIMEMORY_PAPI_QUIET bool Configure suppression of reporting PAPI errors/warnings
TIMEMORY_PAPI_EVENTS string PAPI presets and events to collect (see also: papi_avail)
TIMEMORY_PAPI_ATTACH bool Configure PAPI to attach to another process (see also: TIMEMORY_TARGET_PID)
TIMEMORY_PAPI_OVERFLOW int Value at which PAPI hw counters trigger an overflow callback
TIMEMORY_CUDA_EVENT_BATCH_SIZE unsigned long Batch size for create cudaEvent_t in cuda_event components
TIMEMORY_NVTX_MARKER_DEVICE_SYNC bool Use cudaDeviceSync when stopping NVTX marker (vs. cudaStreamSychronize)
TIMEMORY_CUPTI_ACTIVITY_LEVEL int Default group of kinds tracked via CUpti Activity API
TIMEMORY_CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KINDS string Specific cupti activity kinds to track
TIMEMORY_CUPTI_EVENTS string Hardware counter event types to collect on NVIDIA GPUs
TIMEMORY_CUPTI_METRICS string Hardware counter metric types to collect on NVIDIA GPUs
TIMEMORY_CUPTI_DEVICE int Target device for CUPTI hw counter collection
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_MODE string Configure the roofline collection mode. Options: 'op' 'ai'.
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_MODE_CPU string Configure the roofline collection mode for CPU specifically. Options: 'op' 'ai'
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_MODE_GPU string Configure the roofline collection mode for GPU specifically. Options: 'op' 'ai'.
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_EVENTS_CPU string Configure custom hw counters to add to the cpu roofline
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_EVENTS_GPU string Configure custom hw counters to add to the gpu roofline
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_TYPE_LABELS bool Configure roofline labels/descriptions/output-files encode the list of data types
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_TYPE_LABELS_CPU bool Configure labels, etc. for the roofline components for CPU (see also: TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_TYPE_LABELS)
TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_TYPE_LABELS_GPU bool Configure labels, etc. for the roofline components for GPU (see also: TIMEMORY_ROOFLINE_TYPE_LABELS)
TIMEMORY_INSTRUCTION_ROOFLINE bool Configure the roofline to include the hw counters required for generating an instruction roofline
TIMEMORY_ERT_NUM_THREADS unsigned long Number of threads to use when running ERT
TIMEMORY_ERT_NUM_THREADS_CPU unsigned long Number of threads to use when running ERT on CPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_NUM_THREADS_GPU unsigned long Number of threads which launch kernels when running ERT on the GPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_NUM_STREAMS unsigned long Number of streams to use when launching kernels in ERT on the GPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_GRID_SIZE unsigned long Configure the grid size (number of blocks) for ERT on GPU (0 == auto-compute)
TIMEMORY_ERT_BLOCK_SIZE unsigned long Configure the block size (number of threads per block) for ERT on GPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_ALIGNMENT unsigned long Configure the alignment (in bits) when running ERT on CPU (0 == 8 * sizeof(T))
TIMEMORY_ERT_MIN_WORKING_SIZE unsigned long Configure the minimum working size when running ERT (0 == device specific)
TIMEMORY_ERT_MIN_WORKING_SIZE_CPU unsigned long Configure the minimum working size when running ERT on CPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_MIN_WORKING_SIZE_GPU unsigned long Configure the minimum working size when running ERT on GPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_MAX_DATA_SIZE unsigned long Configure the max data size when running ERT on CPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_MAX_DATA_SIZE_CPU unsigned long Configure the max data size when running ERT on CPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_MAX_DATA_SIZE_GPU unsigned long Configure the max data size when running ERT on GPU
TIMEMORY_ERT_SKIP_OPS string Skip these number of ops (i.e. ERT_FLOPS) when were set at compile time
TIMEMORY_ALLOW_SIGNAL_HANDLER bool Allow signal handling to be activated
TIMEMORY_ENABLE_SIGNAL_HANDLER bool Enable signals in timemory_init
TIMEMORY_ENABLE_ALL_SIGNALS bool Enable catching all signals
TIMEMORY_DISABLE_ALL_SIGNALS bool Disable catching any signals
TIMEMORY_NODE_COUNT int Total number of nodes used in application
TIMEMORY_DESTRUCTOR_REPORT bool Configure default setting for auto_{list,tuple,hybrid} to write to stdout during destruction of the bundle
TIMEMORY_PYTHON_EXE string Configure the python executable to use
TIMEMORY_UPCXX_INIT bool Enable/disable timemory calling upcxx::init() during certain timemory_init(...) invocations
TIMEMORY_UPCXX_FINALIZE bool Enable/disable timemory calling upcxx::finalize() during timemory_finalize()

Available Hardware Counters

timemory-avail -H provides the list of available hardware counters for the CPU and, potentially, the GPU.

Sample output from timemory-avail -H --description --brief

PAPI_L1_DCM Level 1 data cache misses
PAPI_L1_ICM Level 1 instruction cache misses
PAPI_L2_DCM Level 2 data cache misses
PAPI_L2_ICM Level 2 instruction cache misses
PAPI_L3_DCM Level 3 data cache misses
PAPI_L3_ICM Level 3 instruction cache misses
PAPI_L1_TCM Level 1 cache misses
PAPI_L2_TCM Level 2 cache misses
PAPI_L3_TCM Level 3 cache misses
PAPI_CA_SNP Requests for a snoop
PAPI_CA_SHR Requests for exclusive access to shared cache line
PAPI_CA_CLN Requests for exclusive access to clean cache line
PAPI_CA_INV Requests for cache line invalidation
PAPI_CA_ITV Requests for cache line intervention
PAPI_L3_LDM Level 3 load misses
PAPI_L3_STM Level 3 store misses
PAPI_BRU_IDL Cycles branch units are idle
PAPI_FXU_IDL Cycles integer units are idle
PAPI_FPU_IDL Cycles floating point units are idle
PAPI_LSU_IDL Cycles load/store units are idle
PAPI_TLB_DM Data translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_TLB_IM Instruction translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_TLB_TL Total translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_L1_LDM Level 1 load misses
PAPI_L1_STM Level 1 store misses
PAPI_L2_LDM Level 2 load misses
PAPI_L2_STM Level 2 store misses
PAPI_BTAC_M Branch target address cache misses
PAPI_PRF_DM Data prefetch cache misses
PAPI_L3_DCH Level 3 data cache hits
PAPI_TLB_SD Translation lookaside buffer shootdowns
PAPI_CSR_FAL Failed store conditional instructions
PAPI_CSR_SUC Successful store conditional instructions
PAPI_CSR_TOT Total store conditional instructions
PAPI_MEM_SCY Cycles Stalled Waiting for memory accesses
PAPI_MEM_RCY Cycles Stalled Waiting for memory Reads
PAPI_MEM_WCY Cycles Stalled Waiting for memory writes
PAPI_STL_ICY Cycles with no instruction issue
PAPI_FUL_ICY Cycles with maximum instruction issue
PAPI_STL_CCY Cycles with no instructions completed
PAPI_FUL_CCY Cycles with maximum instructions completed
PAPI_HW_INT Hardware interrupts
PAPI_BR_UCN Unconditional branch instructions
PAPI_BR_CN Conditional branch instructions
PAPI_BR_TKN Conditional branch instructions taken
PAPI_BR_NTK Conditional branch instructions not taken
PAPI_BR_MSP Conditional branch instructions mispredicted
PAPI_BR_PRC Conditional branch instructions correctly predicted
PAPI_FMA_INS FMA instructions completed
PAPI_TOT_IIS Instructions issued
PAPI_TOT_INS Instructions completed
PAPI_INT_INS Integer instructions
PAPI_FP_INS Floating point instructions
PAPI_LD_INS Load instructions
PAPI_SR_INS Store instructions
PAPI_BR_INS Branch instructions
PAPI_VEC_INS Vector/SIMD instructions (could include integer)
PAPI_RES_STL Cycles stalled on any resource
PAPI_FP_STAL Cycles the FP unit(s) are stalled
PAPI_TOT_CYC Total cycles
PAPI_LST_INS Load/store instructions completed
PAPI_SYC_INS Synchronization instructions completed
PAPI_L1_DCH Level 1 data cache hits
PAPI_L2_DCH Level 2 data cache hits
PAPI_L1_DCA Level 1 data cache accesses
PAPI_L2_DCA Level 2 data cache accesses
PAPI_L3_DCA Level 3 data cache accesses
PAPI_L1_DCR Level 1 data cache reads
PAPI_L2_DCR Level 2 data cache reads
PAPI_L3_DCR Level 3 data cache reads
PAPI_L1_DCW Level 1 data cache writes
PAPI_L2_DCW Level 2 data cache writes
PAPI_L3_DCW Level 3 data cache writes
PAPI_L1_ICH Level 1 instruction cache hits
PAPI_L2_ICH Level 2 instruction cache hits
PAPI_L3_ICH Level 3 instruction cache hits
PAPI_L1_ICA Level 1 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L2_ICA Level 2 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L3_ICA Level 3 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L1_ICR Level 1 instruction cache reads
PAPI_L2_ICR Level 2 instruction cache reads
PAPI_L3_ICR Level 3 instruction cache reads
PAPI_L1_ICW Level 1 instruction cache writes
PAPI_L2_ICW Level 2 instruction cache writes
PAPI_L3_ICW Level 3 instruction cache writes
PAPI_L1_TCH Level 1 total cache hits
PAPI_L2_TCH Level 2 total cache hits
PAPI_L3_TCH Level 3 total cache hits
PAPI_L1_TCA Level 1 total cache accesses
PAPI_L2_TCA Level 2 total cache accesses
PAPI_L3_TCA Level 3 total cache accesses
PAPI_L1_TCR Level 1 total cache reads
PAPI_L2_TCR Level 2 total cache reads
PAPI_L3_TCR Level 3 total cache reads
PAPI_L1_TCW Level 1 total cache writes
PAPI_L2_TCW Level 2 total cache writes
PAPI_L3_TCW Level 3 total cache writes
PAPI_FML_INS Floating point multiply instructions
PAPI_FAD_INS Floating point add instructions
PAPI_FDV_INS Floating point divide instructions
PAPI_FSQ_INS Floating point square root instructions
PAPI_FNV_INS Floating point inverse instructions
PAPI_FP_OPS Floating point operations
PAPI_SP_OPS Floating point operations; optimized to count scaled single precision vector operations
PAPI_DP_OPS Floating point operations; optimized to count scaled double precision vector operations
PAPI_VEC_SP Single precision vector/SIMD instructions
PAPI_VEC_DP Double precision vector/SIMD instructions
PAPI_REF_CYC Reference clock cycles