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Alice Bertini edited this page Aug 30, 2016 · 11 revisions

Running post processing scripts to create diagnostics plots

Note: The [comp] option corresponds to 'atm', 'ice', 'lnd' and 'ocn'.


Run the diagnostics plotting routines in parallel. Uses the env_postprocess.xml and env_diags_[comp].xml to define behavior. Depends on the successful completion of the [comp]_averages script. The yellowstone submission commands are:
bsub < atm_diagnostics
bsub < ice_diagnostics
bsub < lnd_diagnostics
bsub < ocn_diagnostics


The [comp]_diagnostics bash wrapper script calls the [comp] python script in parallel to generate different diagnostics types and their associated plotting sets. The [comp] script parses the XML options defined in env_diags_[comp].xml to determine which plotting sets need to be created by calling the underlying associated NCL or plotting routines that correspond to a specific plot set. These NCL routines are the supported CESM Working Group diagnostics packages that have been slightly modified for inclusion in the CESM_postprocessing python framework. Only paths and environment variables have been modified with the underlying algorithms and plotting calls remaining untouched.

The diagnostics types supported include:

Atmosphere - AMWG Diagnostics Package
Test vs. Observations (includes WACCM and CAM-CHEM diagnostics) Test vs. Control (includes WACCM and CAM-CHEM diagnostics)
Land - LMWG Main Page
Model vs. Observations (includes trends) Model1 vs. Model2 (includes trends) ILAMB package (coming soon)
Sea-Ice - PCWG Main Page
Control vs. Observations (includes time series, contour, and vector plot sets) Control vs. Difference (includes time series, contour, and vector plot sets)
Ocean - OMWG Main Page
Model vs. Observations Model vs. Control Model Time series Model vs. Observations for ocean ecosystem (coming soon) Model vs. Control for ocean ecosystem (coming soon) Model Time series for ocean ecosystem (coming soon)


WG diagnostics NCL and plotting routines (included in this project)
observation input data files