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Alice Bertini edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 15 revisions

Setting up the CESM post processing case root using create_postprocess

The second setup step in running the CESM post processing tools is to create a post processing case root either as a stand-alone case or as part of an existing CESM experiment caseroot.

This step needs to be run for each unique CESM caseroot or CESM case DOUT_S_ROOT data archive.


./create_postprocess --help


[(NPL) ] [aliceb@cheyenne1:~]>create_postprocess --help usage: create_postprocess [-h] [-backtrace] [-debug DEBUG] -caseroot CASEROOT

[-cesmtag CESMTAG] [-project PROJECT] [-username USERNAME] [-add-dav ADD_DAV]

Read the necessary XML files from the postprocessing configuration system and translate them into bash scripts for batch submission of postprocessing tasks. Runtime options can be set in the XML files in the caseroot.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-backtrace, --backtrace
  show exception backtraces as extra debugging output
-debug DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
debugging verbosity level output: 0 = none, 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum. 0 is default
-caseroot CASEROOT, --caseroot CASEROOT
fully quailfied path to case root directory (required)
-cesmtag CESMTAG, --cesmtag CESMTAG
CESM repository tag (optional)
-project PROJECT, --project PROJECT
Project code (optional). This setting will override the environment variable setting.
-username USERNAME, --username USERNAME
User name (optional). Defaults to user login name.
-add-dav ADD_DAV, --add-dav ADD_DAV
Fully qualified path to the root of the CESM postprocessing virtualenv for the NCAR DAV cluster. This option sets the XML variable POSTPROCESS_PATH_DAV in env_postprocess.xml and creates all the necessary postprocessing batch scripts for the NCAR DAV Slurm manager. This option is only available when create_postprocess is run on NCAR machine cheyenne. A set of batch submission scripts in the postprocessing caseroot with the "_dav" extension are included along side the cheyenne PBS submission scripts. Example: /glade/p/cesm/postprocessing_dav. Defaults to "undefined". (optional)

The --caseroot option is mandatory and must contain a fully qualified path location to an existing CESM caseroot or a new post processing caseroot which will be created.

If an existing CESM caseroot exists, then all the post processing files are placed in a subdirectory called:


If this is a stand-alone post processing caseroot, then all the post processing files are placed at the top of the specified CASEROOT option path. The post processing caseroot environment variable is called PP_CASE_PATH. For stand-alone post processing, the CASEROOT is that same as the PP_CASE_PATH.

create_postprocess reads and parses all the XML definition files in the POSTPROCESS_PATH and creates and copies all the case specific env_*.xml and batch submission script wrappers into the PP_CASE_PATH.