Releases: NCAR/CESM_postprocessing
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.7
Bugfixes for ocn timeseries diags.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.6
- bug fix for ice "ice_vol*" symlink
- add valid_values to env_*.xml description comment
- change all postprocessing default queues to geyser in preparation
for CMIP6 runs where allocation on YS will be needed for the runs.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.5
Test and fix timeseries chunking Issue #14 - Note: a problem with CISM time units attribute still exists. LIWG working on a fix. Minor updates to hi-res ocn diags.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.4
Add "chunking" support to the timeseries generation. This addresses issue #14.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.3
Add WACCM diagnostics plot sets.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.2
bug-fix and code clean-up see commit message for details. Includes minor bug fixes for timeseries generation, atm diags, and ocn timeseries diags with new location of CPLLOGFILEPATH and
OCNLOGFILEPATH in config_diags_ocn.xml due to changes in the CIME st_archive script.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.1
Minor bug fix to lnd_diag/shared/lnd_func.ncl from Keith Oleson.
CESM_postprocessing v0.1.0
CESM python based post-processing code.
First github release migrated from SVN trunk tag:
This release does NOT include any required input data sets. Instructions and support code for
downloading the input data sets will be coming in a future tag. NCAR users can use the common locations on glade for their input data.
Please see the wiki for detailed documentation at: