This is to synchronize all files that are used in EVERY addon and never change for just a single addon. like LICENSE, actions, etc. Add any new addon to the action to ensure its kept synchronized.
To get list of all repos open terminal and type
gh repo list >>
this will provide an unsorted list of ALL repo's Owned by N6REJ
remove all non-addon repos and use notepad++ to sort listing optional
create git repository for addon
create addon in wago
get addon id from dashboard
## X-Wago-ID: xx
where xx = id # into .toc -
create addon in curseforge)
get addon id from project page in curseforge
## X-Curse-Project-ID:
xx where xx = id# into .toc -
go to repo settings and create the following Secrets -> Actions
In repo create webhook. Info is found in "github" section of wago settings.
*Use values from top of key file for key values*
- open .wow-settings repo in phpstorm & put repo url into sync.yml repo list
- Commit & push
- open addon repo in phpstorm
- pull
- make sure .packager/ and .github have been synced with the settings repo Both should have "release.yml" in workflows
- Write addon, commit, & push
- create tag using versioning
- push
- verify action was run and files were pushed to wago & curseforge
- open curseforge "manage projects" and put in git repo info.
- verify all settings and file data matches addon repo.
- open wago "settings" and sync everything from repo.
- check both dashboards and verify file(s) exist.