Weather conditions and forecasts
Get weather conditions, forecasts, expected precipitation and more! By default, it will tell you about your default location. You can also ask for other cities around the world.
Current conditions and weather forecasts come from Open Weather Map.
For hardware with Arduino support, like the Mark I, conditions are briefly shown. For hardware with GUI support, like the Mark II, there are several screens depending on your request.
The temperature is shown in Celsius or Fahrenheit depending on the preferences set in your account. You can ask specifically for a unit that differs from your configuration.
- "What is the weather?"
- "What is the weather in Houston?"
- "What is the forecast tomorrow?"
- "What is the forecast in London tomorrow?"
- "What is the weather going to be like Tuesday?"
- "What is the weather for the next three days?"
- "What is the weather this weekend?"
- "What's the temperature?"
- "What's the temperature in Paris tomorrow in Celsius?"
- "What's the high temperature tomorrow"
- "Will it be cold on Tuesday"
- "When will it rain next?"
- "How windy is it?"
- "What's the humidity?"
- "Is it going to snow?"
- "Is it going to snow in Baltimore?"
- "When is the sunset?"
Mycroft AI (@MycroftAI)
#weather #forecast #rain #humidity #snow #temperature