Code for using Dear ImGui solution with Unity
realgamessoftware - Original Repo
mattmanj17 - Forked Repo
Forked repo fixes an issue from Unity version 2020.1.0b4: realgamessoftware/dear-imgui-unity#28
- Add package from this git URL:
- Add a DearImGui component to one of the objects in the scene.
- Create 'Ini Settings Asset' and 'Font Atlas Config Asset' in the project folder.
- Add custom fonts to the 'StreamingAssets' folder and link it up to the 'Font Atlas Config Asset'.
- Change the 'Font pixel' in the 'Font Atlas Config Asset', to scale up the font size.
- When using the Universal Render Pipeline, add a Render Im Gui Feature render feature to the renderer asset. Assign it to the render feature field of the DearImGui component.
- Subscribe to the ImGuiUn.Layout event and use ImGui functions.
- Example script:
using UnityEngine;
using ImGuiNET;
public class DearImGuiDemo : MonoBehaviour
void OnEnable()
ImGuiUn.Layout += OnLayout;
void OnDisable()
ImGuiUn.Layout -= OnLayout;
void OnLayout()
using ImGuiNET;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class DearImGuiDemoWindow : MonoBehaviour
private static UnityAction OnUpdateLighting;
private static UnityAction OnLoadGame;
private static UnityAction OnSaveGame;
private void OnEnable() => ImGuiUn.Layout += OnLayout;
private void OnDisable() => ImGuiUn.Layout -= OnLayout;
private static readonly Vector4 TEXT_COLOR = new(1f, 0.8f, 0f, 1.0f);
private float m_Timeline = 0.5f;
private System.TimeSpan m_Time = System.TimeSpan.FromHours(12.0f);
private string m_Username = string.Empty;
private string m_Password = string.Empty;
private Vector3 m_SunColor = new(1.0f, 0.9f, 0f);
private bool m_WindowEnabled = false;
private bool m_EnableDayAndNightCycle = true;
private int m_DragInt = 0;
private int m_AccountCount = 0;
private bool m_ShowImGuiDemoWindow;
private static uint s_tab_bar_flags = (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.Reorderable;
static bool[] s_opened = { true, true, true, true }; // Persistent user state
* DearImGui
* Manual -
private void OnLayout()
// Begins ImGui window
if (!ImGui.Begin("Game Manager",
ref m_WindowEnabled,
ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Day And Night Cycle", ref m_EnableDayAndNightCycle);
// Make a float slider (label, value, min, max)
if (ImGui.SliderFloat("Time [%]", ref m_Timeline, 0f, 1f) && m_EnableDayAndNightCycle)
m_Time = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(m_Timeline * 86400f);
// Display text of current in-game time
ImGui.TextColored(TEXT_COLOR, $"In-game Time: {m_Time:hh\\:mm}");
// Create color editor for Vector3
ImGui.ColorEdit3("Sun Color", ref m_SunColor);
// Creates a menu bar
if (ImGui.BeginMenuBar())
if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File"))
if (ImGui.MenuItem("Open", shortcut: "Ctrl+O"))
Debug.Log("Opening a file...");
if (ImGui.MenuItem("Save", shortcut: "Ctrl+S"))
Debug.Log("Saving a file...");
if (ImGui.MenuItem("Close", shortcut: "Ctrl+W"))
m_WindowEnabled = false;
Debug.Log("Closing this window...");
if (ImGui.Button("Load Game"))
Debug.Log("Loading the game...");
if (ImGui.Button("Save Game"))
Debug.Log("Saving the game...");
if (ImGui.Button("Create Account"))
Debug.Log("Creating account...");
ImGui.SameLine(0, -1);
ImGui.Text($"Account Count = {m_AccountCount}");
// Create input field (label, value, maxLength [uint])
ImGui.InputText("Username", ref m_Username, maxLength: 12u);
ImGui.InputText("Password", ref m_Password, maxLength: 16u);
ImGui.Text($"Mouse position: {ImGui.GetMousePos()}");
// Display contents in a scrolling region
ImGui.TextColored(TEXT_COLOR, "Important Stuff");
for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++)
ImGui.Text($"{n:0000}: Some text");
// Generate samples and plot them
float[] samples = new float[100];
for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
samples[n] = Mathf.Sin((float)(n * 0.2f + ImGui.GetTime() * 1.5f));
ImGui.PlotLines("Samples", ref samples[0], 100);
ImGui.DragInt("Draggable Int", ref m_DragInt);
float framerate = ImGui.GetIO().Framerate;
ImGui.Text($"Application average {1000.0f / framerate:0.##} ms/frame ({framerate:0.#} FPS)");
if (m_ShowImGuiDemoWindow)
// Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway.
// Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(650, 20), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver);
ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(ref m_ShowImGuiDemoWindow);
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Tabs"))
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Basic"))
ImGuiTabBarFlags tab_bar_flags = ImGuiTabBarFlags.None;
if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("MyTabBar", tab_bar_flags))
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Avocado"))
ImGui.Text("This is the Avocado tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Broccoli"))
ImGui.Text("This is the Broccoli tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Cucumber"))
ImGui.Text("This is the Cucumber tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Advanced & Close Button"))
// Expose a couple of the available flags. In most cases you may just call BeginTabBar() with no flags (0).
ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_Reorderable", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.Reorderable);
ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_AutoSelectNewTabs", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.AutoSelectNewTabs);
ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton);
if ((s_tab_bar_flags & (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask) == 0)
s_tab_bar_flags |= (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyDefault;
if (ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyResizeDown))
s_tab_bar_flags &= ~((uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask ^ (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyResizeDown);
if (ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyScroll))
s_tab_bar_flags &= ~((uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask ^ (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyScroll);
// Tab Bar
string[] names = { "Artichoke", "Beetroot", "Celery", "Daikon" };
for (int n = 0; n < s_opened.Length; n++)
if (n > 0) { ImGui.SameLine(); }
ImGui.Checkbox(names[n], ref s_opened[n]);
// Passing a bool* to BeginTabItem() is similar to passing one to Begin(): the underlying bool will be set to false when the tab is closed.
if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("MyTabBar", (ImGuiTabBarFlags)s_tab_bar_flags))
for (int n = 0; n < s_opened.Length; n++)
if (s_opened[n] && ImGui.BeginTabItem(names[n], ref s_opened[n]))
ImGui.Text($"This is the {names[n]} tab!");
if ((n & 1) != 0)
ImGui.Text("I am an odd tab.");
// Ends ImGui window
Dear ImGui Manual In C++
realgamessoftware - Original Repo
mattmanj17 - Forked Repo
ImGui.NET - Repo
cimgui - Repo
imgui - 'Creator' Repo
This package uses Dear ImGui C bindings by cimgui and the C# wrapper by ImGui.NET.
The development project for the package can be found at .