All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project (attempts to) adhere to Semantic Versioning.
- Handle .faa files from other programs besides prodigal
- More parsing of | characters, and warnings when they're present
- Remove redundencies in b6 when loading (keep the one with the lowest e-value)
- Add "SkipGenes"
- Add an "--update" option to tax_collector
- Update the README a tiny bit
- Change default to group rather than species
- so dumb
- change how works
- fix dumb bug with wrong name of
- tax_collector now correctly produces "tsv" files
- added ""; we'll see how it does
- Allow tax_collector to accept an .stb file
- Changes to the README to make it actually reflect what it can do
- Updates to allow it to process files created using the diamond pipeline
- program "" works again (bug fix with regards to pandas merge update)
- TaxIDs are now internally stored as floats in some places (when np.nan values can be there)
- very minor documentation added
- program "" works again
- program "" added to bin
- the beast is born