None of the technical challenges presented in this guide were solved, either for the first time or in an especially new or interesting way, by the author. This guide is simply a presentation of other people's wisdom and best practices organized in such a way as to useful both as a repository of notes as we transitioned to Docker in the cloud, and for anyone trying to get into the world of containerized CF deployment for the first time.
As such, this guide would not be possible without the assistance, whether directly to the authors or through their publications, of the following persons and organizations:
- Ortus Solutions, especially their Docker Roadshow, but also for making containerized CF possible (well in advance of Adobe) with Commandbox and CFConfig
- Gavin Pickin and Jon Clausen at Ortus for fielding numerous questions about hosting and deployment strategies
- The regulars on the CFML Slack for offering opinions, answering questions, and contributing to best practices