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File metadata and controls

189 lines (143 loc) · 5.49 KB


A RESTful API built on top of a legacy MySQL database with CRUDs, OAUTH2 authentication and authorization-based access provided by JSON Web Tokens.

e_commerce is a development project built with Maven v3.6.2, Spring Boot v2.7.13, Hibernate v5.6.5 and Java SDK v8.


Database diagram

MariaDB (MySQL) v10.4.28 provided by XAMPP v8.2.4 has been configured as the default persistence provider.

A legacy MySQL database formerly used for educational purposes has been expanded and tuned to include authentication details and triggers to automatically create order numbers and to determine the total price by summing up the cost of the items net of any discounts.

Development Setup

1. Create (and seed) the database

Assuming you access your MySQL server via phpMyAdmin, just import the provided e_commerce_FULL.sql file from the main page. Make sure you're not selecting any database, as this file will take care of creating a database named ' e_commerce' and populate it with tables and sample data.

If you'd rather starting clean, you can opt to import the database structure without any data by importing the provided e_commerce_STRUCTURE.sql instead.

2. Create an OpenSSL RSA key pair

On Linux and WSL, you can generate a RSA Key Pair by executing the provided bash script:

    $ cd src/main/resources/certs
    $ chmod +x
    $ ./

This script requires the openssl package to be installed.

I suggest you search how to create a OpenSSL RSA key pair if using another operating system.

3. Enter server details

If you're using a vanilla XAMPP installation, these properties should already reflect the default settings, so you can skip this part.

In the provided src/main/resources/ configuration file, enter the username and password for your MySQL server by editing the spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password. Ensure that the port defined in spring.datasource.url is correct.

You can change Tomcat's server port by uncommenting the server.port property and changing its value.

4. Start the server

Open the project from your favourite IDE, let it update Maven dependencies and run the application. The application will start listening on http://localhost:8080.

5. Register a user

Assuming the application is running on port 8080, use your favorite local API platform, like curl or ThunderClient to send a POST request with a User payload to http://localhost:8080/api/auth/register


  "username": "mr_rossi",
  "password": "password123",
  "anagrafica": {
    "nome": "Mario",
    "cognome": "Rossi",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "telefono": "3333333333",
    "indirizzo": "Via Roma",
    "cap": "00100",
    "citta": "Roma",
    "provincia": "RM"
  "ruoli": [
      "id": 3

You can set one or more ROLEs to your user by adding one (or more) object(s) containing the "id" property to the ruoli property:

  • ID 1 grants ADMINISTRATOR authorities
  • ID 2 grants SELLER authorities
  • ID 3 grants CUSTOMER authorities

6. Login

Send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/api/auth/register with a login payload.


  "username": "mr_rossi",
  "password": "password123"

If the authentication is successful, you will be issued a JWT.


  "jwt-token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImlzcyI6ImVjb21tZXJjZSIsImlhdCI6MTY5MDgzNzE5OSwiZXhwIjoxNjkwODQwNzk5LCJyb2xlcyI6WyJBTU1JTklTVFJBVE9SRSIsIlZFTkRJVE9SRSJdLCJhdWQiOiJlY29tbWVyY2UifQ.v8PZDtXEK7c5Lg-Vroy0MP_57gLhI-USCIjEiWHIvcjAGDlRaPniaDaKME7uBbV46DBXlnYYtA_B7LnQWrwWnvzpstZe49IjFQU-yn441oZkCm9aQ3K9TaqEIUDnqzW_6YQKkX6UwrpH18Yg7D96YRZgD2WQIRtsLaYwjLZCSGpUstp6iNgAiRMtdrWVF5Uo_KtC6TIBn7etnmYeHn2x0PS1Op0uqSaUkJtbhmFfj2XoHObJMIOw26PR5gpISXJUHEoYN8aPgJ2lqZTG0O-8Yy6W0hhBb0c3xuia0up9VaNXKK-ZpfZo_GHY3Ym2pufqoa3RNZRJxXXDFlBDbftGRQ"

The "jwt-token" value is the JWT you will use as Authentication Bearer header in your CRUD requests.

By default, the token you will get will expire in 60 minutes.


Check out the src/main/java/it/ecommerce/controller class files for a complete list of paths and their related HTTP methods.

Example: Adding a New Product

Send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/api/articoli with a payload formatted as such:

  "marca": {
    "id": 96
  "sottocategoria": {
    "id": 222
  "modello": "ITHDD3000X",
  "nome": "Hard Drive 3 TB",
  "prezzo": 100.0,
  "scontoPerUnita": 3.0,
  "giacenza": 20,
  "giacenzaMinima": 5,
  "descrizione": "Hard disk interno SATA3 da 3 terabyte"

Example: Placing an Order

Send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/api/ordini with a payload formatted as such:

  "cliente": {
    "id": 8
  "indirizzo": {
    "id": 5
  "spedizione": {
    "id": 3
  "note": {
    "nota": "Nuovo inserimento"
  "dettagli": [
      "quantita": 21,
      "articolo": {
        "id": 456
      "quantita": 1,
      "articolo": {
        "id": 11371


The e_commerce_FULL.sql file contains example data and does not include any information related to real people or businesses. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or businesses, is purely coincidental.