This document provides detailed steps to build the Spark Dialect Extension from the source code.
Before you start, ensure you have the following installed:
- Java: Java 8 or higher. Java Installation Guide
- Gradle: Gradle Installation Guide
To compile the project and generate a JAR file, run the following command in the project's root directory:
./gradlew crossBuildV212Jar crossBuildV213Jar
This command compiles the source code and packages it into a .jar files located in the build/libs
This section describes how to run Scala tests for the Spark Dialect Extension.
Before running the tests, you need to start the necessary database services using Docker Compose:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d
To run the Scala tests, execute:
./gradlew test
After the tests, you can view the coverage report by opening the build/reports/tests/test/index.html
file in your web browser.
After completing the tests, you can stop the Docker containers with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down
To format all Scala source files in the project, execute the following command from the project's root directory:
./gradlew scalafmtAll
To lint and refactor the code, run Scalafix using the following command:
./gradlew scalafix
This command checks the code against various rules specified in the .scalafix.conf
file and applies fixes where possible.
- Checkout to
branch and update it to the actual state
git checkout develop
git pull -p
- Copy version (it must start with v, e.g. v1.0.0)
VERSION=$(./gradlew -q printVersion)
- Commit and push changes to
git add .
git commit -m "Prepare for release ${VERSION}"
git push
- Merge
branch tomaster
, WITHOUT squashing
git checkout master
git pull
git merge develop
git push
- Add git tag to the latest commit in
git tag "$VERSION"
git push origin "$VERSION"
- Update version in
branch after release:
git checkout develop
NEXT_VERSION=$(echo "$VERSION" | awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF++;print}' OFS=.)
sed -i "s/version = \".*\"/version = \"$NEXT_VERSION\"/" build.gradle
git add .
git commit -m "Bump version"
git push