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File metadata and controls

121 lines (107 loc) · 4.94 KB

Data structure on DNAnexus and AWS GenomeArk


  • Each bulletin points are folder names,
    • with each daughter folders/files shown below
File names with extensions are provided in this block.

Once we visit a VGP project, the top level folders are expected to have:

  • genomic_data
  • assembly_[pipeline]_[ver]
  • assembly_curated
  • assembly_MT
  • transcriptomic_data

Full sub-folders and files

  • genomic_data

    • pacbio
      <movie>.scraps.bam (Optional for running QC plots)
    • 10x
    • bionano [platform=Irys|Saphyr]
    • arima
      re_bases.txt	(ex. GATC,GANTC)
    • illumina (Optional)
  • assembly_[pipeline]_[ver] (pipeline: vgp_standard, cambridge, ...)

    • intermediates
      • falcon_unzip        FALCON unzip intermediate files
      • purge_haplotigs       purge_haplotigs intermediate files
      • scaff10x          Scaff10X intermediate files
      • bionano           Bionano TGH intermediate files
      • salsa             Salsa intermediate files
      • arrow            Arrow polishing intermediate files
      • longer_freebayes_round1    Longranger freebayes polishing intermediate files (round1)
      • longer_freebayes_round2    Longranger freebayes polishing intermediate files (round2)
      • ...
      <genome_id>_c1.fasta.gz	Pacbio FALCON-Unzip assembly primary contigs (haplotype 1)
      <genome_id>_c2.fasta.gz	Pacbio FALCON-Unzip assembly associated haplotigs (haplotype 2)
      <genome_id>_p1.fasta.gz	purge_haplotigs curated primary assembly (taking c1 as input)
      <genome_id>_p2.fasta.gz	purge_haplotigs curated haplotigs (purged out from c1)
      <genome_id>_q2.fasta.gz	c2 + q2 for future polishing
      <genome_id>_s1.fasta.gz	2-rounds of scaff10x; scaffolding p1.fasta
      <genome_id>_s2.fasta.gz	Bionano TGH; hybrid scaffold of 2 enzymes over s1.fasta
      <genome_id>_s3.fasta.gz	Salsa scaffolding with Arima hiC libraries over s2.fasta
      <genome_id>_t1.fasta.gz	Arrow polishing over s3 + q2
      <genome_id>_t2.fasta.gz	1 round of longranger_freebayes polishing over t1.fasta
      <genome_id>_t3.fasta.gz	2nd round of longranger_freebayes polishing over t2.fasta
    <genome_id>.pri.asm.YYYYMMDD.fasta.gz       Final assembly (primary)
    <genome_id>.alt.asm.YYYYMMDD.fasta.gz       Final assembly (alternate haplotigs)
  • assembly_curated

    <genome_id>.pri.cur.YYYYMMDD.fasta.gz       Final curated assembly (primary)
    <genome_id>.alt.cur.YYYYMMDD.fasta.gz       Final curated assembly (alternate haplotigs)
    <genome_id>.pri.cur.YYYYMMDD.agp            Chromosome assignments for <genome_id>.pri.cur.YYYYMMDD.fasta.gz
    <genome_id>.pri.cur.YYYYMMDD.MT.fasta.gz    Mitochondrial genome assembly (optional)
  • transcriptomic_data

    • [tissue]{#}
      • pacbio
        <genome_id>_hq_isoforms_#.#.bam (processed iso-seq file)
      • illumina

Detailed intermediate assembly names and rules for v1

intermediate_name full_verbal description
c1 pac_fcnz_hap1 pac_fcnz_hap1: Pacbio FALCON-Unzip assembly primary contigs
c2 pac_fcnz_hap2 pac_fcnz_hap2: Pacbio FALCON-Unzip assembly alternate haplotigs
p1 pac_fcnz_hap1_purg_prim prim: purge_haplotigs curated primary
p2 pac_fcnz_hap1_purg_alt purg: purged haplotigs
q2 pac_fcnz_hap2_pac_fcnz_hap1_purg_alt concatinate c2 and q2, with '|' replaced to '_'
s1 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x scaff10x: 2-rounds of scaff10x
s2 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x_bio_tgh tgh: bionano TGH; hybrid scaffold of 2 enzymes. Make sure to include the NOT_SCAFFOLDED leftovers.
s3 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x_bio_tgh_arim_salsa arim_salsa: maximum 5-round of Salsa scaffolding from Arima hiC libraries
s4 s3_q2 intermediate file generated with s3 + q2
t1 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x_bio_tgh_arim_salsa_arrow arrow: arrow polishing with gap filling on s4
t2 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x_bio_tgh_arim_salsa_arrow_frb1 longranger + freebayes polishing round 1
t3 pac_fcnz_hap1_10x_scaff10x_bio_tgh_arim_salsa_arrow_frb2 longranger + freebayes polishing round 2