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File metadata and controls

97 lines (83 loc) · 7.29 KB

GBF Asset Lookup

Web page to search for Granblue Fantasy assets.
Click Here to access it.

Updater Requirements

  • Python 3.11.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt in a command prompt.
  • See requirements.txt for a list of third-party modules.


There are two pages:

  • The Asset Lookup, to search assets, consisting of one HTML, one javascript and one css files.
  • The Spark Maker, for users to keep track of their "spark", which has its own HTML, javascript and css files too, on top of reusing the Asset Lookup javascript and css files.


These pages are static and are currently hosted on Github Pages, but it can technically be hosted anywhere.


Two of the JSON files in the json folder are the core of the system:

  • changelog.json is the first file loaded upon opening the page. It contains the timestamp of the last update and a list of recently updated elements.
  • data.json is loaded next and contains the data used to catalog all the assets, and more.

Others JSON files are used for debug or update purpose:

More JSON files not specified here might appear in this folder, for development or testing purpose.

This script is in charge of updating the JSON files.


Using it can be time and bandwidth consuming.

Running python without any parameters will give you an up-to-date list of parameters, but here's a description of them at the time of writing this README: Start parameters:

  • -wait: Wait for GBF to update before running.
  • -nochange: Disable changes to changelog.json "new" list.
  • -stats: Display data.json statistics before quitting.

Action parameters (Only one of those can be used at a time):

  • -run: Look for new content. If new content is found, it will automatically run -update, -event, -thumb, -relation and -lookup. Can append a list of element to -update.
  • -update: Update the content for specified IDs. Example usage: python 3040000000 3040001000 to update those two characters. Usable with all ten digit IDs, boss IDs and indexed background IDs. It will run -lookup after.
  • -job: Check for new MC jobs. Time consuming and not always accurate.
  • -jobedit: Open the JOB EDIT CLI, allowing you to manually edit the job data.
  • -lookup: Force update the lookup table. Time consuming.
  • -lookupfix: Open a CLI to manually add lookup data to elements without any. Last resort option.
  • -scenenpc: Update scene datas for NPCs. Very time consuming.
  • -scenechara: Update scene datas for characters. Very time consuming.
  • -sceneskin: Update scene datas for outfits. Very time consuming.
  • -scenefull: Update scene datas for characters, outfits and NPCs. Very time consuming.
  • -scenesort: Sort scene datas for every elements. It's called automatically in most cases but this is a way to trigger it manually.
  • -thumb: Check thumbnail data for NPCs.
  • -sound: Update sound datas for characters, outfits and NPCs. Very time consuming.
  • -partner: Update all partner datas. Very time consuming.
  • -enemy: Update all enemy datas. Time consuming.
  • -missingnpc: Update all missing npc datas. Time consuming.
  • -adduncap: Add a list of element ID and they will automatically be checked the next time -run or -update is used.
  • -addpending: Add a list of character/skin/npc ID to the pending list for scene/sound updates.
  • -runpending: Run scene/sound updates for the pending lists of character/skin/npc IDs. Can be Time consuming.
  • -story: Update main story datas. Can add all to update existing chapters and/or a number to limit set manually the last chapter number.
  • -event: Update event datas. Time consuming.
  • -eventedit: Open the EVENT EDIT CLI, allowing you to add event thumbnail, update skycompass arts and more.
  • -buff: Update all buff datas. Time consuming.
  • -bg: Update all background datas. Time consuming.


For an "every day" use case, you'll only need to:
Use -run after game updates.
Use -update for element uncaps or if an older NPC got new arts, with their IDs.
Use -eventedit if a new event didn't get its thumbnail automatically set.
Use -job and -jobedit when new MC classes or skins are released to find and set their datas.


For maintenance purpose, you might need, once in a while, to:
Use -lookup to manually update the lookup table. It's usually called automatically after -update.
Use -scenefull or its variants to update specific scene files. For example, if a new file name has been noticed to be missing, you can add the related suffixes in to SCENE_SUFFIXES and then run -scenefull followed by the suffix to only search for those files and save on time and bandwidth. This commands supports resuming.
Use -sound to update sound files. Unlike -scenefull, you can't search for specific files but you can set IDs to update. Or you can update_chara_sound_file_prep in to reduce the scope to certain files and save time. This commands supports resuming.
Use -buff to update old buffs with their new variants.


You can pause with a simple CTRL+C. It opens a CLI letting you save, exit or resume with text commands.
It'll also show you the current number of cleared tasks.
This number can be provided to some commands (like -scenefull and -sound) to resume later.


For example, let's say you must stop -scenefull. Do CTRL+C. Type save to save any pending changes.
Take note of the current State shown. For our example, let's say it's 3547/11763.
If you wish to resume this command later, you can do python -scenefull 3500, plus whatever other parameters you used for that command.
Due to the asynchronous nature of the script, always use a slightly lower number (3500 for 3547 in this example) to be sure to catch any non completed tasks.

Additional Notes

  • Use one of the server scripts to start a Python HTTP server and test the project locally, in your web browser.
  • Or, on other OS, just run python-m http.server in a terminal, in the project folder.
  • GBFAP is the sister project, dealing with character animations.
  • For developers, I documented some things in this file.