From 1806685ee5a0d6d650317dec6e4b72427705fd0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Oleksandr Kononenko Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 20:53:48 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Add helmbundle and context for Keystone federation tests Related-Prod: PRODX-45834 Change-Id: Ib00e2f05b0cd1b413f729f84504774784e0cc5ec --- .../core-ceph-local-non-dvr-federation.yaml | 124 ++++++ release/3rd-party/50-iam-extra.yaml | 403 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 527 insertions(+) create mode 100644 examples/osdpl/core-ceph-local-non-dvr-federation.yaml create mode 100644 release/3rd-party/50-iam-extra.yaml diff --git a/examples/osdpl/core-ceph-local-non-dvr-federation.yaml b/examples/osdpl/core-ceph-local-non-dvr-federation.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2084d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/osdpl/core-ceph-local-non-dvr-federation.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +apiVersion: +kind: OpenStackDeployment +metadata: + name: osh-dev + namespace: openstack + labels: {} + annotations: {} +spec: + openstack_version: victoria + preset: compute + size: tiny + internal_domain_name: cluster.local + public_domain_name: + features: + services: + - cloudprober + ssl: + public_endpoints: + api_cert: |- + # Update server certificate content + api_key: |- + # Update server private key content + ca_cert: |- + # Update CA certificate content + neutron: + tunnel_interface: ens3 + external_networks: + - physnet: physnet1 + interface: veth-phy + bridge: br-ex + network_types: + - flat + vlan_ranges: null + mtu: null + floating_network: + enabled: True + physnet: physnet1 + subnet: + range: + pool_start: + pool_end: + gateway: + nova: + console: + spice: + enabled: true + novnc: + tls: + enabled: true + live_migration_interface: ens3 + libvirt: + tls: + enabled: true + images: + backend: local + messaging: + notifications: + external: + enabled: true + topics: + - external-consumer-A + # TODO(vsaienko): enable when 34580 is fixed + # - external-consumer-b + - ec-a + - ec-A + keystone: + keycloak: + enabled: false + federation: + openid: + enabled: true + oidc: + OIDCOAuthSSLValidateServer: "On" + OIDCSSLValidateServer: "On" + OIDCScope: "openid email profile" + oidc_auth_type: oauth2 + providers: + k1: + enabled: true + description: First Keycloak provider + issuer: + token_endpoint: + metadata: + client: + client_id: os + conf: {} + provider: + value_from: + from_url: + url: + oauth2: + OAuth2TokenVerify: jwks_uri jwks_uri.ssl_verify=false + token_endpoint: + k2: + enabled: true + description: Second Keycloak provider + issuer: + metadata: + client: + client_id: os2 + conf: {} + provider: + value_from: + from_url: + url: + oauth2: + OAuth2TokenVerify: jwks_uri jwks_uri.ssl_verify=false + token_endpoint: + # enabled services and their specific configuration + services: + networking: + neutron: + values: + conf: + neutron: + DEFAULT: + global_physnet_mtu: 1480 + orchestration: + heat: + values: + conf: + heat: + clients_heat: + insecure: true diff --git a/release/3rd-party/50-iam-extra.yaml b/release/3rd-party/50-iam-extra.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29345ca --- /dev/null +++ b/release/3rd-party/50-iam-extra.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Namespace +metadata: + name: iam-extra +--- +apiVersion: v1 +data: +# Keycloak password is ChangeMe123 and have to be changed in production deployment + keycloak_password: Q2hhbmdlTWUxMjM= + keycloakCA.pem: 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 +# registration_api_token have to be chnaged in production chase deployment + registration_api_token: ZjlmMDM4MDI4ZjgyNTZhMjk4NjEyYjBkNTk3ZmQxNWFjNGVjZjMwZGU3ODEwZGFiMmMxZDQ0YjcxMDdmNzVjNA== + server.crt: IA== + server.pem: IA== +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: iam-api-secrets + namespace: iam-extra +type: Opaque +--- +apiVersion: +kind: HelmBundle +metadata: + name: openstack-iam-extra + namespace: osh-system +spec: + repositories: + - name: mirantis-iam + url: "" + releases: + - name: openstack-iam + chart: mirantis-iam/iam + version: 2.5.7 + helmV3: true + namespace: iam-extra + values: + global: + dockerBaseUrl: + helmBaseUrl: + keycloak: + realm: + name: "iam-extra" + realmRoles: + k8s_managed_cluster_admin: + name: "m:k8s:managed@cluster-admin" + description: "K8S test role" + realmGroups: + oscore-eng: + name: "oscore-eng" + path: "/oscore-eng" + attributes: {} + realmRoles: + - "m:os2@admin" + clientRoles: {} + subGroups: [] + clients: + - clientId: "k8s" + name: "m:k8s" + publicClient: "true" + directAccessGrantsEnabled: "true" + redirectUris: + - "http://localhost:8000/" + - "http://localhost:8000" + protocolMappers: + - name: "k8s" + protocolMapper: "oidc-audience-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "id.token.claim": "false" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "included.client.audience": "k8s" + + - name: "username" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "username" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "preferred_username" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "iam_roles" + protocolMapper: "script-iam-mapper.js" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "multivalued": "true" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_roles" + + - name: "email verified" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "emailVerified" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email_verified" + "jsonType.label": "boolean" + + - name: "email" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "email" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - clientId: "os2" + name: "m:os2" + publicClient: "true" + implicitFlowEnabled: "true" + directAccessGrantsEnabled: "true" + adminUrl: '' + baseUrl: '' + webOrigins: + - '' + - '' + redirectUris: + - '' + - '*' + protocolMappers: + - name: "iam_roles" + protocolMapper: "script-iam-mapper.js" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "multivalued": "true" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_roles" + + - name: "Client ID" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usersessionmodel-note-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "user.session.note": "clientId" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "clientId" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "Client IP Address" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usersessionmodel-note-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "user.session.note": "clientAddress" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "clientAddress" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "iam_email" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "user.attribute": "email" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_email" + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + + - name: "iam_username" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "user.attribute": "username" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_username" + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + + - clientId: "kaas" + name: "m:kaas" + publicClient: "true" + directAccessGrantsEnabled: "true" + redirectUris: + - "http://localhost:8000/" + - "http://localhost:8000" + protocolMappers: + - name: "username" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "username" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "preferred_username" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "iam_roles" + protocolMapper: "script-iam-mapper.js" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "multivalued": "true" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_roles" + + - name: "email verified" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "emailVerified" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email_verified" + "jsonType.label": "boolean" + + - name: "email" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "email" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - clientId: "iam" + name: "m:iam" + publicClient: "true" + directAccessGrantsEnabled: "true" + implicitFlowEnabled: "true" + redirectUris: + - "http://localhost:8000/" + - "http://localhost:8000" + protocolMappers: + - name: "username" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "username" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "preferred_username" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "iam_roles" + protocolMapper: "script-iam-mapper.js" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "multivalued": "true" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_roles" + + - name: "email verified" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "emailVerified" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email_verified" + "jsonType.label": "boolean" + + - name: "email" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "email" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - clientId: "sl" + name: "m:sl" + publicClient: "true" + directAccessGrantsEnabled: "true" + implicitFlowEnabled: "true" + redirectUris: + - "http://localhost:5001/" + - "http://localhost:5001" + - "http://localhost:5002/" + - "http://localhost:5002" + - "http://localhost:5003/" + - "http://localhost:5003" + - "http://localhost:5004/" + - "http://localhost:5004" + - "http://localhost:5005/" + - "http://localhost:5005" + + protocolMappers: + - name: "stacklight" + protocolMapper: "oidc-audience-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "included.client.audience": "sl" + "id.token.claim": "false" + "access.token.claim": "true" + + - name: "username" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "username" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "preferred_username" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + - name: "iam_roles" + protocolMapper: "script-iam-mapper.js" + protocol: "openid-connect" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "multivalued": "true" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "iam_roles" + + - name: "email verified" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "emailVerified" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email_verified" + "jsonType.label": "boolean" + + - name: "email" + protocol: "openid-connect" + protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper" + config: + "userinfo.token.claim": "true" + "user.attribute": "email" + "id.token.claim": "true" + "access.token.claim": "true" + "": "email" + "jsonType.label": "String" + + initUsers: + # these ones are for testing, remove them in production + writer2: + # writer password is password + username: writer2 + passwordSalt: "eRV7Mqct4IGGorsunKwjZA==" + passwordHash: "5jXw+YMUHOgDeJsINHQ1btwaz1ZiGixfLAaTfxFo3piu6A82+Jh/KuafShO56D87xvn4F2cqFRTRNlqpf33Vsw==" + email: "writer2@kaas.local" + realmRoles: + - "m:kaas@writer" + - "m:os2@admin" + mariadb: + volume: + enabled: true + class_name: lvp-fake-root + manifests: + secret_dbadmin_password: true + secret_sst_password: true + service: + type: LoadBalancer + keycloak: + persistence: + deployMariadb: true + dbVendor: mariadb + pvc: + enabled: false + ingress: + enabled: false + annotations: +# "true" +# HTTP +# "true" + "true" + iam-ingress + hosts: + - "" + tls: + - hosts: + - "" + secretName: tls-keycloak + extraVolumeMounts: | + - name: secrets + mountPath: /etc/x509/https/tls.crt + readOnly: true + subPath: server.crt + - name: secrets + mountPath: /etc/x509/https/tls.key + readOnly: true + subPath: server.pem + api: + enabled: false