Library for Mindustry plugins and mods for convenient, safe and easy command registering.
// Imports omitted
public class MyMod extends Mod {
private static final MandatorySingleKey<Player> target = MandatoryKey.single("target");
private static final MandatoryKey<String> text = MandatoryKey.variadic("text");
private final CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager();
public void registerServerCommands(CommandHandler handler) {
// creating command 'echo' with parameters '<text...>'
.description("Simple command to print specified text to log.")
.handler(ctx -> {
String message = ctx.get(text);
ctx.messageService().sendMessage("echo: {0}", message);
public void registerClientCommands(CommandHandler handler) {
// creating command to send message to specified player
// /whisper will be alias for this command
.description("Write direct message for player.")
// Allow to search players by ignoring case and colors in nick
.withOptions(SearchOption.IGNORE_CASE, SearchOption.STRIP_COLORS_AND_GLYPHS))
.handler(ctx -> {
Player targetPlayer = ctx.get(target);
String message = ctx.get(text);
String author = ctx.player().coloredName();
ctx.messageService().sendMessage(targetPlayer, "[accent](DM)[white] {0}[accent]:[white] {1}", author, message);