Gegevensveld | Waarde |
Osiriscode | BFVH4APPD |
ECTS | 3 |
Toetsvorm | Computertentamen |
Minimum cijfer | 5,5 |
Docent(en) | NOMI |
Contactpersoon | NOMI |
Voertaal | Nederlands |
You will learn about the following concepts and techniques, and how to apply them:
- What the concept agile means and how to apply its principles to your own development work
- Object-oriented design principles, including Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism and the SOLID principles
- Being able to apply streaming processing using Java 8 features: Streams and Lambdas (and functional programming)
- The most important Object-oriented Design Patterns
- Understanding UML diagrams
- Designing, writing and running JUnit tests
This course deals with some more advanced Java (OO) design aspects.
Assessment This course is assessed through a practical assessment scheduled in the examination weeks. It includes several programming assignments covering these aspects:
- JUnit testing
- Refactoring to OO design principles
- Implementing a design pattern
- Creating Lambda's and stream operations
Course program
- Optioneel: Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
- Blackboard course thema 11
- Hoor/werkcolleges
It is advised to take the courses "Introduction to Java programming" and "Web-based information systems" first, since this course uses Java and development tools in its examples and builds on the concepts introduced therein.
- A basic knowledge of Java and (Java) web technology.