Gegevensveld | Waarde |
Osiriscode | BFVH3TH8 |
ECTS | 5 |
Toetsvorm | Opdracht |
Minimum cijfer | 5,5 |
Docent(en) | FEFE |
Contactpersoon | FEFE |
Voertaal | Nederlands |
- Begrijpen wat wiskundige modellen zijn en wat de relatie is tot de werkelijkheid
- Kunnen interpreteren van stelsels differentiaal vergelijkingen
- Stelsels differentiaal vergelijkingen kunnen opstellen en oplossen door simulatie in R
- Begrijpen hoe aanpassingen in de uitgangssituatie en model parameters doorwerken in de resultaten
- Resultaten van simulaties grafisch kunnen weergeven en interpreteren.
In this course you will be introduced to modelling biological systems using computer simulations. You will learn about the relations between reality, experiments and models, how to describe biological systems as mathematical models that can be simulated, and how to interpret the results. For the main assignment, you will search scientific literature for a systems biology study on a topic of your interest and repeat the study in R. The assignments are performed in couples. Larger teams are allowed for the final assignment for more complex systems. In this course, the following topics will be dealt with:
- Modelling and simulation.
- Differential equations.
- Dynamics, convergence and equilibrium.
- Setting up and running simulations using R.
- Searching, reading (and writing) scientific articles.
Literature will comprise of review articles on methods within the context of ODE and system biology, research papers demonstrating the application in a particular research project, and background literature. All materials can be found at
Web Blackboard course thema 8 and
1(II), 2(II), 3(II), 4(II), 5(II), 6(II), 7(II), 8(I), 9(II), 10(II), 11(II), 12(II), 13(II)
- The course is a practical course with week assignments introduced by background tutorials. Week 1 till 4 are preparatory assignments to learn to work with the material. The final assignment starting in week 5 consists of reproducing and testing (part of) the systems biology modeling from the paper selected.
- This subject cannot be done in combination with another theme practical
- N. A
- Introduction level or R and basic mathematics knowledge is required
- Using R for Introductory Statistics
- Understanding basic calculus chapter 4
- Package deSolve: Solving Initial Value Differential Equations in R
- All presentations and additional materials and info of the course can be found at