0-read_file.py - Writes a function that reads a text file (UTF8) and prints it to stdout.
1-write_file.py - Writes a function that writes a string to a text file (UTF8) and returns the number of characters written.
2-append_write.py - Writes a function that appends a string at the end of a text file (UTF8) and returns the number of characters added.
3-to_json_string.py - Write a function that returns the JSON representation of an object (string).
4-from_json_string.py - Write a function that returns an object (Python data structure) represented by a JSON string.
5-save_to_json_file.py - Write a function that writes an Object to a text file, using a JSON representation.
6-load_from_json_file.py - Write a function that creates an Object from a “JSON file”.
7-add_item.py - Write a script that adds all arguments to a Python list, and then save them to a file.
8-class_to_json.py - Write a function that returns the dictionary description with simple data structure (list, dictionary, string, integer and boolean) for JSON serialization of an object.
9-student.py - Write a class Student that defines a student.
10-student.py - Write a class Student that defines a student by: (based on 9-student.py).
11-student.py - Write a class Student that defines a student by: (based on 10-student.py).