Releases: Metrika-Inc/elastic-charts
Releases · Metrika-Inc/elastic-charts
31.5.0 (2021-10-26)
Bug Fixes
- removed moment with dayjs (3a1785e)
31.4.1 (2021-10-08)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: chart dimension on real y-label format width (d062fc4)
31.4.0 (2021-10-08)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: add tooltip fix when x-axis is on top (d3c9440)
- charts: add es6 build, peer react 17 (193f13e)
31.3.2 (2021-08-16)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: prevented time series data from rendering multiple labels on the x axis per column (04779d5)
- heatmap: proper layout when the legend is on the side (967c705)
31.3.1 (2021-08-10)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: the legend grid tries to fit the content better if possible (93cb503)
- legend: minor styling change to improve layout (2f6e75b)
31.3.0 (2021-07-27)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: fixed tooltip not being shown for bottom values when x axis is on top (bb27900)
- fix api listing (8664f49)
- updated the api markdown file (081f0cf)
- heatmap: option to remove duplicate x axis labels (1b2b29e)
31.2.0 (2021-07-21)
Bug Fixes
- heatmap: correctly place x axis text in all cases (1cf37d4)
- xychart: when axis title is on top, it correctly lines up with axis labels vertically (12839b5)
- a11y: allow user to add optional semantic meaning to goal/gauge charts (#1218) (87629e2), closes #1161
- heatmap: added the ability to customize the position and rotation of the x axis labels (8280b64)
- heatmap: hard code x-axis labels sideways (26ebe5e)
- xychart: basic customization support for putting the axis title on top of the chart (79865ba)
- xychart: hard code left axis label to top of graph (f10ff72)
- xychart: the title for the right axis can now also go on top (b2087a1)