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Parallel Rendering Tutorial

Windows (DirectX 12)       
Linux (Vulkan)             
MacOS (Metal)              
iOS (Metal)
ParallelRendering on Windows ParallelRendering on Linux ParallelRendering on MacOS ParallelRendering on iOS

This tutorial demonstrates multithreaded rendering with Rhi::ParallelRenderCommandList using Methane Kit:

Tutorial demonstrates the following techniques:

  • Creating a render target texture 2D array;
  • Rendering text labels to the faces of the texture 2D array via separate render passes using the helper class TextureLabeler;
  • Using the MeshBuffers extension primitive to represent cube instances, create index and vertex buffers, and render with a single Draw command;
  • Using a single addressable uniforms buffer to store an array of uniform structures for all cube instance parameters at once and binding array elements in that buffer to the particular cube instance draws with a byte offset in buffer memory;
  • Binding faces of the texture 2D array to the cube instances to display the rendering thread number as text on cube faces;
  • Using the TaskFlow library for task-based parallelism and parallel for loops;
  • Randomly distributing cubes between render threads and rendering them in parallel using IParallelRenderCommandList all to the screen render pass;
  • Using Methane instrumentation to profile application execution on CPU and GPU using Tracy or Intel GPA Trace Analyzer.

Application Controls

Keyboard actions are enabled with ParallelRenderingAppController class derived from Platform::Input::Keyboard::ActionControllerBase:

Parallel Rendering App Action Keyboard Shortcut
Switch Parallel Rendering P
Increase Cubes Grid Size +
Decrease Cubes Grid Size -
Increase Render Threads Count ]
Decrease Render Threads Count [

Common keyboard controls are enabled by the Platform, Graphics and UserInterface application controllers:

Uniforms Binding with Buffer Views vs Root Constants

Parallel Rendering tutorial is compiled in two versions:

  1. ParallelRenderingRootConstants: Program bindings use root constants for cube uniforms (macro ROOT_CONSTANTS_ENABLED is defined).
  2. ParallelRenderingBufferViews: Program bindings use direct buffer views for cube uniforms (the above macro is not defined).

The FPS performance of the second version is roughly 30% higher than the first version due to the additional memory copying overhead when using root constants. This demonstration warns developers about the hidden performance impact of using root constants, even though they are more convenient for small uniform structures. In some cases, when the uniforms buffer changes frequently and can be updated all at once, it is more efficient to manually manage the uniforms buffer, update it all at once, and bind buffer views to the specific addresses in this buffer.


Uniform Root Constants (Option-1)

Render state and program are created with a root constant buffer used for g_uniforms argument binding. Per-frame program bindings are created for each cube instance, and uniform argument binding pointers are saved for further modification. Program bindings for the first cube instance are initialized with texture array and sampler resource views. Other program bindings are duplicated from the first one in a parallel for loop.

void ParallelRenderingApp::Init()
    // Create cube mesh
    gfx::CubeMesh<CubeVertex> cube_mesh(CubeVertex::layout);
    // Create render state with program
    rhi::RenderState::Settings render_state_settings
                    // Override argument binding: use root constant buffer for uniforms
                    META_PROGRAM_ARG_ROOT_BUFFER_MUTABLE(rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms")
    render_state_settings.depth.enabled = true;
    m_render_state = GetRenderContext().CreateRenderState( render_state_settings);
    // Create frame buffer resources
    tf::Taskflow program_bindings_task_flow;
    for(ParallelRenderingFrame& frame : GetFrames())
        // Configure program resource bindings
        frame.cubes_program_bindings[0] = render_state_settings.program.CreateBindings({
            { { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_texture_array" }, m_texture_array.GetResourceView()   },
            { { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_sampler"       }, m_texture_sampler.GetResourceView() },
        }, frame.index);
        frame.cubes_uniform_argument_binding_ptrs[0] = &frame.cubes_program_bindings[0].Get({ rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms" });
        // Duplicate program bindings for each cube and save pointer to uniforms argument binding for further modification
        program_bindings_task_flow.for_each_index(1U, cubes_count, 1U,
            [&frame](const uint32_t cube_index)
                rhi::ProgramBindings& cube_program_bindings = frame.cubes_program_bindings[cube_index];
                cube_program_bindings = rhi::ProgramBindings(frame.cubes_program_bindings[0], {}, frame.index);
                frame.cubes_uniform_argument_binding_ptrs[cube_index] = &cube_program_bindings.Get({ rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms" });

Uniform Buffer Views (Option-2)

Render state and program are created with buffer address views used for `g_uniforms` argument binding. Per-frame uniform buffers are created. Program bindings are created for each cube instance, and uniform argument binding pointers are saved for further modification. Program bindings for the first cube instance are initialized with the uniforms buffer view of the first element, texture array, and sampler resource views. Other program bindings are duplicated from the first one in a parallel for loop and override the uniforms buffer view with the next element offsets.

void ParallelRenderingApp::Init()
    // Create cube mesh
    gfx::CubeMesh<CubeVertex> cube_mesh(CubeVertex::layout);
    // Create render state with program
    rhi::RenderState::Settings render_state_settings
                    // Override argument binding: use uniform buffer address
                    META_PROGRAM_ARG_BUFFER_ADDRESS_MUTABLE(rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms")
    render_state_settings.depth.enabled = true;
    m_render_state = GetRenderContext().CreateRenderState( render_state_settings);
    // Create frame buffer resources
    const Data::Size uniform_data_size = MeshBuffers::GetUniformSize();
    tf::Taskflow program_bindings_task_flow;
    for(ParallelRenderingFrame& frame : GetFrames())
        // Create buffer for uniforms array related to all cube instances
        frame.cubes_array.uniforms_buffer = GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(
            rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetUniformsBufferSize(), true, true));
        frame.cubes_array.program_bindings_per_instance[0] = render_state_settings.program.CreateBindings({
                { rhi::ShaderType::All,   "g_uniforms"      },
                    m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetUniformsBufferOffset(0U), uniform_data_size)
            { { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_texture_array" }, m_texture_array.GetResourceView()   },
            { { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_sampler"       }, m_texture_sampler.GetResourceView() },
        }, frame.index);
        // Duplicate program bindings for each cube and save pointer to uniforms argument binding for further modification
        program_bindings_task_flow.for_each_index(1U, cubes_count, 1U,
            [&frame, &cube_array_buffers, uniform_data_size](const uint32_t cube_index)
                rhi::ProgramBindings& cube_program_bindings = frame.cubes_array.program_bindings_per_instance[cube_index];
                cube_program_bindings = rhi::ProgramBindings(frame.cubes_array.program_bindings_per_instance[0], {
                        { rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms" },
                }, frame.index);

Create Parallel Render Command List

Per-frame parallel render command list is created for the screen render pass to do multi-threaded rendering commands recording. Parallel command lists count is set to the number of active render threads, which allocates one render command list for each thread. Additional beginning and ending command lists are created for the screen pass to set up and finalize synchronization and rendering commands. Commands validation is disabled to increase commands recording performance.

void ParallelRenderingApp::Init()
    for(ParallelRenderingFrame& frame : GetFrames())
        // Create parallel command list for rendering to the screen pass
        frame.parallel_render_cmd_list = render_cmd_queue.CreateParallelRenderCommandList(frame.screen_pass);
        frame.execute_cmd_list_set = rhi::CommandListSet({ frame.parallel_render_cmd_list.GetInterface() }, frame.index);

Rotating Cube Parameters Initialization

The InitializeCubeArrayParameters function is responsible for setting up the initial parameters for a 3D grid of cubes that will be rendered in parallel. Each cube is positioned in the grid, scaled, and rotated with random speed around the Y and Z axes; each cube is also assigned to a particular thread index. After initializing the parameters, the cubes are sorted by their thread indices to ensure that the actual distribution of cubes among render threads matches the assigned thread indices. This sorting also improves rendering performance by ensuring that each thread uses a single texture for all its cubes. Finally, the function ensures an even distribution of cubes among the threads by adjusting the thread indices. The tasks are executed in parallel, and the initialized cube parameters are returned.

struct CubeParameters
    hlslpp::float4x4 model_matrix;
    double           rotation_speed_y = 0.25f;
    double           rotation_speed_z = 0.5f;
    uint32_t         thread_index = 0;

std::vector<CubeParameters> ParallelRenderingApp::InitializeCubeArrayParameters() const
    const uint32_t cubes_count     = m_settings.GetTotalCubesCount();
    const auto     cbrt_count      = static_cast<size_t>(std::floor(std::cbrt(static_cast<float>(cubes_count))));
    const size_t   cbrt_count_sqr  = cbrt_count * cbrt_count;
    const float    cbrt_count_half = static_cast<float>(cbrt_count - 1) / 2.F;

    const float ts = g_scene_scale / static_cast<float>(cbrt_count);
    const float median_cube_scale = ts / 2.F;
    const float cube_scale_delta = median_cube_scale / 3.F;

    std::mt19937 rng(1234U); // NOSONAR - using pseudorandom generator is safe here
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float>   cube_scale_distribution(median_cube_scale - cube_scale_delta, median_cube_scale + cube_scale_delta);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double>  rotation_speed_distribution(-0.8F, 0.8F);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> thread_index_distribution(0U, m_settings.render_thread_count);

    std::vector<CubeParameters> cube_array_parameters(cubes_count);

    // Position all cubes in a cube grid and assign to random threads
    tf::Taskflow task_flow;
    tf::Task init_task = task_flow.for_each_index(0U, cubes_count, 1U,
        [&rng, &cube_array_parameters, &cube_scale_distribution, &rotation_speed_distribution, &thread_index_distribution,
         ts, cbrt_count, cbrt_count_sqr, cbrt_count_half](const uint32_t cube_index)
            const float tx = static_cast<float>(cube_index % cbrt_count) - cbrt_count_half;
            const float ty = static_cast<float>(cube_index % cbrt_count_sqr / cbrt_count) - cbrt_count_half;
            const float tz = static_cast<float>(cube_index / cbrt_count_sqr) - cbrt_count_half;
            const float cs = cube_scale_distribution(rng);

            const hlslpp::float4x4 scale_matrix = hlslpp::float4x4::scale(cs);
            const hlslpp::float4x4 translation_matrix = hlslpp::float4x4::translation(tx * ts, ty * ts, tz * ts);

            CubeParameters& cube_params = cube_array_parameters[cube_index];
            cube_params.model_matrix = hlslpp::mul(scale_matrix, translation_matrix);
            cube_params.rotation_speed_y = rotation_speed_distribution(rng);
            cube_params.rotation_speed_z = rotation_speed_distribution(rng);

            // Distribute cubes randomly between threads
            cube_params.thread_index = thread_index_distribution(rng);

    // Sort cubes parameters by thread index
    // to make sure that actual cubes distribution by render threads will match thread_index in parameters
    // NOTE-1: thread index is displayed on cube faces as text label using an element of Texture 2D Array.
    // NOTE-2: Sorting also improves rendering performance because it ensures using one texture for all cubes per thread.
    tf::Task sort_task = task_flow.sort(cube_array_parameters.begin(), cube_array_parameters.end(),
                   [](const CubeParameters& left, const CubeParameters& right)
                   { return left.thread_index < right.thread_index; });

    // Fixup even distribution of cubes between threads
    const auto cubes_count_per_thread = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::ceil(static_cast<double>(cubes_count) / m_settings.render_thread_count));
    tf::Task even_task = task_flow.for_each_index(0U, cubes_count, 1U,
        [&cube_array_parameters, cubes_count_per_thread](const uint32_t cube_index)
            cube_array_parameters[cube_index].thread_index = cube_index / cubes_count_per_thread;


    // Execute parallel initialization of cube array parameters
    return cube_array_parameters;

Update Cube Uniforms

Cube uniforms are updated before rendering in a parallel for loop, which calculates the MVP matrix based on the cube model matrix and the camera VP matrix. When root constants are enabled, the uniforms structure is set to the g_uniforms argument binding directly with the SetRootConstant call. When uniform buffer views are enabled, uniforms are copied to the temporary memory buffer inside MeshBuffers with m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->SetFinalPassUniforms(...). Later in the Render method, this memory buffer will be uploaded to the GPU.

bool ParallelRenderingApp::Update()
    if (!UserInterfaceApp::Update())
        return false;
    const ParallelRenderingFrame& frame  = GetCurrentFrame();

    // Update MVP-matrices for all cube instances so that they are positioned in a cube grid
    tf::Taskflow task_flow;
    task_flow.for_each_index(0U, static_cast<uint32_t>(m_cube_array_parameters.size()), 1U,
        [this, &frame](const uint32_t cube_index)
            const CubeParameters& cube_params = m_cube_array_parameters[cube_index];

            hlslpp::Uniforms uniforms{};
            uniforms.mvp_matrix = hlslpp::transpose(hlslpp::mul(cube_params.model_matrix, m_camera.GetViewProjMatrix()));
            uniforms.texture_index = cube_params.thread_index;

            m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->SetFinalPassUniforms(std::move(uniforms), cube_index);

    return true;

Parallel Rendering

In case when uniform buffer views are used, a temporary memory buffer filled in the Update method is uploaded to the GPU uniforms buffer with the frame.cubes_array.uniforms_buffer.SetData(...) call.

A vector of per-thread rendering command lists is acquired from the parallel render command list with the frame.parallel_render_cmd_list.GetParallelCommandLists() call. These command lists are used independently in a parallel for loop for rendering some part of the cube instances in the RenderCubesRange(...) method.

bool ParallelRenderingApp::Render()
    if (!UserInterfaceApp::Render())
        return false;

    const ParallelRenderingFrame& frame  = GetCurrentFrame();
    const rhi::CommandQueue render_cmd_queue = GetRenderContext().GetRenderCommandKit().GetQueue();

    const auto& cubes_program_bindings = frame.cubes_program_bindings;
    // Update uniforms buffer related to current frame
    frame.cubes_array.uniforms_buffer.SetData(render_cmd_queue, m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetFinalPassUniformsSubresource());
    const auto& cubes_program_bindings = frame.cubes_array.program_bindings_per_instance;

    // Render cube instances of 'CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SIZE' count
    META_DEBUG_GROUP_VAR(s_debug_group, "Parallel Cubes Rendering");
    frame.parallel_render_cmd_list.ResetWithState(m_render_state, &s_debug_group);

    const std::vector<rhi::RenderCommandList>& render_cmd_lists = frame.parallel_render_cmd_list.GetParallelCommandLists();
    const uint32_t instance_count_per_command_list = Data::DivCeil(m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetInstanceCount(), static_cast<uint32_t>(render_cmd_lists.size()));

    // Generate thread tasks for each of parallel render command lists to encode cubes rendering commands
    tf::Taskflow render_task_flow;
    render_task_flow.for_each_index(0U, static_cast<uint32_t>(render_cmd_lists.size()), 1U,
        [this, &cubes_program_bindings, &render_cmd_lists, instance_count_per_command_list](const uint32_t cmd_list_index)
            const uint32_t begin_instance_index = cmd_list_index * instance_count_per_command_list;
            const uint32_t end_instance_index = std::min(begin_instance_index + instance_count_per_command_list, m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetInstanceCount());
            RenderCubesRange(render_cmd_lists[cmd_list_index], cubes_program_bindings, begin_instance_index, end_instance_index);

    // Execute rendering in multiple threads


    // Execute command lists on render queue and present frame to screen
    return true;

RenderCubesRange(...) method is executed in parallel threads, each execution for a separate range of cube instances. Per-cube program bindings are bound to the render pipeline with a special bindings_apply_behavior bit mask. This mask is used to apply constant bindings only once per command list and retain resources for the first binding instance, which reduces unnecessary operations during repeated resource bindings. After that, the cube instance is drawn with a simple DrawIndexed draw call.

void ParallelRenderingApp::RenderCubesRange(const rhi::RenderCommandList& render_cmd_list,
                                            const std::vector<rhi::ProgramBindings>& program_bindings_per_instance,
                                            uint32_t begin_instance_index, const uint32_t end_instance_index) const
    // Resource barriers are not set for vertex and index buffers, since it works with automatic state propagation from Common state
    render_cmd_list.SetVertexBuffers(m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetVertexBuffers(), false);
    render_cmd_list.SetIndexBuffer(m_cube_array_buffers_ptr->GetIndexBuffer(), false);

    for (uint32_t instance_index = begin_instance_index; instance_index < end_instance_index; ++instance_index)
        // Constant argument bindings are applied once per command list, mutables are applied always
        // Bound resources are retained by command list during its lifetime, but only for the first binding instance (since all binding instances use the same resource objects)
        rhi::ProgramBindingsApplyBehaviorMask bindings_apply_behavior;
        if (instance_index == begin_instance_index)

        render_cmd_list.SetProgramBindings(program_bindings_per_instance[instance_index], bindings_apply_behavior);

Parallel Rendering Shaders

Shader is similar to the one used in the previous tutorial [CubeMapArray](../06-CubeMapArray). It renders a simple cube mesh using a given MVP matrix and texture index, and samples a texture array by this index. The trick in rendering a huge number of cubes is in parallel recording of the command lists, which set uniforms via program bindings and issue draw commands.

#include "ParallelRenderingUniforms.h"

struct VSInput
    float3 position    : POSITION;
    float2 texcoord    : TEXCOORD;

struct PSInput
    float4 position    : SV_POSITION;
    float2 texcoord    : TEXCOORD;

ConstantBuffer<Uniforms>  g_uniforms      : register(b0, META_ARG_MUTABLE);
Texture2DArray            g_texture_array : register(t0, META_ARG_CONSTANT);
SamplerState              g_sampler       : register(s0, META_ARG_CONSTANT);

PSInput CubeVS(VSInput input)
    PSInput output;
    output.position = mul(float4(input.position, 1.F), g_uniforms.mvp_matrix);
    output.texcoord = input.texcoord;
    return output;

float4 CubePS(PSInput input) : SV_TARGET
    return g_texture_array.Sample(g_sampler, float3(input.texcoord, g_uniforms.texture_index));

Continue learning

Continue learning Methane Graphics programming in the next tutorial ConsoleCompute, which is demonstrating computing on GPU in pure console application.