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Typography Tutorial

Windows (DirectX 12)       
Linux (Vulkan)             
MacOS (Metal)              
iOS (Metal)
Typography on Windows Typography on Linux Typography on MacOS Typography on MacOS

This tutorial demonstrates animated text rendering with dynamic font atlas updates using Methane UI. Three colored text blocks are animated with continuous character typing. Each text block is rendered as a single mesh displaying character glyphs from the font atlas texture to screen rectangles, which are generated on the CPU using the Freetype 2.0 library.

The font atlas texture can be updated dynamically by adding new character glyphs on demand, as the user types text, including any non-ASCII character sets. Text character layout and mesh generation are done on the CPU using Methane implementation, without using third-party libraries, and support horizontal and vertical text alignment in rectangular areas with wrapping by characters and words. Right-to-left and Arabic language character layout is not supported yet.

Application Controls

Keyboard actions are enabled with TypographyAppController class derived from Platform::Input::Keyboard::ActionControllerBase:

Typography App Action Keyboard Shortcut
Switch Text Wrap Mode (None, Anywhere, Word) W
Switch Text Horizontal Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justify) H
Switch Text Vertical Alignment (Top, Bottom, Center) V
Switch Incremental Text Update U
Switch Typing Direction (Forward, Backward) D
Speedup Typing +
Slowdown Typing -

Common keyboard controls are enabled by the Platform, Graphics and UserInterface application controllers:

Application and Frame Class Definitions

TypographyApp class is declared in header file TypographyApp.h, and is derived from UserInterface::App base class, same as in previous tutorial. Base application class UserInterface::App<TypographyFrame> uses frame structure TypographyFrame, which defines only the render command list and execution command list set that wraps this command list.

TypographyApp class defines a settings structure TypographyApp::Settings, a getter for the current settings TypographyApp::GetSettings, and individual setters for each application setting:

  • TypographyApp::SetTextLayout - allows changing word wrapping mode, horizontal and vertical text layouts for all text blocks;
  • TypographyApp::SetForwardTypingDirection - changes text typing animation: appending new characters if true, or backspace deleting if false;
  • TypographyApp::SetTextUpdateInterval - changes text typing time interval in milliseconds;
  • TypographyApp::SetIncrementalTextUpdate - enables or disables incremental updating of text block mesh buffers.

Application setting getters can be changed by the user at runtime with keyboard shortcuts, handled in TypographyAppController.h.

TypographyApp class contains the following private members:

  • gui::Font objects, each for a unique font, size, and color;
  • gui::TextItem objects, each for one text block;
  • gui::Badge objects for rendering font atlas textures on screen;
  • std::vector<size_t> displayed lengths of text in each text block, incremented with animation;
  • Timer::TimeDuration holds the duration of the last text block update to be displayed on screen.
#pragma once

#include <Methane/Kit.h>
#include <Methane/Data/Receiver.hpp>

namespace Methane::Tutorials

namespace gfx = Methane::Graphics;
namespace rhi = Methane::Graphics::Rhi;
namespace gui = Methane::UserInterface;

struct TypographyFrame final : gfx::AppFrame
    rhi::RenderCommandList render_cmd_list;
    rhi::CommandListSet    execute_cmd_list_set;

    using gfx::AppFrame::AppFrame;

using UserInterfaceApp = UserInterface::App<TypographyFrame>;

class TypographyApp final
    : public UserInterfaceApp
    , private Data::Receiver<gui::IFontLibraryCallback>
    , private Data::Receiver<gui::IFontCallback>
    struct Settings
        gui::Text::Layout text_layout { gui::Text::Wrap::Word, gui::Text::HorizontalAlignment::Center, gui::Text::VerticalAlignment::Top };
        bool              is_incremental_text_update  = true;
        bool              is_forward_typing_direction = true;
        double            typing_update_interval_sec  = 0.03;

    ~TypographyApp() override;

    // GraphicsApp overrides

    // UserInterface::App overrides
    std::string GetParametersString() override;

    // Settings accessors
    const Settings& GetSettings() const noexcept { return m_settings; }
    void SetTextLayout(const gui::Text::Layout& text_layout);
    void SetForwardTypingDirection(bool is_forward_typing_direction);
    void SetTextUpdateInterval(double text_update_interval_sec);
    void SetIncrementalTextUpdate(bool is_incremental_text_update);


    Settings               m_settings;
    gui::FontContext       m_font_context;
    std::vector<gui::Font> m_fonts;
    Ptrs<gui::TextItem>    m_texts;
    Ptrs<gui::Badge>       m_font_atlas_badges;
    std::vector<size_t>    m_displayed_text_lengths;
    double                 m_text_update_elapsed_sec = 0.0;
    Timer::TimeDuration    m_text_update_duration;

} // namespace Methane::Tutorials

Graphics Resources Initialization

Fonts and text blocks are initialized in the TypographyApp::Init() method in a for loop for each block index. Text blocks are positioned one below another using the vertical_text_pos_in_dots variable, which holds the vertical position in DPI-independent Dot units.

    const gfx::FrameSize frame_size_in_dots = GetFrameSizeInDots();
    const uint32_t frame_width_without_margins = frame_size_in_dots.GetWidth() - 2 * g_margin_size_in_dots;
    int32_t vertical_text_pos_in_dots = g_top_text_pos_in_dots;

    for(size_t block_index = 0; block_index < g_text_blocks_count; ++block_index)
        const FontSettings& font_settings = g_font_settings[block_index];
        const size_t displayed_text_length = m_displayed_text_lengths[block_index];
        const std::u32string displayed_text_block = g_text_blocks[block_index].substr(0, displayed_text_length);

        // Add font to library
        m_fonts.push_back( ... );

        // Add text element
        m_texts.push_back( ... );

        vertical_text_pos_in_dots = m_texts.back()->GetRectInDots().GetBottom() + g_margin_size_in_dots;

Font objects are used to create and render text blocks on screen. Font objects are loaded from the Data::FontProvider singleton with specified font settings and are added to the fonts library. Data::FontProvider loads TTF fonts from application resources. Font settings include:

  • Font description:
    • Unique name for registration in the fonts library
    • File path loaded with the data provider
    • Size in points
  • Font resolution DPI
  • Initial alphabet to be rendered and added to the font atlas (it is also dynamically extended on demand)

UserInterface::FontContext is a helper class that holds references to FontLibrary and Data::IProvider to facilitate font creation and queries via the FontContext::GetFont method.

        // Add font to library

Each text block object is created using the UserInterface::Context object acquired with the UserInterface::App::GetUIContext() method, the font object which was created previously, and text settings:

  • Font name registered in the fonts library
  • Text string in UTF8 or UTF32 format
  • Rectangle area in Dots or Pixels on the screen to fit the text in
  • Layout describing how the text will fit into the rectangular area
    • Wrapping mode (No wrapping, Wrap anywhere, Wrap on word boundaries)
    • Horizontal alignment (Left, Right, Center)
    • Vertical alignment (Top, Bottom, Center)
  • Color of the text block
  • Incremental text mesh update flag
        // Add text element
            std::make_shared<gui::TextItem>(GetUIContext(), m_fonts.back(),
                        gfx::Point2I   { g_margin_size_in_dots, vertical_text_pos_in_dots },
                        gfx::FrameSize { frame_width_without_margins, 0U /* calculated height */ }
                    gfx::Color4F(font_settings.color, 1.F),

Font objects hold font atlas textures, which are displayed on screen in this tutorial using UserInterface::Badge objects. These badges are created in the TypographyApp::UpdateFontAtlasBadges() method:

oid TypographyApp::UpdateFontAtlasBadges()
    const std::vector<gui::Font> fonts = m_font_context.GetFontLibrary().GetFonts();
    const rhi::RenderContext&  context = GetRenderContext();

    // Remove obsolete font atlas badges

    // Add new font atlas badges
    for(const gui::Font& font : fonts)
        const rhi::Texture& font_atlas_texture = font.GetAtlasTexture(context);
        if (!font_atlas_texture.IsInitialized() ||
            std::any_of(m_font_atlas_badges.begin(), m_font_atlas_badges.end(),
                        [&font_atlas_texture](const Ptr<gui::Badge>& font_atlas_badge_ptr)
                            return font_atlas_badge_ptr->GetTexture() == font_atlas_texture;

        m_font_atlas_badges.emplace_back(CreateFontAtlasBadge(font, font_atlas_texture));


Font atlas badge bound to atlas texture is created with helper method TypographyApp::CreateFontAtlasBadge:

Ptr<gui::Badge> TypographyApp::CreateFontAtlasBadge(const gui::Font& font, const rhi::Texture& atlas_texture)
    const auto font_color_by_name_it = g_font_color_by_name.find(font.GetSettings();
    const gui::Color3F& font_color = font_color_by_name_it != g_font_color_by_name.end()
                                   ? font_color_by_name_it->second : g_misc_font_color;

    return std::make_shared<gui::Badge>(
        GetUIContext(), atlas_texture,
            font.GetSettings() + " Font Atlas",
            gui::UnitSize(gui::Units::Pixels, static_cast<const gfx::FrameSize&>(atlas_texture.GetSettings().dimensions)),
            gui::UnitSize(gui::Units::Dots, 16U, 16U),
            gui::Color4F(font_color, 0.5F),

TypographyApp::LayoutFontAtlasBadges positions all created atlas badges in the bottom-left corner of the screen, arranging them one after another, starting with the largest textures and ending with the smallest.

Frame Rendering Cycle

Animation function bound to time-animation in the constructor of the TypographyApp class is called automatically as a part of every render cycle, just before the App::Update function call. The TypographyApp::Animate function updates the text displayed in text blocks by adding or deleting characters and updates text block positions at equal time intervals.

    GetAnimations().emplace_back(std::make_shared<Data::TimeAnimation>(std::bind(&ShadowCubeApp::Animate, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)));

bool TypographyApp::Animate(double elapsed_seconds, double)
    if (elapsed_seconds - m_text_update_elapsed_sec < m_settings.typing_update_interval_sec)
        return true;

    m_text_update_elapsed_sec = elapsed_seconds;

    int32_t vertical_text_pos_in_dots = g_top_text_pos_in_dots;
    for(size_t block_index = 0; block_index < g_text_blocks_count; ++block_index)
        AnimateTextBlock(block_index, vertical_text_pos_in_dots);

    return true;

Each text rendering object manages its own set of GPU resources for each frame in the swap-chain:

  • Vertex and index buffers
  • Shader uniforms buffer
  • Font atlas texture
  • Program bindings

To update text resources on the GPU and make them ready for frame rendering, the Text::Update(...) method is called for each text object in TypographyApp::Update().

bool TypographyApp::Update()
    if (!UserInterfaceApp::Update())
        return false;

    // Update text block resources
    for(const Ptr<gui::TextItem>& text_ptr : m_texts)

    return true;

After updating text resources on the GPU, rendering is straightforward: UserInterface::Text::Draw(...) is called for each text object with a per-frame render command list and debug group. Font atlas badges are rendered similarly using UserInterface::Badge::Draw(...).

bool TypographyApp::Render()
    if (!UserInterfaceApp::Render())
        return false;

    const TypographyFrame& frame = GetCurrentFrame();

    // Draw text blocks
    META_DEBUG_GROUP_VAR(s_text_debug_group, "Text Blocks Rendering");
    for(const Ptr<gui::TextItem>& text_ptr : m_texts)
        text_ptr->Draw(frame.render_cmd_list, &s_text_debug_group);

    // Draw font atlas badges
    META_DEBUG_GROUP_VAR(s_atlas_debug_group, "Font Atlases Rendering");
    for(const Ptr<gui::Badge>& badge_atlas_ptr : m_font_atlas_badges)
        badge_atlas_ptr->Draw(frame.render_cmd_list, &s_atlas_debug_group);


    // Execute command list on render queue and present frame to screen

    return true;

CMake Build Configuration

TTF fonts are added to the application embedded resources with add_methane_embedded_fonts cmake-function.


    TARGET MethaneTypography
    NAME "Methane Typography"
    DESCRIPTION "Tutorial demonstrating dynamic text rendering and font atlases management with Methane Kit."
    INSTALL_DIR "Apps"

add_methane_embedded_fonts(MethaneTypography "${RESOURCES_DIR}" "${FONTS}")


Continue learning

Continue learning Methane Graphics programming in the next tutorial CubeMapArray, which is demonstrating cube-map array texturing and sky-box rendering.