diff --git a/app/images/ReachedMonthlyContributorLimit.svg b/app/images/ReachedMonthlyContributorLimit.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6f1c4a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/images/ReachedMonthlyContributorLimit.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/app/images/images.qrc b/app/images/images.qrc
index b0b772a30..ef3cf2f4f 100644
--- a/app/images/images.qrc
+++ b/app/images/images.qrc
@@ -35,5 +35,6 @@
+ ReachedMonthlyContributorLimit.svg
diff --git a/app/mmstyle.h b/app/mmstyle.h
index 16587bb81..b51d4f8ea 100644
--- a/app/mmstyle.h
+++ b/app/mmstyle.h
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ class MMStyle: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl acceptInvitationImage READ acceptInvitationImage CONSTANT )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl acceptInvitationLogoImage READ acceptInvitationLogoImage CONSTANT )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl reachedDataLimitImage READ reachedDataLimitImage CONSTANT )
+ Q_PROPERTY( QUrl reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage READ reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage CONSTANT )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl uploadImage READ uploadImage CONSTANT )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl noMapThemesImage READ noMapThemesImage CONSTANT )
Q_PROPERTY( QUrl syncFailedImage READ syncFailedImage CONSTANT )
@@ -496,6 +497,7 @@ class MMStyle: public QObject
QUrl noPermissionsImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/NoPermissions.svg" );}
QUrl signInImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/SignIn.svg" );}
QUrl reachedDataLimitImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/ReachedDataLimit.svg" );}
+ QUrl reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/ReachedMonthlyContributorLimit.svg" );}
QUrl warnLogoImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/WarnLogoImage.svg" );}
QUrl mapPinImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/MapPin.svg" );}
QUrl positionTrackingRunningImage() {return QUrl( "qrc:/images/PositionTrackingRunning.svg" );}
diff --git a/app/qml/dialogs/MMMonthlyContributorsLimitDialog.qml b/app/qml/dialogs/MMMonthlyContributorsLimitDialog.qml
index 6f9df3483..b69bd93ce 100644
--- a/app/qml/dialogs/MMMonthlyContributorsLimitDialog.qml
+++ b/app/qml/dialogs/MMMonthlyContributorsLimitDialog.qml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ MMComponents.MMDrawerDialog {
signal manageAccountClicked()
title: qsTr("You've reached the maximum number of active monthly contributors for your current subscription.")
- imageSource: __style.reachedDataLimitImage
+ imageSource: __style.reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage
description: qsTr( "Upgrade your subscription or wait until next month for the limit to reset." )
diff --git a/gallery/qml/pages/ImagesPage.qml b/gallery/qml/pages/ImagesPage.qml
index ed931d11b..bc4532417 100644
--- a/gallery/qml/pages/ImagesPage.qml
+++ b/gallery/qml/pages/ImagesPage.qml
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ ScrollView {
Column { Image { source: __style.externalGpsGreenImage } Text { text: "externalGpsGreenImage" } }
Column { Image { source: __style.externalGpsRedImage } Text { text: "externalGpsRedImage" } }
Column { Image { source: __style.reachedDataLimitImage } Text { text: "reachedDataLimitImage" } }
+ Column { Image { source: __style.reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage } Text { text: "reachedMonthlyContributorLimitImage" } }
Column { Image { source: __style.positiveMMSymbolImage } Text { text: "positiveMMSymbolImage" } }
Column { Image { source: __style.negativeMMSymbolImage } Text { text: "negativeMMSymbolImage" } }
Column { Image { source: __style.closeAccountImage } Text { text: "closeAccountImage" } }