house price sales prediction
using VGG and tranformers
video games sales prediction
Age and gender prediction.ipynb
Alien vs Predators Detection.ipynb
CNN projects (cat dog recognition, text classification).ipynb
Detecting Malaria using keras.ipynb
Detecting Malaria's Disease.ipynb
Employees Turnover and Customer Churn.ipynb
Epileptic Seizure - Recognition Using EEG.ipynb
FaceDetection, Facial Emotion Recognition.ipynb
Fake and Real News Classification.ipynb
Handwritten Digit recognition.ipynb
Heartbear disease classifier.ipynb
Image Augmentation Samples.ipynb
Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning.ipynb
Predicting Diabetes.ipynb
Traffic Signs Recognition.ipynb
create GUI program to covert images.ipynb
download images from web page by url.ipynb
from image or video to text.ipynb
from speech to text and from text to speech.ipynb
read and save and correct text from image.ipynb
skin cancer prediction.ipynb
summarize text and spell check .ipynb
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