This example is the result of the modification of the simple ray tracing tutorial. Instead of loading separated OBJ objects, the example was modified to load glTF scene files containing multiple objects.
This example is not about shading, but using more complex data than OBJ.
For a more complete version, see
The OBJ models were loaded and stored in four buffers:
- vertices: array of structure of position, normal, texcoord, color
- indices: index of the vertex, every three makes a triangle
- materials: the wavefront material structure
- material index: material index per triangle.
Since we could have multiple OBJ, we would have arrays of those buffers.
With glTF scene, the data will be organized differently a choice we have made for convenience. Instead of having structure of vertices,
positions, normals and other attributes will be in separate buffers. There will be one single position buffer,
for all geometries of the scene, same for indices and other attributes. But for each geometry there is the information
of the number of elements and offsets.
From the source tutorial, we will not need the following and therefore remove it:
std::vector<ObjModel> m_objModel; // Model on host
std::vector<ObjDesc> m_objDesc; // Model description for device access
std::vector<ObjInstance> m_instances; // Scene model instances
In host_device.h
we will add new host/device structures: PrimMeshInfo, SceneDesc and GltfShadeMaterial.
// Structure used for retrieving the primitive information in the closest hit
struct PrimMeshInfo
uint indexOffset;
uint vertexOffset;
int materialIndex;
// Scene buffer addresses
struct SceneDesc
uint64_t vertexAddress; // Address of the Vertex buffer
uint64_t normalAddress; // Address of the Normal buffer
uint64_t uvAddress; // Address of the texture coordinates buffer
uint64_t indexAddress; // Address of the triangle indices buffer
uint64_t materialAddress; // Address of the Materials buffer (GltfShadeMaterial)
uint64_t primInfoAddress; // Address of the mesh primitives buffer (PrimMeshInfo)
And also, our glTF material representation for the shading. This is a stripped down version of the glTF PBR. If you are interested in the correct PBR implementation, check out vk_raytrace.
struct GltfShadeMaterial
vec4 pbrBaseColorFactor;
vec3 emissiveFactor;
int pbrBaseColorTexture;
And for holding the all the buffers allocated for representing the scene, we will store them in the following.
nvh::GltfScene m_gltfScene;
nvvk::Buffer m_vertexBuffer;
nvvk::Buffer m_normalBuffer;
nvvk::Buffer m_uvBuffer;
nvvk::Buffer m_indexBuffer;
nvvk::Buffer m_materialBuffer;
nvvk::Buffer m_primInfo;
nvvk::Buffer m_sceneDesc;
To load the scene, we will be using TinyGLTF from Syoyo Fujita, then to avoid traversing the scene graph, the information will be flatten using the helper gltfScene.
Instead of loading a model, we will be loading a scene, so we are replacing loadModel()
by loadScene()
In the source file, loading the scene loadScene()
will have first the glTF import with TinyGLTF.
tinygltf::Model tmodel;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF tcontext;
std::string warn, error;
if(!tcontext.LoadASCIIFromFile(&tmodel, &error, &warn, filename))
assert(!"Error while loading scene");
Then we will flatten the scene graph and grab the information we will need using the gltfScene helper.
nvh::GltfAttributes::Normal | nvh::GltfAttributes::Texcoord_0);
The next part is to allocate the buffers to hold the information, such as the positions, normals, texture coordinates, etc.
// Create the buffers on Device and copy vertices, indices and materials
nvvk::CommandPool cmdBufGet(m_device, m_graphicsQueueIndex);
VkCommandBuffer cmdBuf = cmdBufGet.createCommandBuffer();
m_vertexBuffer = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, m_gltfScene.m_positions,
m_indexBuffer = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, m_gltfScene.m_indices,
m_normalBuffer = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, m_gltfScene.m_normals,
m_uvBuffer = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, m_gltfScene.m_texcoords0,
We are making a simple material, extracting only a few members from the glTF material.
// Copying all materials, only the elements we need
std::vector<GltfShadeMaterial> shadeMaterials;
for(auto& m : m_gltfScene.m_materials)
shadeMaterials.emplace_back(GltfShadeMaterial{m.baseColorFactor, m.emissiveFactor, m.baseColorTexture});
m_materialBuffer = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, shadeMaterials,
To find the positions of the triangle hit in the closest hit shader, as well as the other attributes, we will store the offsets information of that geometry.
// The following is used to find the primitive mesh information in the CHIT
std::vector<PrimMeshInfo> primLookup;
for(auto& primMesh : m_gltfScene.m_primMeshes)
primLookup.push_back({primMesh.firstIndex, primMesh.vertexOffset, primMesh.materialIndex});
m_rtPrimLookup =
Finally, we are creating a buffer holding the address of all buffers
SceneDesc sceneDesc;
sceneDesc.vertexAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_vertexBuffer.buffer);
sceneDesc.indexAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_indexBuffer.buffer);
sceneDesc.normalAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_normalBuffer.buffer);
sceneDesc.uvAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_uvBuffer.buffer);
sceneDesc.materialAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_materialBuffer.buffer);
sceneDesc.primInfoAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_primInfo.buffer);
m_sceneDesc = m_alloc.createBuffer(cmdBuf, sizeof(SceneDesc), &sceneDesc,
Before closing the function, we will create textures (none in default scene) and submitting the command buffer. The finalize and releasing staging is waiting for the copy of all data to the GPU.
// Creates all textures found
createTextureImages(cmdBuf, tmodel);
is a convenience to name Vulkan object to easily identify them in Nsight Graphics and to know where it was created.
Instead of objectToVkGeometryKHR()
, we will be using primitiveToVkGeometry(const nvh::GltfPrimMesh& prim)
The function is similar, only the input is different, except for VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR
we also include the offsets.
// Converting a GLTF primitive in the Raytracing Geometry used for the BLAS
auto HelloVulkan::primitiveToGeometry(const nvh::GltfPrimMesh& prim)
// BLAS builder requires raw device addresses.
VkDeviceAddress vertexAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_vertexBuffer.buffer);
VkDeviceAddress indexAddress = nvvk::getBufferDeviceAddress(m_device, m_indexBuffer.buffer);
uint32_t maxPrimitiveCount = prim.indexCount / 3;
// Describe buffer as array of VertexObj.
triangles.vertexFormat = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT; // vec3 vertex position data.
triangles.vertexData.deviceAddress = vertexAddress;
triangles.vertexStride = sizeof(glm::vec3);
// Describe index data (32-bit unsigned int)
triangles.indexType = VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32;
triangles.indexData.deviceAddress = indexAddress;
// Indicate identity transform by setting transformData to null device pointer.
//triangles.transformData = {};
triangles.maxVertex = prim.vertexCount - 1;
// Identify the above data as containing opaque triangles.
asGeom.geometry.triangles = triangles;
VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR offset;
offset.firstVertex = prim.vertexOffset;
offset.primitiveCount = prim.indexCount / 3;
offset.primitiveOffset = prim.firstIndex * sizeof(uint32_t);
offset.transformOffset = 0;
// Our blas is made from only one geometry, but could be made of many geometries
nvvk::RaytracingBuilderKHR::BlasInput input;
return input;
There are almost no differences, besides the fact that the index of the geometry is stored in primMesh
for(auto& node : m_gltfScene.m_nodes)
VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR rayInst;
rayInst.transform = nvvk::toTransformMatrixKHR(node.worldMatrix);
rayInst.instanceCustomIndex = node.primMesh; // gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT: to find which primitive
rayInst.accelerationStructureReference = m_rtBuilder.getBlasDeviceAddress(node.primMesh);
rayInst.mask = 0xFF;
rayInst.instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset = 0; // We will use the same hit group for all objects
Raster rendering is simple. The shader was changed to use vertex, normal and texture coordinates. For each node, we will be pushing the material Id this primitive is using. Since we have flatten the scene graph, we can loop over all drawable nodes.
std::vector<VkBuffer> vertexBuffers = {m_vertexBuffer.buffer, m_normalBuffer.buffer, m_uvBuffer.buffer};
vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(cmdBuf, 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(vertexBuffers.size()),,;
vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(cmdBuf, m_indexBuffer.buffer, 0, VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32);
uint32_t idxNode = 0;
for(auto& node : m_gltfScene.m_nodes)
auto& primitive = m_gltfScene.m_primMeshes[node.primMesh];
m_pcRaster.modelMatrix = node.worldMatrix;
m_pcRaster.objIndex = node.primMesh;
m_pcRaster.materialId = primitive.materialIndex;
vkCmdPushConstants(cmdBuf, m_pipelineLayout, VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT | VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, 0,
sizeof(PushConstantRaster), &m_pcRaster);
vkCmdDrawIndexed(cmdBuf, primitive.indexCount, 1, primitive.firstIndex, primitive.vertexOffset, 0);
In createRtDescriptorSet()
, the only change we will add is the primitive info buffer to retrieve
the data when hitting a triangle.
m_rtDescSetLayoutBind.addBinding(ePrimLookup, VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1,
// ...
VkDescriptorBufferInfo primitiveInfoDesc{m_rtPrimLookup.buffer, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE};
// ...
writes.emplace_back(m_rtDescSetLayoutBind.makeWrite(m_rtDescSet, ePrimLookup, &primitiveInfoDesc));
Since we are using different buffers and the vertex is no longer a struct but is using
3 different buffers for the position, normal and texture coord.
The methods createDescriptorSetLayout()
, updateDescriptorSet()
and createGraphicsPipeline()
will be changed accordingly.
See hello_vulkan
The shading is the same and is not reflecting the glTF PBR shading model, but the shaders were nevertheless changed to fit the new incoming format.
- Raster : vertex, fragment
- Ray Trace: RayGen, ClosestHit
Small other changes were done, a different scene, different camera and light position.
Camera position
CameraManip.setLookat(glm::vec3(0, 0, 15), glm::vec3(0, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
helloVk.loadScene(nvh::findFile("media/scenes/cornellBox.gltf", defaultSearchPaths, true));
Light Position
glm::vec3 lightPosition{0.f, 4.5f, 0.f};
To convert this example to a simple path tracer (see Wikipedia Path Tracing), we need to change the RayGen
and the ClosestHit
Before doing this, we will modify the application to send the current rendering frame, allowing to accumulate
Add the following two functions in hello_vulkan.cpp
// If the camera matrix has changed, resets the frame.
// otherwise, increments frame.
void HelloVulkan::updateFrame()
static glm::mat4 refCamMatrix;
static float refFov{CameraManip.getFov()};
const auto& m = CameraManip.getMatrix();
const auto fov = CameraManip.getFov();
if(refCamMatrix != m || refFov != fov)
refCamMatrix = m;
refFov = fov;
void HelloVulkan::resetFrame()
m_pcRay.frame = -1;
And call updateFrame()
in the begining of the raytrace()
In hello_vulkan.cpp
, add the function declarations
void updateFrame();
void resetFrame();
And add a new frame
member at the end of RtPushConstant
There are a few modifications to be done in the ray generation. First, it will use the clock for its random seed number.
This is done by adding the GL_ARB_shader_clock
#extension GL_ARB_shader_clock : enable
The random number generator is in sampling.glsl
, #include
this file.
In main()
, we will initialize the random number like this: (see tutorial on jitter camera)
// Initialize the random number
uint seed = tea(gl_LaunchIDEXT.y * gl_LaunchSizeEXT.x + gl_LaunchIDEXT.x, int(clockARB()));
To accumulate the samples, instead of only write to the image, we will also use the previous frame.
// Do accumulation over time
if(pcRay.frame > 0)
float a = 1.0f / float(pcRay.frame + 1);
vec3 old_color = imageLoad(image, ivec2(gl_LaunchIDEXT.xy)).xyz;
imageStore(image, ivec2(gl_LaunchIDEXT.xy), vec4(mix(old_color, hitValue, a), 1.f));
// First frame, replace the value in the buffer
imageStore(image, ivec2(gl_LaunchIDEXT.xy), vec4(hitValue, 1.f));
Extra information will be needed in the ray payload hitPayload
, the seed
and the depth
The modification in raycommon.glsl
struct hitPayload
vec3 hitValue;
uint seed;
uint depth;
This modification will recursively trace until the depth
hits 10 (hardcoded) or hit an emissive element (light).
The only information that we will keep from the shader, is the calculation of the hit state: the position and normal. So
all code from // Vector toward the light
to the end can be removed and be replaced by the following.
// Material of the object
GltfMaterial mat = materials[nonuniformEXT(matIndex)];
vec3 emittance = mat.emissiveFactor;
// Pick a random direction from here and keep going.
vec3 tangent, bitangent;
createCoordinateSystem(world_normal, tangent, bitangent);
vec3 rayOrigin = world_position;
vec3 rayDirection = samplingHemisphere(prd.seed, tangent, bitangent, world_normal);
const float cos_theta = dot(rayDirection, world_normal);
// Probability density function of samplingHemisphere choosing this rayDirection
const float p = cos_theta / M_PI;
// Compute the BRDF for this ray (assuming Lambertian reflection)
vec3 albedo =;
if(mat.pbrBaseColorTexture > -1)
uint txtId = mat.pbrBaseColorTexture;
albedo *= texture(texturesMap[nonuniformEXT(txtId)], texcoord0).xyz;
vec3 BRDF = albedo / M_PI;
// Recursively trace reflected light sources.
if(prd.depth < 10)
float tMin = 0.001;
float tMax = 100000000.0;
uint flags = gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT;
traceRayEXT(topLevelAS, // acceleration structure
flags, // rayFlags
0xFF, // cullMask
0, // sbtRecordOffset
0, // sbtRecordStride
0, // missIndex
rayOrigin, // ray origin
tMin, // ray min range
rayDirection, // ray direction
tMax, // ray max range
0 // payload (location = 0)
vec3 incoming = prd.hitValue;
// Apply the Rendering Equation here.
prd.hitValue = emittance + (BRDF * incoming * cos_theta / p);
To avoid contribution from the environment.
void main()
if(prd.depth == 0)
prd.hitValue = * 0.8;
prd.hitValue = vec3(0.01); // Tiny contribution from environment
prd.depth = 100; // Ending trace
The implementation above is recursive and this is really not optimal. As described in the reflection
tutorial, the best is to break the recursivity and do most of the work in the RayGen
The following change can give up to 3 time faster rendering.
To be able to do this, we need to extend the ray payload
to bring data from the Closest Hit
to the RayGen
, which is the
ray origin and direction and the BRDF weight.
struct hitPayload
vec3 hitValue;
uint seed;
uint depth;
vec3 rayOrigin;
vec3 rayDirection;
vec3 weight;
We don't need to trace anymore, so before tracing a new ray, we can store the information in
the payload
and return before the recursion code.
prd.rayOrigin = rayOrigin;
prd.rayDirection = rayDirection;
prd.hitValue = emittance;
prd.weight = BRDF * cos_theta / p;
The ray generation is the one that will do the trace loop.
First initialize the payload
and variable to compute the accumulation.
prd.rayOrigin =;
prd.rayDirection =;
prd.weight = vec3(0);
vec3 curWeight = vec3(1);
vec3 hitValue = vec3(0);
Now the loop over the trace function, will be like the following.
push constant
for(; prd.depth < 10; prd.depth++)
traceRayEXT(topLevelAS, // acceleration structure
rayFlags, // rayFlags
0xFF, // cullMask
0, // sbtRecordOffset
0, // sbtRecordStride
0, // missIndex
prd.rayOrigin, // ray origin
tMin, // ray min range
prd.rayDirection, // ray direction
tMax, // ray max range
0 // payload (location = 0)
hitValue += prd.hitValue * curWeight;
curWeight *= prd.weight;
in the imageStore