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Telethon User Assistant

telethon user assistant is somthing like a simple command line interface for telegram clients written in telethon


first step is to install this project so you can use it git clone

then, change config.sample.ini to config.ini and enter your api_id and api_hash

as you can see there is a USE_PROXY and if it's TRUE you can enter your proxy hostname and port in Vendor/

there is also a LOG_CHANNEL and you should set it to id of a channel that logs are going. it should be unprefixed (without -100 at first of it)


in this project a command is exactly same with ones you write in cmd and starts with !!, like this:

!!id -to=me -bt=y -link=n -log=y -del=n


id is a built-in command to get the numeric chat_id or user_id of a chat or user and then as you see there are some attributes:

to: this means where the id should be sent: values for this attribute can be me(saved messages),here(in the chat),ch(a channel that you should give the id) and it also can be a user, group, channel, megagroup numeric id or username.

bt: if the backthicks should be used before and after the id to make it nicer

link: if the name of user or chat should be linked to it

log: if the command should be logged

del: if the command message itself should be deleted

How To make a command

now which you now how do commands work in this project maybe you wanna build some commands that gets some attributes on your own.

to make a command you should create a file under Commands Directory for example, we are going to build !!id command again together so we will create a file under commands/ directory next you should create a class (every name you want)

then go to file and add the command text and class name in it for example we want the !!id command to call Id class so we should do like this:

classes = {
    "id": "Id",

notice that the key is command text and the value is name of the class that should be called

Your Command class should inherit from Command class in Vendor Folder

from Vendor.Command import Command

class Id(Command):

and also you can import client from Vendor.client

you should have the __init__ method in your class. your __init__ should look like this

def __init__(self, event, attributes, command):
        # User Given Attributes
        self.attributes = attributes
        # All Command Attributes
        self.myAttributes = {
            # you should the default value or `__req` string for user required attributes
            "to": "ch",
            "link": "y",
            "bt": "n"
        # Event property
        self.event = event
        # Command property
        self.command = command
        # All Attributes Properties = None = None = None
        # Your Own Properties
        self.toChatId = None
        self.toChat = None

self.myAttributes should have all command attributes in it with their default value for example here link attribute's default in n your class should have all values in myAttributes as a property for example if we have a to property in myAttributes the class should have a property which the to attribute's value goes in that

so now we have all values for to, link and bt in our class that are accessible via self

you can have all your own class props too for example here we have a self.toChat that is not a command attribute

Command Execution

after all of this you should have some logic for your command in our example we need to get user's id and send it to to attribute`

you can define your login in execute method in your class for example we have this:

# Calling The parent init__ method
async def execute(self):
        # Calling The parent init__ method
        await self.init__()
        # Event Object
        event = self.event
        # Parsing All Attributes
        await self.parseAttributes()
        # The Chat That Message Should Go to (Get It from toChatId which is set in parseToAttribute)
        self.toChat = await client.get_entity(
        # Get The Chat That Message is sent in
        chat = await event.get_chat()
        # Get The last message from the chat
            async for message in client.iter_messages(chat, limit=1):
                last_message = message
            await self.logError(f"Can't get the lass message of this chat", 0)
        # If Message Is Sent In Private Group
        if event.is_private:
            # Send ID of person to 'toChatId' Property
            await self.sendMessageToProperty(
            return True
        # If The message if in channel,group,supergroup
        if event.is_group or event.is_channel:
            # if message is replyed to another message
            if event.is_reply:
                # get the message that command is replyed to
                replyed_to = await event.get_reply_message()
                # get the replyed person entity
                replyed_user = await client.get_entity(replyed_to.from_id)
                # Send ID of replyed person to 'toChatId' Property
                await self.sendMessageToProperty(
                return True
                # Send ID for of chat to 'toChatId' Property
                await self.sendMessageToProperty(
                return True
        return False
async def sendMessageToProperty(self, name, chat_id, c_type=0, last_message_id=None):
        # if there is a last_message_id ( means that message is in the group )
        if c_type == 1:
            if last_message_id != None:
                await self.sendMessageToChatProperty(
                    f"{f'[{name}]({str(chat_id)}/{str(last_message_id)})' if else f'{name}'} : {'`' if else ''}{str(chat_id)}{'`' if else ''}")
                await self.sendMessageToChatProperty(
                    f"{name} : {'`' if else ''}{str(chat_id)}{'`' if else ''}")
        # if sending id of a user
            await self.sendMessageToChatProperty(
                f"{f'[{name}](tg://user?id={str(chat_id)})' if else f'{name}'} : {'`' if else ''}{str(chat_id)}{'`' if else ''}")

Important: you should call self.init__ at top of every execution method

you may ask where is self.sendMessageToChatProperty method is coming from? this method is defined in the parent Command class and if you have to attribute in your command it will send the message you give to it.

execute method should return True in case of success and False if something failed.

you can also have some attribute parsing Logic if you want for example watch this:

async def parseToAttribute(self):
        toAttribute =
        # If the 'to' attribute is here send it to event.chat_id
        if toAttribute == 'here':
            self.toChatId = self.event.chat_id
        # If the 'to' attribute is ch send it to channel
        if toAttribute == 'ch':
            self.toChatId = 1372737953
        # If the 'to' attribute is me send it to saved messages
        if toAttribute == 'me':
            self.toChatId = "me"

        # If The 'to' attirbute is none of the predefined values
            # Get entity with string toAttribute (Can be Chat Id)
            self.toChat = await client.get_input_entity(int('-100' + toAttribute))
            self.toChatId = int('-100' + toAttribute)
            # Get entity with string toAttribute (Can be Chat Id)
            self.toChat = await client.get_input_entity(int(toAttribute))
            self.toChatId = int(toAttribute)
            # Get entity with string toAttribute (Can be Username)
            self.toChat = await client.get_input_entity(toAttribute)
            self.toChatId = toAttribute
            await self.logError(
                f"Valid Values For `to` Property is a Chat id, username, `here`, `me` or `ch`",

async def parseLinkAttribute(self):
    if == "y": = True
    else: = False

async def parseBtAttribute(self):
    if == "y": = True
    else: = False

and you can call them at the top of your execute method

await self.parseToAttribute()
await self.parseLinkAttribute()
await self.parseBtAttribute()

you may ask yourself, "so what about del and log attributes?" those attributes are global and defined in Vendor/ file. i am not gonna explain how they work because they are a part of code that there is no need to change them for you. if you want to have some more global attributes you can look at the codes.


every command you enter will be logged into the LOG_CHANNEL that you entered in config.ini like this:

Sent id Command in 1049010249
Event: 97903
  del : True
  log : True
  bt : y
  to : here
  link : y

and after the execution of command another message will be sent there which has one of these statuses:

Execution Succeded
Event: 97903
Execution Failed Due to an error
Event: 97903
Execution Done with a warning
Event: 97903


Mehdi Aghighi

