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API Specification

Bash-09 edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 34 revisions

End Points

WIP all contents of this page are subject to change.

Current API version: v1 (all current endpoints will of the form mac/<endpoint>/v1)



  • verdicts: one of none/trusted/cheater/sus as set by user, but if masterbase reports convict then override the user setting in all scenarios
  • tags: entirely separate set of strings. used to display if user is for example a friend, a MAC admin, etc

Steam API Key Renaming

  • 'personaname' gets renamed to 'name'
  • 'avatarfull' gets renamed to 'pfp'
  • 'avatar' gets removed
  • 'avatarmedium' gets removed

Player JSON Object Constraints

  • steamInfo may be NULL if player steam data hasn't been pulled yet
  • customData will never be NULL, just empty if no customData present

game (GET)

Returns the full game object, including server and lobby details, as well as all players currently in that server/lobby.


GET mac/game/v1

Request Form Data


No payload required. This endpoint should be hit every time the player joins a new lobby/game. To update a lobby, use mac/user/v# instead.

Example Request



import requests

base = "..."
response = requests.get(f"{base}/mac/game/v1")

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
players list A list of objects of all currently in-game players. (See mac/user/v1 for info on player objects)
map string The current game map
ip string The current server IP as returned from status.
maxPlayers integer The max players allowed in the lobby (this may differ from the actual value)
gamemode object The gamemode object, which contains the type (string), matchmaking and vanilla flags

Example Response

  "players": [
      "isSelf": false,
      "name": "x",
      "steamID64": "x",
      "steamInfo": {
        "accountName": "x",
        "pfp": "x",
        "pfphash": "x",
        "vacBans": "x",
        "isFriend": true,
        //...Any Other info you can find
      "gameInfo": {
        "team": 3,  // team is an int 0,1,2,3
        "ping": 64,
        "kills": 0,
        "deaths": 0,
      "customData": { /* Store your own json here! */ },
      "localVerdict": "suspicious",
      "convicted": false,
      "tags": ["Convicted", "MAC Admin"]
  "map": "X",
  "ip": "X",
  "hostname": "X",
  "maxPlayers": 32,
  "numPlayers": 17,
  "gamemode": {
    "matchmaking": false,
    "type": "Arena",
    "vanilla": false

Response contains server data, game details such as map, IP and gamemode, and a list of every player in the game (including self) Possible tags: "Recently Disconnected", "Joining", "Steam Friend", "Same regional DB", "Competitive Player", "MegaAntiCheat Admin" Possible verdicts: "none", "cheater", "sus", "trusted", "convict"

user (POST)

Returns all relevant information that the backend has on provided list of users.


POST mac/user/v1

Request Form Data

Parameter Type Description Requirement Type
users list A list of steamID64s to return data on. Required

Example Request

  "users": [123456789, 1235463235, 892357]


import requests

params = {"users": [123456789, 1235463235, 892357]}

base = "..."
response ="{base}/mac/user/v1/", params=params )

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
players list A list of player objects, containing the intersection of the set of players requested and the set of players in the game.
errors object An object containing a key-value pair for each steamID64 or name that the backend failed to find data on, and the reason.
<player>.isSelf bool If this player object represents the player currently running this client.
<player>.name string the in-game name of this player, which may or may not vary from the steam name ('personaname' a.k.a <player>.steamInfo.accountName )
<player>.steamID64 string the players steamID64
<player>.steamInfo object OR NULL an object containing all of the data returned from the steam API on this steam account. Some keys will be renamed (see top of page for info). See here for more details. NOTE: This key may be NULL if player data not returned.
<player>.gameInfo object an object containing all of the game data captured by the backend relevant to this player (i.e. team, score, ping)
<player>.tags list The set of all tags collated from local, regional and remote, with consideration for tag precedence.

Example Response

  "players": [
      "isSelf": false,
      "name": "x",
      "steamID64": "x",
      "steamInfo": {
        "accountName": "x",
        "pfp": "x",
        "pfphash": "x",
        "vacBans": "x",
        "isFriend": true,
        "loccountrycode": "AU",
        "timecreated": 9572357
        // ... Any Other info you can find
      "gameInfo": {
        "team": 3,  // team is an int 0,1,2,3
        "ping": 64,
        "kills": 0,
        "deaths": 0,
        // ...
      "customData": { /* Store your own json here! */ },
      "tags": ["Convicted", "MAC User"]
      "localVerdict": "suspicious",
      "convicted": false,
      // ...

The response shall contain a players object for each player that was both provided in the payload, and found in the game. And an errors object for each player that the back-end could not return a players object for

user (PUT)

A put to the user endpoint can be used to update locally stored data on the given user. Most significant is the ability to update the local verdict on any number of given users.


PUT mac/user/v1

Request Form Data

Parameter Type Description Requirement Type
object an object keyed by a users steamID64, containing an arbitrary number of namespaced key-value pairs of user persistent data to update. Required

Example Request

  "76561198210264393": {
      "localVerdict": "Suspicious",
      "customData": { /* your custom json here! */ }
  "76561198782264188": {
      "localVerdict": "Suspicious",
      "customData": { /* your custom json here! */ }


import requests

base = "..."
params = {
  "76561198210264393": {
      "localVerdict": "Suspicious",
      "customData": { /* your custom json here! */ }
  "76561198782264188": {
      "localVerdict": "Suspicious,
      "customData": { /* your custom json here! */ }
response = requests.put(f"{base}/mac/user/v1", params=params)

The localVerdict object may contain any number of "<steamID64>": "verdict", key-value pairs, to enable bulk updates of the local verdict.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
errors object an object of key-value pairs of steamID64's and the reason why a given player could not be updated.

Example Response

  "errors": {}

The response shall contain an errors object that would detail any errors encountered whilst trying to update the specified players stored data.

pref (GET)

Returns the full list of locally stored user preferences concern the client (both front-end and back)


GET mac/pref/v1

Request Form Data


Example Request



import requests

base = "..."
response = requests.get(f"{base}/mac/pref/v1")

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
internal object an object containing all internal prefs created and handled by the MAC official backend
external object an object containing all custom/non-mac defined user preferences

Data spec TBC, then this will be updated.

Example Response

  "internal": {
    "tf2Directory": ".../Team Fortress 2",
    "rconPassword": "password",
    "steamApiKey": "API_KEY_HERE"
  "external": {
    "customPreference": {...}

The response shall be an object containing a set of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the stored user pref, and the value is whatever type is stored under that key (can be literal, string, object or list). These will be distinguised by internal values and external values.

pref (PUT)

A post to pref is to update user preferences and settings as interacted with via the front-end client.


PUT mac/pref/v1

Request Form Data

Parameter Type Description Requirement Type
internal object an object containing the updated value(s) of the given internal user preference key name(s). Optional
external object an object containing the updated value(s) of the given external user preference key name(s). Optional

Any number of keys may be specified in the params.

Example Request

  "internal": {
    "tf2Directory": ".../Team Fortress 2",
    "rconPassword": "password",
    "steamApiKey": "API_KEY_HERE"
  "external": {
    "customPreference": {...}


import requests

base = "..."
params = {"internal": {"autokick_enabled": True}, "external": {"autokick_interbal": 60}}
response ="{base}/mac/pref/v1", params)

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
changes object An object containing the key-value pairs of keys that were changed, and the value of what they now represent
errors object An object containing all of the keys that could not be changed, and the reason why

Example Response

  "changes": {
    "internal": {
      "autokick_enabled": True 
    "external": {
      "xyz": "foo bar"
  "errors": {
    /* errors will only ever concern internal prefs as we don't track existance of external prefs */
    "autokick_interbal": "A key of that name does not exist."

events (GET)

The client opens a get request to this endpoint, which returns an event payload whenever an event occurs (i.e. vote_started, vote_update, vote_ended, lobby_joined, lobby_left). This endpoint opens a HTTP event stream type, which means the backend does not close the connection to the front end, even after a response is returned. This is because the same endpoint hit is used to stream all events back to the front end.


GET mac/events/v1

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
event string a key describing the event that has occured, such as "mac:vote_started", or "mac:lobby_joined"
data object the event payload data

List of all mac namespaced events:

  • mac:vote_started
  • mac:vote_update
  • mac:vote_finished
  • mac:lobby_joined
  • mac:lobby_left

Example Response

  "event": "mac:vote_XXXX",
  "data" : { /* event data goes here, such as "yes_votes": 7, "no_votes": 3, etc... */ },

history (GET)

Returns a list of all the recent players the local client has interacted with, up to the last 100 players. Accepts from= and to= params to query for data within a specific range.


GET mac/history/v1

GET mac/history/v1?from=xyz&to=abc

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
players list A list of player objects, in order of most recently encountered to oldest.

commands (POST)

The frontend can POST a list of commands to the backend to execute in the in-game console. A number of commands have dedicated structures for convenience (documented in the example), otherwise a custom object can be provided to execute any arbitrary console command.


POST mac/commands/v1

Request Form Data

Parameter Type Description Requirement Type
commands list A list containing 0 or more commands to be executed in the in-game console. Required
player string The userid of the player to call a votekick on. This is separate to their steamid and is stored in the gameInfo field of the player. Required (for a kick command)
reason string The reason reported for calling a votekick. Can be any of "none", "idle", "cheating" or "scamming". Defaults to "none" if the field is not provided. Optional

Example Request

  "commands" : [
      { "say" : "Message!" },
      { "sayTeam" : "Team message!" },
      { "kick" : { "player" : "<gameInfo.userid>", "reason": "cheating" } },
      { "custom" : "<Insert command here>" },
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