diff --git a/Justfile b/Justfile
index 0b5a9ed..f4548b9 100644
--- a/Justfile
+++ b/Justfile
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ fmt:
     just venv pip install pre-commit==3.*
     just venv pre-commit run -a
+# Generate the CREDTIS.md file
+    just venv python ./generate_credits.py
 # === Godot ===
 # Recipes around the Godot binary.
@@ -181,12 +185,18 @@ butler *ARGS: check-butler
     sed -i "s,application/version=.*$,application/version=\"{{ game_version }}\",g" ./export_presets.cfg
     sed -i "s,application/short_version=.*$,application/short_version=\"{{ short_version }}\",g" ./export_presets.cfg
+    echo "Update version in the project.godot"
+    sed -i "s,config/version=.*$,config/version=\"{{ game_version }}\",g" ./project.godot
     echo "Create the override.cfg"
     touch override.cfg
     echo -e '[build_info]\npackage/version="{{ game_version }}"\npackage/build_date="{{ build_date }}"\nsource/commit="{{ commit_hash }}"' > override.cfg
+pre-export: clean-addons makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
 # Export game on Windows
-export-windows: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
+export-windows: pre-export
     mkdir -p {{ build_dir }}/windows
     just godot --headless --export-release '"Windows Desktop"' {{ build_dir }}/windows/{{ game_name }}.exe
     (cd {{ build_dir }}/windows && zip {{ game_name }}-windows-v{{ game_version }}.zip -r .)
@@ -194,11 +204,11 @@ export-windows: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
     rm -rf {{ build_dir }}/windows
 # Export game on MacOS
-export-mac: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
+export-mac: pre-export
     just godot --headless --export-release "macOS" {{ dist_dir }}/{{ game_name }}-mac-v{{ game_version }}.zip
 # Export game on Linux
-export-linux: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
+export-linux: pre-export
     mkdir -p {{ build_dir }}/linux
     just godot --headless --export-release "Linux/X11" {{ build_dir }}/linux/{{ game_name }}.x86_64
     (cd {{ build_dir }}/linux && zip {{ game_name }}-linux-v{{ game_version }}.zip -r .)
@@ -206,7 +216,7 @@ export-linux: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
     rm -rf {{ build_dir }}/linux
 # Export game for the web
-export-web: makedirs bump-version install-addons import-resources
+export-web: pre-export
     mkdir -p {{ build_dir }}/web
     just godot --headless --export-release "Web" {{ build_dir }}/web/index.html
diff --git a/export_presets.cfg b/export_presets.cfg
index cb341cf..3b2077d 100644
--- a/export_presets.cfg
+++ b/export_presets.cfg
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ application/modify_resources=true
 application/company_name="Mechanical Flower"
diff --git a/generate_credits.py b/generate_credits.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04dd34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_credits.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+from string import Template
+def main():
+    template = Template((
+        '- "[$files]($source)" by **$author** licensed'
+        ' under [$license](./LICENSES/$license.txt)\n'
+    ))
+    deps = {}
+    section = None
+    with open(".reuse/dep5", "r") as file:
+        for line in file:
+            if line.startswith('# '):
+                section = line[len("# "): -1].lower()
+            if section is None:
+                continue
+            if line.startswith("Files: "):
+                if section not in deps:
+                    deps[section] = []
+                deps[section].append({"files": line[len("Files: "):-1]})
+            elif line.startswith("Copyright: "):
+                if section not in deps:
+                    deps[section] = []
+                date_author = line[len("Copyright: "):-1].split(" ")
+                date_author.pop(0)
+                deps[section][-1]["author"] = " ".join(date_author)
+            elif line.startswith("License: "):
+                if section not in deps:
+                    deps[section] = []
+                deps[section][-1]["license"] = line[len("License: "):-1]
+            elif line.startswith("Source: "):
+                if section not in deps:
+                    deps[section] = []
+                deps[section][-1]["source"] = line[len("Source: "):-1]
+    if deps:
+        with open("CREDITS.md", "w") as file:
+            file.writelines("# Credits\n\n")
+            for key, value in deps.items():
+                file.writelines(f"## {key.title()}\n")
+                for dep in value:
+                    file.writelines(template.substitute(**dep))
+    else:
+        if os.path.exists("CREDITS.md"):
+            os.remove("CREDITS.md")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot
index 2b478ea..2e3be27 100644
--- a/project.godot
+++ b/project.godot
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ universal_fade/patterns_directory="res://addons/UniversalFade/Patterns"
 config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2", "Forward Plus")