The main files and directories in this source code distribution are described as follows:
+-- LICENSE : KDSource Licence (GNU GPL-3).
+-- : Usage instructions.
+-- : Development instructions.
+-- CITATION.cff : Citation file for the KDSource project.
+-- CMakeLists.txt : Configuration file for installation with cmake.
+-- : File to generate configurations header for C.
+-- pyproject.toml : Configuration file for Python.
| library.
+-- INSTALL.ps1 : PowerShell installation script for Windows.
+-- docs/ : Documentation.
| +-- Makefile : Configuration file for Sphynx documentation.
| +-- make.bat : Configuration file for Sphynx documentation.
| +-- requirements.txt : Requirements file for Sphynx documentation.
| +-- source/ : Source code for Sphynx documentation.
| +-- examples/ : Usage examples.
| +-- KDSource_manual_spanish : KDSource manual (spanish) LaTeX source code.
+-- img/ : KDSource logo files.
+-- mcpl/ : Source code MCPL distribution 1.3.2 with added
| hooks for TRIPOLI-4, MCNP's PTRAC and SSV format.
+-- mcstas/
| +-- contrib/ : McStas components for communication with MCPL and
| KDSource formats.
+-- python/ : Python API for creation and optimization of
| | KDSource particle sources, and density estimation.
| +-- : Usage instructions for Python API.
| +-- : Configuration file for including files to Python
| | distribution.
| +-- : Configuration file for installation of Python API
| | with pip.
| +-- pyproject.toml : Configuration file for Python API installation.
| +-- tox.ini : Configuration file for GitHub Workflow.
| +-- kdsource/ : Source code of kdsource package in Python.
| +-- tests/ : Python API unit testing.
+-- src/ : Source code of C and command line APIs.
| +-- kdsource/ : Source code (.h y .c) of C API.
| +-- kdtool/ : Source code (.c y .sh) of command line API.
+-- templates/ : Template files for KDSource usage in Python and
| McStas and TRIPOLI-4 execution.
+-- tests/ : C API unit testing.
Clone GitHub repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules
git remote add origin
Install C and command line APIs:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/kdsourceinstall
make install
cd ..
Install Python API:
cd python
pip install .
cd ..
To have KDSource command line tool in your path execute (or add to ~/.profile
and update with source ~/.profile
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/install/bin
Create and switch to feature branch:
git pull origin master
git branch newfeature
git switch newfeature
Here you can modify, delete or create files in the working tree.
Test C and command line APIs:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make test
cd ..
Test Python API:
tox -r -c python
Check documentation:
sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/html
The HTML files will be built in docs/html
Save your work in feature branch:
git status
git add -u
git add [new-files]
git git commit
git push origin newfeature
Merge chanches to master branch:
git rebase [-i] master
git switch master
git merge newfeature
git push origin master
Delete feature branch:
git branch -d newfeature
git push origin -d newfeature
At the time, the only implemented distribution the GitHub repo.