This repository is no longer maintained and is deprecated. Please be aware that it may not work with the latest versions of its dependencies.
sitemap.js is a high-level sitemap-generating framework that makes creating sitemap XML files easy.
It's recommended to install via npm:
npm install --save sitemap
Here's an example of using sitemap.js with express:
var express = require('express')
, sm = require('sitemap');
var app = express()
, sitemap = sm.createSitemap ({
hostname: '',
cacheTime: 600000, // 600 sec - cache purge period
urls: [
{ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 },
{ url: '/page-2/', changefreq: 'monthly', priority: 0.7 },
{ url: '/page-3/'}, // changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.5
{ url: '/page-4/', img: "" }
app.get('/sitemap.xml', function(req, res) {
sitemap.toXML( function (xml) {
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
res.send( xml );
And here is an example of synchronous sitemap.js usage:
var express = require('express')
, sm = require('sitemap');
var app = express()
, sitemap = sm.createSitemap ({
hostname: '',
cacheTime: 600000, // 600 sec cache period
urls: [
{ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 },
{ url: '/page-2/', changefreq: 'monthly', priority: 0.7 },
{ url: '/page-3/' } // changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.5
app.get('/sitemap.xml', function(req, res) {
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
res.send( sitemap.toString() );
Example of dynamic page manipulations into sitemap:
var sitemap = sm.createSitemap ({
hostname: '',
cacheTime: 600000
sitemap.add({url: '/page-1/'});
sitemap.add({url: '/page-2/', changefreq: 'monthly', priority: 0.7});
sitemap.del({url: '/page-2/'});
See LICENSE file.