- Apply a date filter expand_more
+ Apply a date filter expand_more
- |
- Earliest Spring Record |
- |
- Latest Spring Record |
- |
- Earliest Autumn Record |
- |
- Latest Autumn Record |
- |
- Most Calls in 24 hours |
- |
- Chart generated in: |
- |
+ sort Time |
+ sort Position |
+ sort Species |
+ Calls |
+ Label |
+ Notes |
+ date_range
+ Apply a date filter expand_more
+ |
+ Earliest Spring Record |
+ |
+ Latest Spring Record |
+ |
+ Earliest Autumn Record |
+ |
+ Latest Autumn Record |
+ |
+ Most Calls in 24 hours |
+ |
+ Chart generated in: |
+ |
- bounds.extend(marker.getLatLng()); // Extend the bounds to include this marker
- });
- map.fitBounds(bounds)
- const tiles = L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- maxZoom: 15,
- minZoom: 3,
- attribution: '©
- }).addTo(map);
- markerGroup.addTo(map)
- const firstMarkerEl = document.querySelector('.leaflet-marker-icon')
- firstMarkerEl.classList.add('leaflet-marker-icon-default')
- markerGroup.on('click', function (e) {
- onMapClick(e)
- });
- } else{
- map.setView([config.latitude, config.longitude], 11);
- const tiles = L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- maxZoom: 15,
- minZoom: 3,
- attribution: '©
- }).addTo(map);
- if (!marker) marker = L.marker([config.latitude, config.longitude]).addTo(map);
- const firstMarkerEl = document.querySelector('.leaflet-marker-icon')
- firstMarkerEl.classList.add('leaflet-marker-icon-default')
- marker.on('click', onMapClick);
- }
- }
- const latLonElements = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'customLat', 'customLon'];
- latLonElements.forEach(el => {
- const where = el.indexOf('custom') > -1 ? 'customLocationMap' : 'settingsMap';
- el = document.getElementById(el);
- el.addEventListener('change', () => {
- showMap(where);
- displayLocationAddress(where);
- });
- })
- function updateMap(lat,lng){
- // Update the marker's position
- if (!marker) marker = L.marker([lat, lng]).addTo(map);
- marker.setLatLng([lat, lng]);
- // Center the map view on the new marker position
- map.setView([lat, lng]);
- }
- async function placeMap(divID){
- map?.remove(); marker = undefined;
- map = L.map(divID);
- if (divID === 'settingsMap'){
- latTxt = 'latitude';
- lonTxt = 'longitude';
- } else{
- latTxt = 'customLat';
- lonTxt = 'customLon';
- }
- const latEl = document.getElementById(latTxt);
- const lonEl = document.getElementById(lonTxt);
- showMap(divID);
- map.on('click', onMapClick);
- }