diff --git a/Help/settings.html b/Help/settings.html
index b267bead..f2bff590 100644
--- a/Help/settings.html
+++ b/Help/settings.html
@@ -17,20 +17,9 @@
A value around 50% provides a good balance between detecting genuine calls and minimizing false positives.
Search for
- Birds in your Region . Exclude birds unlikely to be found in your location.
+ Local Birds . Exclude birds unlikely to be found in your location.
Nocturnal Birds . Just report detections relating to these species' calls (song detections are
All birds . Include birdsong as well as calls, also includes species not known to call at night.
diff --git a/css/style.css b/css/style.css
index 08261ee1..c5f3d536 100644
--- a/css/style.css
+++ b/css/style.css
@@ -296,11 +296,6 @@ footer {
#fullscreen {
- margin: 5px;
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 1;
- top: 1em;
- right: 0em;
max-width: 70px;
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index fbfc65f0..7559b8c3 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
Saved Records
- Birds in your region
+ Local Birds
Nocturnal Birds
@@ -920,8 +920,6 @@ Set Location
@@ -965,6 +963,8 @@
Set Location
class="material-symbols-outlined btn btn-outline-secondary p-1 pt-2">blur_on
Set Location
Apply a date filter Set Location
Sum Detections by:
diff --git a/js/BirdNet2.4.js b/js/BirdNet2.4.js
index e158c238..38ad7653 100644
--- a/js/BirdNet2.4.js
+++ b/js/BirdNet2.4.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node');
const fs = require('node:fs');
const path = require('node:path');
-let DEBUG = true;
+let DEBUG = false;
let myModel;
-const MIGRANTS = new Set(["Pluvialis dominica_American Golden Plover", "Acanthis hornemanni_Arctic Redpoll", "Sterna paradisaea_Arctic Tern", "Recurvirostra avosetta_Avocet", "Porzana pusilla_Baillon's Crake", "Limosa lapponica_Bar-tailed Godwit", "Tyto alba_Barn Owl", "Branta leucopsis_Barnacle Goose", "Cygnus columbianus_Bewick's Swan", "Botaurus stellaris_Bittern", "Chroicocephalus ridibundus_Black-headed Gull", "Podiceps nigricollis_Black-necked Grebe", "Limosa limosa_Black-tailed Godwit", "Turdus merula_Blackbird", "Sylvia atricapilla_Blackcap", "Fringilla montifringilla_Brambling", "Branta bernicla_Brent Goose", "Branta canadensis_Canada Goose", "Larus cachinnans_Caspian Gull", "Phylloscopus collybita_Chiffchaff", "Loxia curvirostra_Common Crossbill", "Larus canus_Common Gull", "Acanthis flammea_Common Redpoll", "Actitis hypoleucos_Common Sandpiper", "Melanitta nigra_Common Scoter", "Sterna hirundo_Common Tern", "Fulica atra_Coot", "Crex crex_Corncrake", "Cuculus canorus_Cuckoo", "Calidris ferruginea_Curlew Sandpiper", "Numenius arquata_Curlew", "Charadrius morinellus_Dotterel", "Calidris alpina_Dunlin", "Prunella modularis_Dunnock", "Alopochen aegyptiaca_Egyptian Goose", "Turdus pilaris_Fieldfare", "Mareca strepera_Gadwall", "Sylvia borin_Garden Warbler", "Spatula querquedula_Garganey", "Regulus regulus_Goldcrest", "Pluvialis apricaria_Golden Plover", "Bucephala clangula_Goldeneye", "Mergus merganser_Goosander", "Locustella naevia_Grasshopper Warbler", "Larus marinus_Great Black-backed Gull", "Podiceps cristatus_Great Crested Grebe", "Tringa ochropus_Green Sandpiper", "Tringa nebularia_Greenshank", "Ardea cinerea_Grey Heron", "Perdix perdix_Grey Partridge", "Phalaropus fulicarius_Grey", "Pluvialis squatarola_Grey Plover", "Motacilla cinerea_Grey Wagtail ", "Anser anser_Greylag Goose", "Delichon urbicum_House Martin", "Coccothraustes coccothraustes_Hawfinch", "Larus argentatus_Herring Gull", "Lymnocryptes minimus_Jack Snipe", "Alcedo atthis_Kingfisher", "Calidris canutus_Knot", "Calcarius lapponicus_Lapland Bunting", "Larus fuscus_Lesser Black-backed Gull", "Acanthis cabaret_Lesser Redpoll ", "Sylvia curruca_Lesser Whitethroat", "Linaria cannabina_Linnet", "Egretta garzetta_Little Egret", "Tachybaptus ruficollis_Little Grebe", "Hydrocoloeus minutus_Little Gull", "Athene noctua_Little Owl", "Charadrius dubius_Little Ringed Plover", "Calidris minuta_Little Stint ", "Sternula albifrons_Little Tern", "Asio otus_Long-eared Owl", "Clangula hyemalis_Long-tailed Duck", "Anas platyrhynchos_Mallard", "Aix galericulata_Mandarin Duck", "Anthus pratensis_Meadow Pipit", "Ichthyaetus melanocephalus_Mediterranean Gull", "Turdus viscivorus_Mistle Thrush", "Gallinula chloropus_Moorhen", "Nycticorax nycticorax_Night Heron", "Luscinia megarhynchos_Nightingale", "Luscinia megarhynchos_Nightingale (song)", "Caprimulgus europaeus_Nightjar", "Anthus hodgsoni_Olive-backed Pipit", "Emberiza hortulana_Ortolan Bunting", "Emberiza pusilla_Little Bunting", "Haematopus ostralegus_Oystercatcher", "Ficedula hypoleuca_Pied Flycatcher", "Motacilla alba_Pied Wagtail", "Anser brachyrhynchus_Pink-footed Goose", "Anas acuta_Pintail", "Aythya ferina_Pochard", "Calidris maritima_Purple Sandpiper", "Coturnix coturnix_Quail", "Mergus serrator_Red-breasted Merganser", "Netta rufina_Red-crested Pochard", "Alectoris rufa_Red-legged Partridge", "Tringa totanus_Redshank", "Phoenicurus phoenicurus_Redstart", "Turdus iliacus_Redwing", "Emberiza schoeniclus_Reed Bunting", "Acrocephalus scirpaceus_Reed Warbler", "Turdus torquatus_Ring Ouzel", "Charadrius hiaticula_Ringed Plover", "Erithacus rubecula_Robin (flight call)", "Anthus petrosus_Rock Pipit", "Sterna dougallii_Roseate Tern", "Calidris pugnax_Ruff", "Riparia riparia_Sand Martin", "Calidris alba_Sanderling", "Thalasseus sandvicensis_Sandwich Tern", "Aythya marila_Scaup", "Loxia scotica_Scottish Crossbill", "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus_Sedge Warbler", "Tadorna tadorna_Shelduck", "Asio flammeus_Short-eared Owl", "Spatula clypeata_Shoveler", "Spinus spinus_Siskin", "Alauda arvensis_Skylark", "Gallinago gallinago_Snipe", "Plectrophenax nivalis_Snow Bunting", "Turdus philomelos_Song Thrush", "Porzana porzana_Spotted Crake", "Muscicapa striata_Spotted Flycatcher", "Tringa erythropus_Spotted Redshank", "Burhinus oedicnemus_Stone-curlew", "Saxicola rubicola_Stonechat", "Hirundo rustica_Swallow", "Apus apus_Swift", "Anser fabalis_Taiga Bean Goose", "Strix aluco_Tawny Owl", "Anas crecca_Teal", "Anthus trivialis_Tree Pipit", "Aythya fuligula_Tufted Duck", "Anser serrirostris_Tundra Bean Goose", "Arenaria interpres_Turnstone", "Anthus spinoletta_Water Pipit", "Rallus aquaticus_Water Rail", "Numenius phaeopus_Whimbrel", "Anser albifrons_White-fronted Goose", "Sylvia communis_Whitethroat", "Cygnus cygnus_Whooper Swan", "Mareca penelope_Wigeon", "Phylloscopus trochilus_Willow Warbler", "Tringa glareola_Wood Sandpiper", "Scolopax rusticola_Woodcock", "Lullula arborea_Woodlark", "Larus michahellis_Yellow-legged Gull", "Motacilla flava_Yellow Wagtail", "Emberiza citrinella_Yellowhammer"]);
-const NOT_BIRDS = ['Ambient Noise_Ambient Noise', 'Animal_Animal', 'Cat_Cat', 'Church Bells_Church Bells', 'Cough_Cough', 'Dog_Dog', 'Human_Human', 'Laugh_Laugh', 'Rain_Rain', 'Red Fox_Red Fox', 'Sneeze_Sneeze', 'Snoring_Snoring', 'Thunder_Thunder', 'Vehicle_Vehicle', 'Water Drops_Water Drops', 'Waves_Waves', 'Wind_Wind'];
+// const MIGRANTS = new Set(["Pluvialis dominica_American Golden Plover", "Acanthis hornemanni_Arctic Redpoll", "Sterna paradisaea_Arctic Tern", "Recurvirostra avosetta_Avocet", "Porzana pusilla_Baillon's Crake", "Limosa lapponica_Bar-tailed Godwit", "Tyto alba_Barn Owl", "Branta leucopsis_Barnacle Goose", "Cygnus columbianus_Bewick's Swan", "Botaurus stellaris_Bittern", "Chroicocephalus ridibundus_Black-headed Gull", "Podiceps nigricollis_Black-necked Grebe", "Limosa limosa_Black-tailed Godwit", "Turdus merula_Blackbird", "Sylvia atricapilla_Blackcap", "Fringilla montifringilla_Brambling", "Branta bernicla_Brent Goose", "Branta canadensis_Canada Goose", "Larus cachinnans_Caspian Gull", "Phylloscopus collybita_Chiffchaff", "Loxia curvirostra_Common Crossbill", "Larus canus_Common Gull", "Acanthis flammea_Common Redpoll", "Actitis hypoleucos_Common Sandpiper", "Melanitta nigra_Common Scoter", "Sterna hirundo_Common Tern", "Fulica atra_Coot", "Crex crex_Corncrake", "Cuculus canorus_Cuckoo", "Calidris ferruginea_Curlew Sandpiper", "Numenius arquata_Curlew", "Charadrius morinellus_Dotterel", "Calidris alpina_Dunlin", "Prunella modularis_Dunnock", "Alopochen aegyptiaca_Egyptian Goose", "Turdus pilaris_Fieldfare", "Mareca strepera_Gadwall", "Sylvia borin_Garden Warbler", "Spatula querquedula_Garganey", "Regulus regulus_Goldcrest", "Pluvialis apricaria_Golden Plover", "Bucephala clangula_Goldeneye", "Mergus merganser_Goosander", "Locustella naevia_Grasshopper Warbler", "Larus marinus_Great Black-backed Gull", "Podiceps cristatus_Great Crested Grebe", "Tringa ochropus_Green Sandpiper", "Tringa nebularia_Greenshank", "Ardea cinerea_Grey Heron", "Perdix perdix_Grey Partridge", "Phalaropus fulicarius_Grey", "Pluvialis squatarola_Grey Plover", "Motacilla cinerea_Grey Wagtail ", "Anser anser_Greylag Goose", "Delichon urbicum_House Martin", "Coccothraustes coccothraustes_Hawfinch", "Larus argentatus_Herring Gull", "Lymnocryptes minimus_Jack Snipe", "Alcedo atthis_Kingfisher", "Calidris canutus_Knot", "Calcarius lapponicus_Lapland Bunting", "Larus fuscus_Lesser Black-backed Gull", "Acanthis cabaret_Lesser Redpoll ", "Sylvia curruca_Lesser Whitethroat", "Linaria cannabina_Linnet", "Egretta garzetta_Little Egret", "Tachybaptus ruficollis_Little Grebe", "Hydrocoloeus minutus_Little Gull", "Athene noctua_Little Owl", "Charadrius dubius_Little Ringed Plover", "Calidris minuta_Little Stint ", "Sternula albifrons_Little Tern", "Asio otus_Long-eared Owl", "Clangula hyemalis_Long-tailed Duck", "Anas platyrhynchos_Mallard", "Aix galericulata_Mandarin Duck", "Anthus pratensis_Meadow Pipit", "Ichthyaetus melanocephalus_Mediterranean Gull", "Turdus viscivorus_Mistle Thrush", "Gallinula chloropus_Moorhen", "Nycticorax nycticorax_Night Heron", "Luscinia megarhynchos_Nightingale", "Luscinia megarhynchos_Nightingale (song)", "Caprimulgus europaeus_Nightjar", "Anthus hodgsoni_Olive-backed Pipit", "Emberiza hortulana_Ortolan Bunting", "Emberiza pusilla_Little Bunting", "Haematopus ostralegus_Oystercatcher", "Ficedula hypoleuca_Pied Flycatcher", "Motacilla alba_Pied Wagtail", "Anser brachyrhynchus_Pink-footed Goose", "Anas acuta_Pintail", "Aythya ferina_Pochard", "Calidris maritima_Purple Sandpiper", "Coturnix coturnix_Quail", "Mergus serrator_Red-breasted Merganser", "Netta rufina_Red-crested Pochard", "Alectoris rufa_Red-legged Partridge", "Tringa totanus_Redshank", "Phoenicurus phoenicurus_Redstart", "Turdus iliacus_Redwing", "Emberiza schoeniclus_Reed Bunting", "Acrocephalus scirpaceus_Reed Warbler", "Turdus torquatus_Ring Ouzel", "Charadrius hiaticula_Ringed Plover", "Erithacus rubecula_Robin (flight call)", "Anthus petrosus_Rock Pipit", "Sterna dougallii_Roseate Tern", "Calidris pugnax_Ruff", "Riparia riparia_Sand Martin", "Calidris alba_Sanderling", "Thalasseus sandvicensis_Sandwich Tern", "Aythya marila_Scaup", "Loxia scotica_Scottish Crossbill", "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus_Sedge Warbler", "Tadorna tadorna_Shelduck", "Asio flammeus_Short-eared Owl", "Spatula clypeata_Shoveler", "Spinus spinus_Siskin", "Alauda arvensis_Skylark", "Gallinago gallinago_Snipe", "Plectrophenax nivalis_Snow Bunting", "Turdus philomelos_Song Thrush", "Porzana porzana_Spotted Crake", "Muscicapa striata_Spotted Flycatcher", "Tringa erythropus_Spotted Redshank", "Burhinus oedicnemus_Stone-curlew", "Saxicola rubicola_Stonechat", "Hirundo rustica_Swallow", "Apus apus_Swift", "Anser fabalis_Taiga Bean Goose", "Strix aluco_Tawny Owl", "Anas crecca_Teal", "Anthus trivialis_Tree Pipit", "Aythya fuligula_Tufted Duck", "Anser serrirostris_Tundra Bean Goose", "Arenaria interpres_Turnstone", "Anthus spinoletta_Water Pipit", "Rallus aquaticus_Water Rail", "Numenius phaeopus_Whimbrel", "Anser albifrons_White-fronted Goose", "Sylvia communis_Whitethroat", "Cygnus cygnus_Whooper Swan", "Mareca penelope_Wigeon", "Phylloscopus trochilus_Willow Warbler", "Tringa glareola_Wood Sandpiper", "Scolopax rusticola_Woodcock", "Lullula arborea_Woodlark", "Larus michahellis_Yellow-legged Gull", "Motacilla flava_Yellow Wagtail", "Emberiza citrinella_Yellowhammer"]);
+// const NOT_BIRDS = ['Ambient Noise_Ambient Noise', 'Animal_Animal', 'Cat_Cat', 'Church Bells_Church Bells', 'Cough_Cough', 'Dog_Dog', 'Human_Human', 'Laugh_Laugh', 'Rain_Rain', 'Red Fox_Red Fox', 'Sneeze_Sneeze', 'Snoring_Snoring', 'Thunder_Thunder', 'Vehicle_Vehicle', 'Water Drops_Water Drops', 'Waves_Waves', 'Wind_Wind'];
const MYSTERIES = ['Unknown Sp._Unknown Sp.'];
const GRAYLIST = [];
const GOLDEN_LIST = []
@@ -24,125 +24,125 @@ onmessage = async (e) => {
let response;
try {
switch (modelRequest) {
- case "load": {const version = e.data.model;
-if (DEBUG) {
- console.log("load request to worker");
-const { height: height, width: width, labels: labels, location: location } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `../${version}_model_config.json`), "utf8"));
-const appPath = "../" + location + "/";
-const list = e.data.list;
-const batch = e.data.batchSize;
-const backend = e.data.backend;
- message: "labels",
- labels: labels
-if (DEBUG) {
- console.log(`model received load instruction. Using list: ${list}, batch size ${batch}`);
-tf.setBackend(backend).then(async () => {
- if (backend === "webgl") {
- tf.env().set("WEBGL_FORCE_F16_TEXTURES", true);
- tf.env().set("WEBGL_PACK", true);
- tf.env().set("WEBGL_EXP_CONV", true);
- tf.env().set("TOPK_K_CPU_HANDOFF_THRESHOLD", 128);
- }
- tf.enableProdMode();
- if (DEBUG) {
- console.log(tf.env());
- console.log(tf.env().getFlags());
- }
- myModel = new Model(appPath, list, version);
- myModel.height = height;
- myModel.width = width;
- myModel.labels = labels;
- myModel.lat = parseFloat(e.data.lat);
- myModel.lon = parseFloat(e.data.lon);
- myModel.week = parseInt(e.data.week);
- await myModel.loadModel();
- postMessage({
- message: "update-list",
- blocked: BLOCKED_IDS,
- updateResults: false
- });
- myModel.warmUp(batch);
- BACKEND = tf.getBackend();
- postMessage({
- message: "model-ready",
- sampleRate: myModel.config.sampleRate,
- chunkLength: myModel.chunkLength,
- backend: tf.getBackend(),
- labels: labels
- });
- case "predict": {if (myModel.model_loaded) {
- const { chunks: chunks, start: start, fileStart: fileStart, file: file, snr: snr, confidence: confidence, worker: worker, context: context, resetResults: resetResults } = e.data;
- myModel.useContext = context;
- myModel.selection = !resetResults;
- const [result,filename,startPosition] = await myModel.predictChunk(chunks, start, fileStart, file, snr, confidence / 1000);
- response = {
- message: "prediction",
- file: filename,
- result: result,
- fileStart: startPosition,
- worker: worker,
- selection: myModel.selection
- };
- postMessage(response);
- myModel.result = [];
- case "get-spectrogram": {const buffer = e.data.buffer;
-if (buffer.length < myModel.chunkLength) {
- return;
-const specFile = e.data.file;
-const filepath = e.data.filepath;
-const spec_height = e.data.height;
-const spec_width = e.data.width;
-let image;
-const signal = tf.tensor1d(buffer, "float32");
-const bufferTensor = myModel.normalise_audio(signal);
-const imageTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
- return myModel.makeSpectrogram(bufferTensor);
-image = tf.tidy(() => {
- let spec = myModel.fixUpSpecBatch(tf.expandDims(imageTensor, 0), spec_height, spec_width);
- const spec_max = tf.max(spec);
- return spec.mul(255).div(spec_max).dataSync();
-response = {
- message: "spectrogram",
- width: myModel.inputShape[2],
- height: myModel.inputShape[1],
- channels: myModel.inputShape[3],
- image: image,
- file: specFile,
- filepath: filepath
- case "list": {myModel.list = e.data.list;
-if (DEBUG) {
- console.log(`Setting list to ${myModel.list}`);
-await myModel.setList();
- message: "update-list",
- blocked: BLOCKED_IDS,
- updateResults: true
+ case "load": {
+ const version = e.data.model;
+ DEBUG && console.log("load request to worker");
+ const { height: height, width: width, labels: labels, location: location } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `../${version}_model_config.json`), "utf8"));
+ const appPath = "../" + location + "/";
+ const list = e.data.list;
+ const batch = e.data.batchSize;
+ const backend = e.data.backend;
+ labels.push(...MYSTERIES);
+ postMessage({
+ message: "labels",
+ labels: labels
+ });
+ DEBUG && console.log(`model received load instruction. Using list: ${list}, batch size ${batch}`);
+ tf.setBackend(backend).then(async () => {
+ if (backend === "webgl") {
+ tf.env().set("WEBGL_FORCE_F16_TEXTURES", true);
+ tf.env().set("WEBGL_PACK", true);
+ tf.env().set("WEBGL_EXP_CONV", true);
+ tf.env().set("TOPK_K_CPU_HANDOFF_THRESHOLD", 128);
+ }
+ tf.enableProdMode();
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ console.log(tf.env());
+ console.log(tf.env().getFlags());
+ }
+ myModel = new Model(appPath, list, version);
+ myModel.height = height;
+ myModel.width = width;
+ myModel.labels = labels;
+ myModel.lat = parseFloat(e.data.lat);
+ myModel.lon = parseFloat(e.data.lon);
+ myModel.week = parseInt(e.data.week);
+ await myModel.loadModel();
+ postMessage({
+ message: "update-list",
+ blocked: BLOCKED_IDS,
+ updateResults: false
+ });
+ myModel.warmUp(batch);
+ BACKEND = tf.getBackend();
+ postMessage({
+ message: "model-ready",
+ sampleRate: myModel.config.sampleRate,
+ chunkLength: myModel.chunkLength,
+ backend: tf.getBackend(),
+ labels: labels
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ case "predict": {
+ if (myModel.model_loaded) {
+ const { chunks: chunks, start: start, fileStart: fileStart, file: file, snr: snr, confidence: confidence, worker: worker, context: context, resetResults: resetResults } = e.data;
+ myModel.useContext = context;
+ myModel.selection = !resetResults;
+ const [result,filename,startPosition] = await myModel.predictChunk(chunks, start, fileStart, file, snr, confidence / 1000);
+ response = {
+ message: "prediction",
+ file: filename,
+ result: result,
+ fileStart: startPosition,
+ worker: worker,
+ selection: myModel.selection
+ };
+ postMessage(response);
+ myModel.result = [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case "get-spectrogram": {
+ const buffer = e.data.buffer;
+ const specFile = e.data.file;
+ const filepath = e.data.filepath;
+ const spec_height = e.data.height;
+ const spec_width = e.data.width;
+ let image;
+ if (buffer.length !== 72000) {
+ console.log((`Skipping ${e.data.file} as buffer size is ${buffer.length}`))
+ return;
+ }
+ const signal = tf.tensor1d(buffer, "float32");
+ const bufferTensor = myModel.normalise_audio(signal);
+ signal.dispose();
+ const imageTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
+ return myModel.makeSpectrogram(bufferTensor);
+ });
+ image = tf.tidy(() => {
+ let spec = myModel.fixUpSpecBatch(tf.expandDims(imageTensor, 0), spec_height, spec_width);
+ const spec_max = tf.max(spec);
+ return spec.mul(255).div(spec_max).dataSync();
+ });
+ bufferTensor.dispose();
+ imageTensor.dispose();
+ response = {
+ message: "spectrogram",
+ width: 384,
+ height: 256,
+ channels: 1,
+ image: image,
+ file: specFile,
+ filepath: filepath
+ };
+ postMessage(response);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "list": {
+ myModel.list = e.data.list;
+ DEBUG && console.log(`Setting list to ${myModel.list}`);
+ await myModel.setList();
+ postMessage({
+ message: "update-list",
+ blocked: BLOCKED_IDS,
+ updateResults: true
+ });
+ break;
+ }
// If worker was respawned
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ class Model {
async loadModel() {
- if (DEBUG) console.log('loading model')
+ DEBUG && console.log('loading model')
if (this.model_loaded === false) {
// Model files must be in a different folder than the js, assets files
- if (DEBUG) console.log('loading model from', this.appPath + 'model.json')
+ DEBUG && console.log('loading model from', this.appPath + 'model.json')
this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel(this.appPath + 'model.json',
{ weightPathPrefix: this.appPath });
this.model_loaded = true;
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class Model {
//this.padBatch(tf.zeros([1, this.inputShape[1], this.inputShape[2], this.inputShape[3]]), { batchSize: this.batchSize })
- if (DEBUG) console.log('WarmUp end', tf.memory().numTensors)
+ DEBUG && console.log('WarmUp end', tf.memory().numTensors)
return true;
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class Model {
padBatch(tensor) {
return tf.tidy(() => {
- if (DEBUG) console.log(`Adding ${this.batchSize - tensor.shape[0]} tensors to the batch`)
+ DEBUG && console.log(`Adding ${this.batchSize - tensor.shape[0]} tensors to the batch`)
const shape = [...tensor.shape];
shape[0] = this.batchSize - shape[0];
const padding = tf.zeros(shape);
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class Model {
const keysTensor = tf.stack(keys); // + 1 tensor
const snr = this.getSNR(TensorBatch)
const condition = tf.greaterEqual(snr, threshold); // + 1 tensor
- if (DEBUG) console.log('SNR is:', snr.dataSync())
+ DEBUG && console.log('SNR is:', snr.dataSync())
// Avoid mask cannot be scalar error at end of predictions
let newCondition;
@@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ class Model {
maskedTensorBatch.dispose(); // - 1 tensor
maskedKeysTensor.dispose(); // - 1 tensor
TensorBatch.dispose(); // - 1 tensor
- if (DEBUG) console.log("No surviving tensors in batch", maskedTensorBatch.shape[0])
+ DEBUG && console.log("No surviving tensors in batch", maskedTensorBatch.shape[0])
return []
} else {
keys = maskedKeysTensor.dataSync();
maskedKeysTensor.dispose(); // - 1 tensor
- if (DEBUG) console.log("surviving tensors in batch", maskedTensorBatch.shape[0])
+ DEBUG && console.log("surviving tensors in batch", maskedTensorBatch.shape[0])
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class Model {
async predictChunk(audioBuffer, start, fileStart, file, threshold, confidence) {
- if (DEBUG) console.log('predictCunk begin', tf.memory().numTensors);
+ DEBUG && console.log('predictCunk begin', tf.memory().numTensors);
audioBuffer = tf.tensor1d(audioBuffer);
// check if we need to pad
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ class Model {
// Pad to the nearest full sample
paddedBuffer = audioBuffer.pad([[0, this.chunkLength - remainder]]);
- if (DEBUG) console.log('Received final chunks')
+ DEBUG && console.log('Received final chunks')
const buffer = paddedBuffer || audioBuffer;
const numSamples = buffer.shape / this.chunkLength;
diff --git a/js/ui.js b/js/ui.js
index 7d8d130f..b5154bbd 100644
--- a/js/ui.js
+++ b/js/ui.js
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ async function loadAudioFile({ filePath = '', preserveResults = false }) {
function updateSpec({ buffer, play = false, position = 0, resetSpec = false }) {
+ showElement(['spectrogramWrapper'], false);
play ? wavesurfer.play() : wavesurfer.pause();
@@ -866,7 +867,7 @@ function fetchLocationAddress(lat, lon) {
worker.postMessage({ action: 'get-locations', file: currentFile });
- const storedLocation = LOCATIONS.find(obj => obj.lat === lat && obj.lon === lon);
+ const storedLocation = LOCATIONS?.find(obj => obj.lat === lat && obj.lon === lon);
if (storedLocation) return resolve(storedLocation.place);
@@ -951,7 +952,7 @@ export2audio.addEventListener('click', batchExportAudio);
async function batchExportAudio(e) {
const species = isSpeciesViewFiltered(true); // || getSpecies(e.target);
- species ? exportData(limit, species) : alert("Filter results by species to export audio files");
+ species ? exportData(species, 1000) : alert("Filter results by species to export audio files");
const export2CSV = () => exportData(isSpeciesViewFiltered(true), Infinity);
diff --git a/js/worker.js b/js/worker.js
index 934901f6..dc04ccdc 100644
--- a/js/worker.js
+++ b/js/worker.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let SEEN_LIST_UPDATE = false // Prevents list updates from every worker on ever
const DEBUG = false;
const DATASET = false;
-const adding_chirpity_additions = true;
+const adding_chirpity_additions = false;
const dataset_database = DATASET;
@@ -1371,6 +1371,7 @@ const convertSpecsFromExistingSpecs = async (path) => {
const saveResults2DataSet = ({species}) => {
const rootDirectory = DATASET_SAVE_LOCATION;
+ sampleRate = 24_000;
const height = 256, width = 384;
let t0 = Date.now()
let promise = Promise.resolve();
@@ -1463,6 +1464,7 @@ const saveResults2DataSet = ({species}) => {
if (err) return console.log(err);
Promise.all(promises).then(() => console.log(`Dataset created. ${count} files saved in ${(Date.now() - t0) / 1000} seconds`))
const onSpectrogram = async (filepath, file, width, height, data, channels) => {
@@ -1493,7 +1495,7 @@ async function uploadOpus({ file, start, end, defaultName, metadata, mode }) {
-const bufferToAudio = ({
+const bufferToAudio = async ({
file = '', start = 0, end = 3, meta = {}, format = undefined
}) => {
let audioCodec, mimeType, soundFormat;
@@ -1535,7 +1537,7 @@ const bufferToAudio = ({
+ metadata[file] || await getWorkingFile(file);
if (padding) {
start -= padding;
end += padding;
@@ -2210,7 +2212,6 @@ const getResults = async ({
else {
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
const r = result[i];
if (exportTo) {