diff --git a/js/worker.js b/js/worker.js
index f1a5514..deffd1f 100644
--- a/js/worker.js
+++ b/js/worker.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
const fs = require('node:fs');
const p = require('node:path');
const { writeFile, mkdir, readdir, stat } = require('node:fs/promises');
-const wavefileReader = require('wavefile-reader');
const SunCalc = require('suncalc');
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
const png = require('fast-png');
@@ -1062,59 +1061,28 @@ function onAbort({
-// const getDuration = async (src) => {
-// let audio;
-// return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
-// audio = new Audio();
-// audio.src = src.replaceAll('#', '%23').replaceAll('?', '%3F'); // allow hash and ? in the path (https://github.com/Mattk70/Chirpity-Electron/issues/98)
-// audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () {
-// const duration = audio.duration === Infinity ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : audio.duration;
-// audio = undefined;
-// // Tidy up - cloning removes event listeners
-// const old_element = document.getElementById("audio");
-// const new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true);
-// old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element);
-// resolve(duration);
-// });
-// audio.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
-// generateAlert({type: 'error', message: 'Unable to extract essential metadata from ' + src})
-// reject(error, src)
-// })
-// });
-// }
const getDuration = async (src) => {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // Replace special characters in the file path as needed
- // const formattedSrc = src.replaceAll('#', '%23').replaceAll('?', '%3F');
- try {
- const command = ffmpeg('file:' + src)
- .format(null)
- .save('null.wav')
- .on('codecData', (data) => {
- let duration;
- if ( ! ['N/A', Infinity].includes(data.duration)) {
- // Update Metadata with accurate duration
- const [hours, minutes, seconds] = data.duration.split(':').map(parseFloat);
- duration = (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds;
- } else {
- duration = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
- }
- console.log(duration , 'seconds')
- resolve(duration);
- command.kill(); // Stop processing after getting the duration
- })
- .on('error', (error) => {
- if (!error.message.includes('ffmpeg was killed')){
- generateAlert({ type: 'error', message: 'Unable to extract essential metadata from ' + src });
- reject(error);
- }
- })
- } catch (error) {
- console.log(error)
- }
+ let audio;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ audio = new Audio();
+ audio.src = src.replaceAll('#', '%23').replaceAll('?', '%3F'); // allow hash and ? in the path (https://github.com/Mattk70/Chirpity-Electron/issues/98)
+ audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () {
+ const duration = audio.duration === Infinity ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : audio.duration;
+ audio = undefined;
+ // Tidy up - cloning removes event listeners
+ const old_element = document.getElementById("audio");
+ const new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true);
+ old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element);
+ resolve(duration);
+ });
+ audio.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
+ generateAlert({type: 'error', message: 'Unable to extract essential metadata from ' + src})
+ reject(error, src)
+ })
* getWorkingFile's purpose is to locate a file and set its metadata.
@@ -1205,32 +1173,30 @@ async function loadAudioFile({
}) {
if (file) {
- await fetchAudioBuffer({ file, start, end })
- .then((buffer) => {
- let audioArray = buffer.getChannelData(0);
- UI.postMessage({
- event: 'worker-loaded-audio',
- location: METADATA[file].locationID,
- start: METADATA[file].fileStart,
- sourceDuration: METADATA[file].duration,
- bufferBegin: start,
- file: file,
- position: position,
- contents: audioArray,
- fileRegion: region,
- preserveResults: preserveResults,
- play: play,
- queued: queued,
- goToRegion,
- metadata: METADATA[file].metadata
- }, [audioArray.buffer]);
- })
+ const audio = await fetchAudioBuffer({ file, start, end })
.catch( (error) => {
// notify and return null if no matching file was found
generateAlert({type: 'error', message: error.message});
error.code === 'ENOENT' && notifyMissingFile(file)
+ let audioArray = getMonoChannelData(audio);
+ UI.postMessage({
+ event: 'worker-loaded-audio',
+ location: METADATA[file].locationID,
+ start: METADATA[file].fileStart,
+ sourceDuration: METADATA[file].duration,
+ bufferBegin: start,
+ file: file,
+ position: position,
+ contents: audioArray,
+ fileRegion: region,
+ preserveResults: preserveResults,
+ play: play,
+ queued: queued,
+ goToRegion,
+ metadata: METADATA[file].metadata
+ }, [audioArray.buffer]);
let week;
if (STATE.list === 'location'){
week = STATE.useWeek ? new Date(METADATA[file].fileStart).getWeekNumber() : -1
@@ -1332,58 +1298,6 @@ const setMetadata = async ({ file, source_file = file }) => {
return METADATA[file];
-function setupCtx(audio, rate, destination, file) {
- rate ??= sampleRate;
- // Deal with detached arraybuffer issue
- const useFilters = (STATE.filters.sendToModel && STATE.filters.active) || destination === 'UI';
- return audioCtx.decodeAudioData(audio.buffer)
- .then( audioBuffer => {
- const audioCtxSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
- audioCtxSource.buffer = audioBuffer;
- audioBuffer = null; // release memory
- const duration = audioCtxSource.buffer.duration;
- const buffer = audioCtxSource.buffer;
- const offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(1, rate * duration, rate);
- const offlineSource = offlineCtx.createBufferSource();
- offlineSource.buffer = buffer;
- let previousFilter = undefined;
- if (useFilters){
- if (STATE.filters.active) {
- if (STATE.filters.highPassFrequency) {
- // Create a highpass filter to cut low-frequency noise
- const highpassFilter = offlineCtx.createBiquadFilter();
- highpassFilter.type = "highpass"; // Standard second-order resonant highpass filter with 12dB/octave rolloff. Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated; frequencies above it pass through.
- highpassFilter.frequency.value = STATE.filters.highPassFrequency; //frequency || 0; // This sets the cutoff frequency. 0 is off.
- highpassFilter.Q.value = 0; // Indicates how peaked the frequency is around the cutoff. The greater the value, the greater the peak.
- offlineSource.connect(highpassFilter);
- previousFilter = highpassFilter;
- }
- if (STATE.filters.lowShelfFrequency && STATE.filters.lowShelfAttenuation) {
- // Create a lowshelf filter to attenuate low-frequency noise
- const lowshelfFilter = offlineCtx.createBiquadFilter();
- lowshelfFilter.type = 'lowshelf';
- lowshelfFilter.frequency.value = STATE.filters.lowShelfFrequency; // This sets the cutoff frequency of the lowshelf filter to 1000 Hz
- lowshelfFilter.gain.value = STATE.filters.lowShelfAttenuation; // This sets the boost or attenuation in decibels (dB)
- previousFilter ? previousFilter.connect(lowshelfFilter) : offlineSource.connect(lowshelfFilter);
- previousFilter = lowshelfFilter;
- }
- }
- }
- if (STATE.audio.gain){
- var gainNode = offlineCtx.createGain();
- gainNode.gain.value = Math.pow(10, STATE.audio.gain / 20);
- previousFilter ? previousFilter.connect(gainNode) : offlineSource.connect(gainNode);
- gainNode.connect(offlineCtx.destination);
- } else {
- previousFilter ? previousFilter.connect(offlineCtx.destination) : offlineSource.connect(offlineCtx.destination);
- }
- offlineSource.start();
- return offlineCtx;
- })
- .catch(error => aborted || console.warn(error, file));
function checkBacklog(ffmpegCommand = null) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let firstRun = true, hysteresis_factor = 2;
@@ -1433,7 +1347,7 @@ function checkBacklog(ffmpegCommand = null) {
function pauseFfmpeg(ffmpegCommand){
if (isWin32){
- const pid = ffmpegCommand.ffmpegProc.pid;
+ const pid = ffmpegCommand.ffmpegProc?.pid;
const message = pid ? (ntsuspend.suspend(pid) ? 'Ffmpeg process resumed' : 'Could not resume process')
: 'Could not resume process (exited)';
@@ -1454,152 +1368,10 @@ function resumeFfmpeg(ffmpegCommand){
-* @param file
-* @param start
-* @param end
-* @returns {Promise
-let predictQueue = [];
-//TODO: refactor and remove header removal logic, don't need wav package
-const getWavePredictBuffers = async ({
- file = '', start = 0, end = undefined
-}) => {
- if (! fs.existsSync(file)) {
- const found = await getWorkingFile(file);
- if (!found) return
- return await getPredictBuffers({file, start, end})
- }
- // Ensure max and min are within range
- start = Math.max(0, start);
- end = Math.min(METADATA[file].duration, end);
- if (start > METADATA[file].duration) {
- return
- }
- let meta = {};
- batchChunksToSend[file] = Math.ceil((end - start) / (BATCH_SIZE * WINDOW_SIZE));
- predictionsReceived[file] = 0;
- predictionsRequested[file] = 0;
- let readStream;
- // extract the header. With bext and iXML metadata, this can be up to 128k, hence 131072
- const headerStream = fs.createReadStream(file, {start: 0, end: 524288, highWaterMark: 524288});
- headerStream.on('readable', () => {
- let chunk = headerStream.read();
- let wav = new wavefileReader.WaveFileReader();
- try {
- wav.fromBuffer(chunk);
- } catch (e) {
- generateAlert({type: 'error', message: `Cannot parse ${file}, it has an invalid wav header.`});
- console.warn('GetWavePredictBuffers failed: ', e)
- headerStream.close();
- updateFilesBeingProcessed(file);
- return;
- }
- let headerEnd;
- wav.signature.subChunks.forEach(el => {
- if (el['chunkId'] === 'data') {
- headerEnd = el.chunkData.start;
- }
- });
- meta.header = chunk.subarray(0, headerEnd);
- const byteRate = wav.fmt.byteRate;
- const sample_rate = wav.fmt.sampleRate;
- meta.byteStart = Math.round((start * byteRate) / sample_rate) * sample_rate + headerEnd;
- meta.byteEnd = Math.round((end * byteRate) / sample_rate) * sample_rate + headerEnd;
- meta.highWaterMark = byteRate * BATCH_SIZE * WINDOW_SIZE;
- headerStream.destroy();
- DEBUG && console.log('Header extracted for ', file);
- readStream = fs.createReadStream(file, {
- start: meta.byteStart, end: meta.byteEnd, highWaterMark: meta.highWaterMark
- });
- let chunkStart = start * sampleRate;
- // Changed on.('data') handler because of: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32978094/nodejs-streams-and-premature-end
- readStream.on('readable', async () => {
- if (aborted) {
- readStream.destroy();
- return
- }
- const notAborted = await checkBacklog();
- if (notAborted){
- const chunk = readStream.read();
- if (chunk === null || chunk.byteLength <= 1 ) {
- // EOF
- chunk?.byteLength && predictionsReceived[file]++;
- readStream.destroy();
- } else {
- const audio = joinBuffers(meta.header, chunk);
- predictQueue.push([audio, file, end, chunkStart]);
- chunkStart += WINDOW_SIZE * BATCH_SIZE * sampleRate;
- processPredictQueue();
- }
- } else {
- readStream.destroy();
- }
- })
- readStream.on('error', err => {
- console.log(`readstream error: ${err}, start: ${start}, , end: ${end}, duration: ${METADATA[file].duration}`);
- err.code === 'ENOENT' && notifyMissingFile(file);
- })
- })
+let predictQueue = [];
-function processPredictQueue(audio, file, end, chunkStart){
- if (! audio) [audio, file, end, chunkStart] = predictQueue.shift(); // Dequeue chunk
- if (audio.length === 0) {
- console.error('Shifted zero length audio from predict queue');
- return
- }
- predictionsRequested[file]++; // do this before any async stuff
- setupCtx(audio, undefined, 'model', file).then(offlineCtx => {
- let worker;
- if (offlineCtx) {
- offlineCtx.startRendering().then((resampled) => {
- const myArray = resampled.getChannelData(0);
- feedChunksToModel(myArray, chunkStart, file, end, worker);
- return
- }).catch((error) => {
- predictionsRequested[file]--; // Didn't request a prediction after all
- aborted || console.error(`PredictBuffer rendering failed: ${error}, file ${file}`);
- updateFilesBeingProcessed(file);
- return
- });
- } else {
- if (audio.length === 0){
- if (!aborted){
- // If the audio length is 0 now, we must have run out of memory
- terminateWorkers();
- // Hard quit
- UI.postMessage({event: 'analysis-complete', quiet: true})
- console.error(`Out of memory. Batch size was (${BATCH_SIZE}) threads: ${predictWorkers.length}`);
- aborted = true;
- const message = `
- System memory exhausted, the operation has been terminated.
- Tip: Close any unnecessary open applications. If that is not effective, reduce the number of Threads ${BATCH_SIZE > 4 ? 'or lower the batch size' : ''} in the system settings'}.
- generateAlert({type: 'error', message: message, autohide: false})
- return
- }
- }
- console.log('Short chunk', audio.length, 'padding');
- let chunkLength = STATE.model === 'birdnet' ? 144_000 : 72_000;
- const myArray = new Float32Array(Array.from({ length: chunkLength }).fill(0));
- feedChunksToModel(myArray, chunkStart, file, end);
- }}).catch(error => {
- aborted || console.warn(file, error) ;
- predictionsRequested[file]--; // Didn't request a prediction after all
- })
const getPredictBuffers = async ({
file = '', start = 0, end = undefined
@@ -1630,26 +1402,7 @@ const getPredictBuffers = async ({
-function lookForHeader(buffer){
- //if (buffer.length < 4096) return undefined
- try {
- const wav = new wavefileReader.WaveFileReader();
- wav.fromBuffer(buffer);
- let headerEnd;
- wav.signature.subChunks.forEach(el => {
- if (el['chunkId'] === 'data') {
- headerEnd = el.chunkData.start;
- }
- });
- return buffer.subarray(0, headerEnd);
- } catch (e) {
- DEBUG && console.log(e)
- return undefined
- }
-function processAudio (file, start, end, chunkStart, highWaterMark, samplesInBatch){
- let header, shortFile = true;
+async function processAudio (file, start, end, chunkStart, highWaterMark, samplesInBatch){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let concatenatedBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
const command = setupFfmpegCommand({file, start, end, sampleRate})
@@ -1710,19 +1463,22 @@ function processAudio (file, start, end, chunkStart, highWaterMark, samplesInBat
}).catch(error => console.log(error));
+function getMonoChannelData(audio){
+ // Calculate the number of samples and directly create a Float32Array
+ const sampleCount = (audio.length) / 2; // 2 bytes per sample for 16-bit PCM
+ const channelData = new Float32Array(sampleCount);
+ // Populate the Float32Array with normalised values
+ for (let i = 0, j = 0; j < audio.length; i++, j += 2) {
+ const sample = audio.readInt16LE(j);
+ channelData[i] = sample / 32768; // Normalise to [-1, 1] range
+ }
+ return channelData
function prepareWavForModel(audio, file, end, chunkStart) {
- // Calculate the number of samples and directly create a Float32Array
- const sampleCount = (audio.length) / 2; // 2 bytes per sample for 16-bit PCM
- const channelData = new Float32Array(sampleCount);
- // Populate the Float32Array with normalised values
- for (let i = 0, j = 0; j < audio.length; i++, j += 2) {
- const sample = audio.readInt16LE(j);
- channelData[i] = sample / 32768; // Normalise to [-1, 1] range
- }
+ channelData = getMonoChannelData(audio);
// Send the channel data to the model
predictQueue.push([channelData, chunkStart, file, end]);
@@ -1750,21 +1506,22 @@ const fetchAudioBuffer = async ({
// Use ffmpeg to extract the specified audio segment
if (isNaN(start)) throw(new Error('fetchAudioBuffer: start is NaN'));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const filters = STATE.filters;
const command = setupFfmpegCommand({
sampleRate: 24000,
- format: 'wav',
+ format: 's16le',
channels: 1,
additionalFilters: [
- STATE.filters.lowShelfAttenuation && {
+ filters.lowShelfAttenuation && filters.lowShelfFrequency && {
filter: 'lowshelf',
- options: `gain=${STATE.filters.lowShelfAttenuation}:f=${STATE.filters.lowShelfFrequency}`
+ options: `gain=${filters.lowShelfAttenuation}:f=${filters.lowShelfFrequency}`
- STATE.filters.highPassFrequency && {
+ filters.highPassFrequency && {
filter: 'highpass',
- options: `f=${STATE.filters.highPassFrequency}:poles=1`
+ options: `f=${filters.highPassFrequency}:poles=1`
STATE.audio.normalise && {
filter: 'loudnorm',
@@ -1784,15 +1541,7 @@ const fetchAudioBuffer = async ({
if (chunk === null){
// Last chunk
const audio = concatenatedBuffer;
- setupCtx(audio, sampleRate, 'UI', file).then(offlineCtx => {
- offlineCtx.startRendering().then(resampled => {
- resolve(resampled);
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.error(`FetchAudio rendering failed: ${error}`);
- });
- }).catch( (error) => {
- reject(error.message)
- });
+ resolve(audio)
} else {
concatenatedBuffer = concatenatedBuffer.length ? joinBuffers(concatenatedBuffer, chunk) : chunk;
@@ -1836,11 +1585,11 @@ async function doPrediction({
start = 0,
end = METADATA[file].duration,
}) {
- if (file.toLowerCase().endsWith('.wav')){
- await getWavePredictBuffers({ file: file, start: start, end: end }).catch( (error) => console.warn(error));
- } else {
+ // if (file.toLowerCase().endsWith('.wav')){
+ // await getWavePredictBuffers({ file: file, start: start, end: end }).catch( (error) => console.warn(error));
+ // } else {
await getPredictBuffers({ file: file, start: start, end: end }).catch( (error) => console.warn(error));
- }
+ // }
UI.postMessage({ event: 'update-audio-duration', value: METADATA[file].duration });
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 70df2ad..7af1923 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "chirpity",
- "version": "2.2.0",
+ "version": "2.2.1",
"description": "Chirpity Nocmig",
"main": "main.js",
"scripts": {
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@
"suncalc": "^1.9.0",
"utimes": "5.2.1",
"uuid": "^8.3.2",
- "wavefile-reader": "^1.1.1",
"wavesurfer.js": "6.6.4"
"optionalDependencies": {