diff --git a/js/ui.js b/js/ui.js
index 3679c17a..152fb014 100644
--- a/js/ui.js
+++ b/js/ui.js
@@ -161,61 +161,76 @@ let fileStart, bufferStartTime, fileEnd;
let zero = new Date(Date.UTC(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
// set up some DOM element hamdles
const bodyElement = document.body;
-let specElement, waveElement, specCanvasElement, specWaveElement;
-let waveCanvasElement, waveWaveElement;
const DOM = {
- fromSlider: document.getElementById('fromSlider'),
- toSlider: document.getElementById('toSlider'),
- fromInput: document.getElementById('fromInput'),
- toInput: document.getElementById('toInput'),
- audioBitrate: document.getElementById('bitrate'),
- audioBitrateContainer: document.getElementById('bitrate-container'),
- audioDownmix: document.getElementById('downmix'),
- audioFade: document.getElementById('fade'),
- audioFiltersIcon: document.getElementById('audioFiltersIcon'),
- audioFormat: document.getElementById('format'),
- audioPadding: document.getElementById('padding'),
- audioQuality: document.getElementById('quality'),
- audioQualityContainer: document.getElementById('quality-container'),
- sendFilteredAudio: document.getElementById('send-filtered-audio-to-model'),
- audioNotification: document.getElementById('audio-notification'),
- batchSizeSlider: document.getElementById('batch-size'),
- batchSizeValue: document.getElementById('batch-size-value'),
- colourmap: document.getElementById('colourmap'),
- contentWrapperElement: document.getElementById('contentWrapper'),
- controlsWrapper: document.getElementById('controlsWrapper'),
- contextAware: document.getElementById('context'),
- contextAwareIcon: document.getElementById('context-mode'),
- debugMode: document.getElementById('debug-mode'),
- defaultLat: document.getElementById('latitude'),
- defaultLon: document.getElementById('longitude'),
- fileNumber: document.getElementById('fileNumber'),
- gain: document.getElementById('gain'),
- gainAdjustment: document.getElementById('gain-adjustment'),
- normalise: document.getElementById('normalise'),
- listToUse: document.getElementById('list-to-use'),
- listIcon: document.getElementById('list-icon'),
- speciesThresholdEl: document.getElementById('species-threshold-el'),
- speciesThreshold: document.getElementById('species-frequency-threshold'),
- customListFile: document.getElementById('custom-list-location'),
- customListSelector: document.getElementById('list-file-selector'),
- customListContainer: document.getElementById('choose-file-container'),
- localSwitch: document.getElementById('local'),
- localSwitchContainer: document.getElementById('use-location-container'),
- modelToUse: document.getElementById('model-to-use'),
- nocmig: document.getElementById('nocmig'),
- nocmigButton: document.getElementById('nocmigMode'),
- numberOfThreads: document.getElementById('threads-value'),
- progressDiv: document.getElementById('progressDiv'),
- progressBar: document.getElementById('progress-bar'),
- resultTableElement: document.getElementById('resultTableContainer'),
- spectrogramWrapper: document.getElementById('spectrogramWrapper'),
- spectrogram: document.getElementById('spectrogram'),
- specLabels: document.getElementById('spec-labels'),
- summaryTable: document.getElementById('summaryTable'),
- resultHeader: document.getElementById('resultsHead'),
- threadSlider: document.getElementById('thread-slider'),
- timelineSetting: document.getElementById('timelineSetting')
+ // Cache pattern: get fromSlider() { if (!this._fromSlider) { this._fromSlider = document.getElementById('fromSlider') } return this._fromSlider},
+ // Live pattern: get fromSlider() { return document.getElementById('fromSlider')},
+ get fromSlider() { if (!this._fromSlider) { this._fromSlider = document.getElementById('fromSlider') } return this._fromSlider},
+ get toSlider() { if (!this._toSlider) { this._toSlider = document.getElementById('toSlider') } return this._toSlider},
+ get fromInput() { if (!this._fromInput) { this._fromInput = document.getElementById('fromInput') } return this._fromInput},
+ get toInput() { if (!this._toInput) { this._toInput = document.getElementById('toInput') } return this._toInput},
+ get audioBitrate() { if (!this._audioBitrate) { this._audioBitrate = document.getElementById('bitrate') } return this._audioBitrate},
+ get audioBitrateContainer() { if (!this._audioBitrateContainer) { this._audioBitrateContainer = document.getElementById('bitrate-container') } return this._audioBitrateContainer},
+ get audioDownmix() { if (!this._audioDownmix) { this._audioDownmix = document.getElementById('downmix') } return this._audioDownmix},
+ get audioFade() { if (!this._audioFade) { this._audioFade = document.getElementById('fade') } return this._audioFade},
+ get audioFiltersIcon() { if (!this._audioFiltersIcon) { this._audioFiltersIcon = document.getElementById('audioFiltersIcon') } return this._audioFiltersIcon},
+ get audioFormat() { if (!this._audioFormat) { this._audioFormat = document.getElementById('format') } return this._audioFormat},
+ get audioPadding() { if (!this._audioPadding) { this._audioPadding = document.getElementById('padding') } return this._audioPadding},
+ get audioQuality() { if (!this._audioQuality) { this._audioQuality = document.getElementById('quality') } return this._audioQuality},
+ get audioQualityContainer() { if (!this._audioQualityContainer) { this._audioQualityContainer = document.getElementById('quality-container') } return this._audioQualityContainer},
+ get sendFilteredAudio() { if (!this._sendFilteredAudio) { this._sendFilteredAudio = document.getElementById('send-filtered-audio-to-model') } return this._sendFilteredAudio},
+ get audioNotification() { if (!this._audioNotification) { this._audioNotification = document.getElementById('audio-notification') } return this._audioNotification},
+ get batchSizeSlider() { if (!this._batchSizeSlider) { this._batchSizeSlider = document.getElementById('batch-size') } return this._batchSizeSlider},
+ get batchSizeValue() { if (!this._batchSizeValue) { this._batchSizeValue = document.getElementById('batch-size-value') } return this._batchSizeValue},
+ get colourmap() { if (!this._colourmap) { this._colourmap = document.getElementById('colourmap') } return this._colourmap},
+ get contentWrapper() { if (!this._contentWrapper) { this._contentWrapper = document.getElementById('contentWrapper') } return this._contentWrapper},
+ get controlsWrapper() { if (!this._controlsWrapper) { this._controlsWrapper = document.getElementById('controlsWrapper') } return this._controlsWrapper},
+ get contextAware() { if (!this._contextAware) { this._contextAware = document.getElementById('context') } return this._contextAware},
+ get contextAwareIcon() { if (!this._contextAwareIcon) { this._contextAwareIcon = document.getElementById('context-mode') } return this._contextAwareIcon},
+ get debugMode() { if (!this._debugMode) { this._debugMode = document.getElementById('debug-mode') } return this._debugMode},
+ get defaultLat() { if (!this._defaultLat) { this._defaultLat = document.getElementById('latitude') } return this._defaultLat},
+ get defaultLon() { if (!this._defaultLon) { this._defaultLon = document.getElementById('longitude') } return this._defaultLon},
+ get exploreWrapper() { if (!this._exploreWrapper) { this._exploreWrapper = document.getElementById('exploreWrapper') } return this._exploreWrapper},
+ get fileNumber() { if (!this._fileNumber) { this._fileNumber = document.getElementById('fileNumber') } return this._fileNumber},
+ get footer() { if (!this._footer) { this._footer = document.querySelector('footer') } return this._footer },
+ get gain() { if (!this._gain) { this._gain = document.getElementById('gain') } return this._gain},
+ get gainAdjustment() { if (!this._gainAdjustment) { this._gainAdjustment = document.getElementById('gain-adjustment') } return this._gainAdjustment},
+ get normalise() { if (!this._normalise) { this._normalise = document.getElementById('normalise') } return this._normalise},
+ get listToUse() { if (!this._listToUse) { this._listToUse = document.getElementById('list-to-use') } return this._listToUse},
+ get listIcon() { if (!this._listIcon) { this._listIcon = document.getElementById('list-icon') } return this._listIcon},
+ get speciesThresholdEl() { if (!this._speciesThresholdEl) { this._speciesThresholdEl = document.getElementById('species-threshold-el') } return this._speciesThresholdEl},
+ get speciesThreshold() { if (!this._speciesThreshold) { this._speciesThreshold = document.getElementById('species-frequency-threshold') } return this._speciesThreshold},
+ get customListFile() { if (!this._customListFile) { this._customListFile = document.getElementById('custom-list-location') } return this._customListFile},
+ get customListSelector() { if (!this._customListSelector) { this._customListSelector = document.getElementById('list-file-selector') } return this._customListSelector},
+ get customListContainer() { if (!this._customListContainer) { this._customListContainer = document.getElementById('choose-file-container') } return this._customListContainer},
+ get localSwitch() { if (!this._localSwitch) { this._localSwitch = document.getElementById('local') } return this._localSwitch},
+ get localSwitchContainer() { if (!this._localSwitchContainer) { this._localSwitchContainer = document.getElementById('use-location-container') } return this._localSwitchContainer},
+ get modelToUse() { if (!this._modelToUse) { this._modelToUse = document.getElementById('model-to-use') } return this._modelToUse},
+ get navPadding() { if (!this._navPadding) { this._navPadding = document.getElementById('navPadding') } return this._navPadding},
+ get nocmig() { if (!this._nocmig) { this._nocmig = document.getElementById('nocmig') } return this._nocmig},
+ get nocmigButton() { if (!this._nocmigButton) { this._nocmigButton = document.getElementById('nocmigMode') } return this._nocmigButton},
+ get numberOfThreads() { if (!this._numberOfThreads) { this._numberOfThreads = document.getElementById('threads-value') } return this._numberOfThreads},
+ get place() { if (!this._place) { this._place = document.getElementById('place') } return this._place},
+ get progressDiv() { if (!this._progressDiv) { this._progressDiv = document.getElementById('progressDiv') } return this._progressDiv},
+ get progressBar() { if (!this._progressBar) { this._progressBar = document.getElementById('progress-bar') } return this._progressBar},
+ get resultTableElement() { if (!this._resultTableElement) { this._resultTableElement = document.getElementById('resultTableContainer') } return this._resultTableElement},
+ get spectrogramWrapper() { if (!this._spectrogramWrapper) { this._spectrogramWrapper = document.getElementById('spectrogramWrapper') } return this._spectrogramWrapper},
+ get spectrogram() { if (!this._spectrogram) { this._spectrogram = document.getElementById('spectrogram') } return this._spectrogram},
+ get specLabels() { if (!this._specLabels) { this._specLabels = document.getElementById('spec-labels') } return this._specLabels},
+ get summaryTable() { if (!this._summaryTable) { this._summaryTable = document.getElementById('summaryTable') } return this._summaryTable},
+ get resultHeader() { if (!this._resultHeader) { this._resultHeader = document.getElementById('resultsHead') } return this._resultHeader},
+ get threadSlider() { if (!this._threadSlider) { this._threadSlider = document.getElementById('thread-slider') } return this._threadSlider},
+ get timeline() { if (!this._timeline) { this._timeline = document.getElementById('timeline') } return this._timeline},
+ get timelineSetting() { if (!this._timelineSetting) { this._timelineSetting = document.getElementById('timelineSetting') } return this._timelineSetting},
+ get contextMenu() { return document.getElementById('context-menu')},
+ get filename() {return document.getElementById("filename")},
+ get resultTable() {return document.getElementById('resultTableBody')},
+ get tooltip() { return document.getElementById('tooltip')},
+ get waveElement() { return document.getElementById('waveform')},
+ get specElement() { return document.getElementById('spectrogram')},
+ get specCanvasElement() { return document.querySelector('#spectrogram canvas')},
+ get waveCanvasElement() { return document.querySelector('#waveform canvas')},
let activeRow;
let predictions = {},
@@ -223,14 +238,15 @@ clickedIndex, currentFileDuration;
let currentBuffer, bufferBegin = 0, windowLength = 20; // seconds
// Set content container height
-DOM.contentWrapperElement.style.height = (bodyElement.clientHeight - 80) + 'px';
+DOM.contentWrapper.style.height = (bodyElement.clientHeight - 80) + 'px';
const specMaxHeight = () =>{
// Get the available viewport height
- const navPading = document.getElementById('navPadding').clientHeight;
- const footerHeight = document.querySelector('footer').clientHeight;
- const timelineHeight = document.getElementById('timeline').clientHeight;
- return window.innerHeight - navPading - footerHeight - DOM.controlsWrapper.clientHeight - timelineHeight;
+ const navPading = DOM.navPadding.clientHeight;
+ const footerHeight = DOM.footer.clientHeight;
+ const timelineHeight = DOM.timeline.clientHeight;
+ const controlsHeight = DOM.controlsWrapper.clientHeight
+ return window.innerHeight - navPading - footerHeight - controlsHeight - timelineHeight;
// Mouse down event to start dragging
@@ -292,10 +308,9 @@ function resetResults({clearSummary = true, clearPagination = true, clearResults
if (clearSummary) summaryTable.textContent = '';
clearPagination && pagination.forEach(item => item.classList.add('d-none'));
- const resultTable = document.getElementById('resultTableBody');
- resultsBuffer = resultTable.cloneNode(false)
+ resultsBuffer = DOM.resultTable.cloneNode(false)
if (clearResults) {
- resultTable.textContent = '';
+ DOM.resultTable.textContent = '';
DOM.resultHeader.textContent = '';
predictions = {};
@@ -465,41 +480,29 @@ const initWavesurfer = ({
// Show controls
- updateElementCache();
// Resize canvas of spec and labels
// remove the tooltip
- const oldTip = document.getElementById('tooltip')
- oldTip && oldTip.parentNode.removeChild(oldTip);
+ DOM.tooltip?.remove();
const tooltip = document.createElement('div');
tooltip.id = 'tooltip';
// Add event listener for the gesture events
- waveElement.removeEventListener('wheel', handleGesture);
- waveElement.addEventListener('wheel', handleGesture, false);
+ const wave = DOM.waveElement;
+ wave.removeEventListener('wheel', handleGesture);
+ wave.addEventListener('wheel', handleGesture, false);
- waveElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', resetRegions);
- waveElement.removeEventListener('mousemove', specTooltip);
- waveElement.removeEventListener('mouseout', hideTooltip);
- waveElement.removeEventListener('dblclick', centreSpec);
+ wave.removeEventListener('mousedown', resetRegions);
+ wave.removeEventListener('mousemove', specTooltip);
+ wave.removeEventListener('mouseout', hideTooltip);
+ wave.removeEventListener('dblclick', centreSpec);
- waveElement.addEventListener('mousemove', specTooltip, {passive: true});
- waveElement.addEventListener('mousedown', resetRegions);
- waveElement.addEventListener('mouseout', hideTooltip);
- waveElement.addEventListener('dblclick', centreSpec);
-function updateElementCache() {
- t0 = Date.now();
- // Update element caches
- waveElement = document.getElementById('waveform')
- specElement = document.getElementById('spectrogram');
- specCanvasElement = document.querySelector('#spectrogram canvas');
- waveCanvasElement = document.querySelector('#waveform canvas');
- waveWaveElement = document.querySelector('#waveform wave');
- specWaveElement = document.querySelector('#spectrogram wave');
+ wave.addEventListener('mousemove', specTooltip, {passive: true});
+ wave.addEventListener('mousedown', resetRegions);
+ wave.addEventListener('mouseout', hideTooltip);
+ wave.addEventListener('dblclick', centreSpec);
function increaseFFT(){
@@ -585,7 +588,7 @@ const openFileInList = async (e) => {
const buildFileMenu = (e) => {
- const menu = document.getElementById('context-menu');
+ const menu = DOM.contextMenu;
menu.innerHTML = `
edit_location_alt Amend File Recording Location
@@ -639,8 +642,7 @@ function showDatePicker() {
// Append the form to the filename element
- const domElement = document.getElementById("filename");
- domElement.appendChild(form);
+ DOM.filename.appendChild(form);
// Add submit event listener to the form
form.addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
@@ -654,8 +656,6 @@ function showDatePicker() {
worker.postMessage({ action: 'update-file-start', file: currentFile, start: timestamp });
fileStart = timestamp;
- // update the timeline
- postBufferUpdate({ file: currentFile, begin: bufferBegin })
// Remove the form from the DOM
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ function showDatePicker() {
-const filename = document.getElementById('filename');
+const filename = DOM.filename;
filename.addEventListener('click', openFileInList);
filename.addEventListener('contextmenu', buildFileMenu);
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ function renderFilenamePanel() {
const openfile = currentFile;
const files = fileList;
- let filenameElement = document.getElementById('filename');
+ let filenameElement = DOM.filename;
filenameElement.innerHTML = '';
//let label = openfile.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "");
const {parentFolder, fileName} = extractFileNameAndFolder(openfile)
@@ -862,9 +862,9 @@ const displayLocationAddress = async (where) => {
if (address === false) return
placeEl.value = address || 'Location not available';
} else {
- latEl = document.getElementById('latitude');
- lonEl = document.getElementById('longitude');
- placeEl = document.getElementById('place');
+ latEl = DOM.defaultLat;
+ lonEl = DOM.defaultLon;
+ placeEl = DOM.place;
address = await fetchLocationAddress(latEl.value, lonEl.value, false);
if (address === false) return
const content = 'fmd_good ' + address;
@@ -876,9 +876,9 @@ const displayLocationAddress = async (where) => {
const cancelDefaultLocation = () => {
- const latEl = document.getElementById('latitude');
- const lonEl = document.getElementById('longitude');
- const placeEl = document.getElementById('place');
+ const latEl = DOM.defaultLat;
+ const lonEl = DOM.defaultLon;
+ const placeEl = DOM.place;
latEl.value = config.latitude;
lonEl.value = config.longitude;
placeEl.innerHTML = 'fmd_good ' + config.location;
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ const cancelDefaultLocation = () => {
const setDefaultLocation = () => {
config.latitude = parseFloat(DOM.defaultLat.value).toFixed(4);
config.longitude = parseFloat(parseFloat(DOM.defaultLon.value)).toFixed(4);
- config.location = document.getElementById('place').textContent.replace('fmd_good', '');
+ config.location = DOM.place.textContent.replace('fmd_good', '');
updateMap(parseFloat(DOM.defaultLat.value), parseFloat(DOM.defaultLon.value));
updatePrefs('config.json', config)
@@ -1108,52 +1108,61 @@ function postAnalyseMessage(args) {
-let openStreetMapTimer;
-function fetchLocationAddress(lat, lon) {
+let openStreetMapTimer, currentRequest = null;
+async function fetchLocationAddress(lat, lon) {
+ const isInvalidLatitude = isNaN(lat) || lat === null || lat < -90 || lat > 90;
+ const isInvalidLongitude = isNaN(lon) || lon === null || lon < -180 || lon > 180;
- if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon) || !lat || !lon){
- generateToast({type: 'warning', message:'Both lat and lon values need to be numbers between 180 and -180'})
- return false
+ if (isInvalidLatitude || isInvalidLongitude) {
+ generateToast({type: 'warning', message: 'Latitude must be between -90 and 90 and longitude between -180 and 180.'});
+ return false;
+ }
+ currentRequest && clearTimeout(openStreetMapTimer); // Cancel pending request
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ currentRequest = { lat, lon }; // Store the current request details
+ const storedLocation = LOCATIONS?.find(obj => obj.lat === lat && obj.lon === lon);
+ if (storedLocation) {
+ return resolve(storedLocation.place);
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- clearTimeout(openStreetMapTimer)
- openStreetMapTimer = setTimeout(() => {
- if (!LOCATIONS) {
- worker.postMessage({ action: 'get-locations', file: currentFile });
- waitForLocations();
- }
- const storedLocation = LOCATIONS?.find(obj => obj.lat === lat && obj.lon === lon);
- if (storedLocation) return resolve(storedLocation.place);
- fetch(`https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=jsonv2&lat=${lat}&lon=${lon}&zoom=14`)
- .then(response => {
+ openStreetMapTimer = setTimeout(async () => {
+ try {
+ if (!LOCATIONS) {
+ worker.postMessage({ action: 'get-locations', file: currentFile });
+ await waitForLocations(); // Ensure this is awaited
+ }
+ const response = await fetch(`https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=jsonv2&lat=${lat}&lon=${lon}&zoom=14`);
if (!response.ok) {
- return reject(`Network error: code ${response.status} fetching Location from OpenStreetmap.` );
+ return reject(new Error(`Network error: code ${response.status} fetching location from OpenStreetMap.`));
- return response.json()
- })
- .then(data => {
+ const data = await response.json();
let address;
if (data.error) {
address = "No location found for this map point";
} else {
// Just take the first two elements of the address
- address = data.display_name.split(',').slice(0,2).join(",").trim();
- LOCATIONS.push({ id: LOCATIONS.length + 1, lat: lat, lon: lon, place: address })
+ address = data.display_name.split(',').slice(0, 2).join(",").trim();
+ LOCATIONS.push({ id: LOCATIONS.length + 1, lat: lat, lon: lon, place: address });
- })
- .catch(error => {
- console.warn("A location for this point could not be retrieved from OpenStreetMap")
- reject(error);
- })
- }, 1000) // 1 second delay
- })
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(`A location for this point (lat: ${lat}, lon: ${lon}) could not be retrieved from OpenStreetMap:`, error);
+ generateToast({type: 'warning', message: "Failed to look up this location. Please check your internet connection or try again later."});
+ resolve(`${parseFloat(lat).toFixed(4)}, ${parseFloat(lon).toFixed(4)}`)
+ } finally {
+ currentRequest = null; // Clear the current request
+ }
+ }, 1000); // 1 second delay
+ });
// Menu bar functions
function exitApplication() {
@@ -1385,18 +1394,15 @@ const loadResultRegion = ({ file = '', start = 0, end = 3, label = '' } = {}) =>
function adjustSpecDims(redraw, fftSamples, newHeight) {
- const footerHeight = document.getElementById('footer').offsetHeight;
- const navHeight = document.getElementById('navPadding').clientHeight;
+ const footerHeight = DOM.footer.offsetHeight;
+ const navHeight = DOM.navPadding.clientHeight;
newHeight ??= 0;
- //Contentwrapper starts below navbar (66px) and ends above footer (30px). Hence - 96
- const contentWrapper = document.getElementById('contentWrapper');
- contentWrapper.style.height = (bodyElement.clientHeight - footerHeight - navHeight) + 'px';
+ DOM.contentWrapper.style.height = (bodyElement.clientHeight - footerHeight - navHeight) + 'px';
const contentHeight = contentWrapper.offsetHeight;
// + 2 for padding
- const formOffset = document.getElementById('exploreWrapper').offsetHeight;
+ const formOffset = DOM.exploreWrapper.offsetHeight;
let specOffset;
- const spectrogramWrapper = document.getElementById('spectrogramWrapper')
- if (!spectrogramWrapper.classList.contains('d-none')) {
+ if (!DOM.spectrogramWrapper.classList.contains('d-none')) {
const specHeight = newHeight || Math.min(config.specMaxHeight, specMaxHeight());
if (newHeight !== 0) {
config.specMaxHeight = specHeight;
@@ -1413,8 +1419,8 @@ function adjustSpecDims(redraw, fftSamples, newHeight) {
initSpectrogram(specHeight, fftSamples);
- specCanvasElement.style.width = '100%';
- specElement.style.zIndex = 0;
+ DOM.specCanvasElement.style.width = '100%';
+ DOM.specElement.style.zIndex = 0;
//document.querySelector('.spec-labels').style.width = '55px';
if (wavesurfer && redraw) {
@@ -1423,8 +1429,7 @@ function adjustSpecDims(redraw, fftSamples, newHeight) {
} else {
specOffset = 0
- const resultTableElement = document.getElementById('resultTableContainer');
- resultTableElement.style.height = (contentHeight - specOffset - formOffset) + 'px';
+ DOM.resultTableElement.style.height = (contentHeight - specOffset - formOffset) + 'px';
///////////////// Font functions ////////////////
@@ -1670,7 +1675,7 @@ window.onload = async () => {
isMac = await window.electron.isMac();
- DOM.contentWrapperElement.classList.add('loaded');
+ DOM.contentWrapper.classList.add('loaded');
// Load preferences and override defaults
[appPath, tempPath] = await getPaths();
@@ -2559,7 +2564,6 @@ function onChartData(args) {
fftSamples: fftSamples,
colorMap: colors
- updateElementCache();
function hideTooltip() {
@@ -2816,7 +2820,6 @@ function centreSpec(){
if (activeRow) {
activeRow = activeRow.previousSibling || activeRow;
- activeRow.focus();
if (!activeRow.classList.contains('text-bg-dark')) activeRow.click();
@@ -2831,7 +2834,6 @@ function centreSpec(){
if (activeRow) {
activeRow = activeRow.nextSibling || activeRow;
- activeRow.focus();
if (!activeRow.classList.contains('text-bg-dark')) activeRow.click();
@@ -2869,7 +2871,6 @@ function centreSpec(){
} else {
activeRow = activeRow.nextSibling || activeRow;
- activeRow.focus();
if (!activeRow.classList.contains('text-bg-dark')) activeRow.click();
@@ -3123,7 +3124,6 @@ function centreSpec(){
buffer.innerHTML = summaryHTML;
const currentFilter = document.querySelector('#speciesFilter tr.text-warning');
- if (currentFilter) currentFilter.focus();
@@ -3159,7 +3159,6 @@ function centreSpec(){
if (activeRow) {
- activeRow.focus();
// hide progress div
@@ -4657,9 +4656,6 @@ DOM.gain.addEventListener('input', () => {
if (wavesurfer && currentFile) {
- // refresh caches
- updateElementCache()
const fftSamples = wavesurfer.spectrogram.fftSamples;
wavesurfer = undefined;
@@ -4676,8 +4672,6 @@ DOM.gain.addEventListener('input', () => {
document.getElementById('color-threshold').textContent = threshold;
config.customColormap = {'loud': loud, 'mid': mid, 'quiet': quiet, 'threshold': threshold, 'windowFn': windowFn};
if (wavesurfer && currentFile) {
- // refresh caches
- updateElementCache()
const fftSamples = wavesurfer.spectrogram.fftSamples;
wavesurfer = undefined;
@@ -4697,8 +4691,6 @@ DOM.gain.addEventListener('input', () => {
case 'spec-labels': {
config.specLabels = element.checked;
if (wavesurfer && currentFile) {
- // refresh caches
- updateElementCache()
const fftSamples = wavesurfer.spectrogram.fftSamples;
wavesurfer = undefined;
diff --git a/js/worker.js b/js/worker.js
index a7940af2..92c1eb9b 100644
--- a/js/worker.js
+++ b/js/worker.js
@@ -1111,7 +1111,9 @@ const setMetadata = async ({ file, proxy = file, source_file = file }) => {
METADATA[file].duration ??= savedMeta?.duration || await getDuration(file).catch(error => {
console.warn('getDuration error', error)}
+ // Restore GUANO
+ METADATA[file].guano ??= savedMeta?.metadata;
if (METADATA[file].isComplete) {
return METADATA[file]
} else {
@@ -2775,8 +2777,10 @@ const sendResult = (index, result, fromDBQuery) => {
const getSavedFileInfo = async (file) => {
if (diskDB){
- //if (!archiveFile) return undefined;
- let row = await diskDB.getAsync('SELECT * FROM files LEFT JOIN locations ON files.locationID = locations.id WHERE name = ? OR archiveName = ?',file, file);
+ const prefix = STATE.archive.location + p.sep;
+ // Get rid of archive (library) location prefix
+ const archiveFile = file.replace(prefix , '');
+ let row = await diskDB.getAsync('SELECT * FROM files LEFT JOIN locations ON files.locationID = locations.id WHERE name = ? OR archiveName = ?',file, archiveFile);
if (!row) {
const baseName = file.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/g, '$1%');
row = await diskDB.getAsync('SELECT * FROM files LEFT JOIN locations ON files.locationID = locations.id WHERE name LIKE (?)',baseName);
@@ -3083,7 +3087,7 @@ const onUpdateFileStart = async (args) => {
// Update the daylight flag if necessary
let lat, lon;
if (row.locationID) {
- const location = await db.getAsync('SELECT lat, lon FROM locations WHERE locationID = ?', row.locationID);
+ const location = await db.getAsync('SELECT lat, lon FROM locations WHERE id = ?', row.locationID);
lat = location.lat;
lon = location.lon;
} else {