diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 69d6a444c2a1..7c0b82452ed7 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -2,17 +2,13 @@
# Site settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-title: blank # the website title (if blank, full name will be used instead)
-first_name: You
-middle_name: R.
-last_name: Name
+title: The Nolan x Surmelli Lab # the website title (if blank, full name will be used instead)
+first_name: Nolan
+middle_name: and
+last_name: Surmelli
email: you@example.com
description: > # the ">" symbol means to ignore newlines until "footer_text:"
- A simple, whitespace theme for academics. Based on [*folio](https://github.com/bogoli/-folio) design.
-footer_text: >
- Powered by Jekyll with al-folio theme.
- Hosted by GitHub Pages.
- Photos from Unsplash.
+ The Nolan x Surmelli Lab website.
keywords: jekyll, jekyll-theme, academic-website, portfolio-website # add your own keywords or leave empty
lang: en # the language of your site (for example: en, fr, cn, ru, etc.)
icon: ⚛️ # the emoji used as the favicon (alternatively, provide image name in /assets/img/)
@@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ repo_trophies:
# will use title and url fields
# Take a look to https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed for more customization
-rss_icon: true
+rss_icon: false
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Layout
@@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ og_image: # The site-wide (default for all links) Open Graph preview image
# Social integration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-github_username: # your GitHub user name
+github_username: MattNolanLab # your GitHub user name
gitlab_username: # your GitLab user name
x_username: # your X handle
mastodon_username: # your mastodon instance+username in the format instance.tld/@username
@@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ enable_bing_verification: false # enables bing site verification
enable_masonry: true # enables automatic project cards arrangement
enable_math: true # enables math typesetting (uses MathJax)
enable_tooltips: false # enables automatic tooltip links generated for each section titles on pages and posts
-enable_darkmode: true # enables switching between light/dark modes
+enable_darkmode: false # enables switching between light/dark modes
enable_navbar_social: false # enables displaying social links in the navbar on the about page
enable_project_categories: true # enables categorization of projects into multiple categories
enable_medium_zoom: true # enables image zoom feature (as on medium.com)
diff --git a/_pages/dropdown.md b/_pages/dropdown.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aa32f2212369..000000000000
--- a/_pages/dropdown.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: submenus
-nav: true
-nav_order: 8
-dropdown: true
- - title: publications
- permalink: /publications/
- - title: divider
- - title: projects
- permalink: /projects/
- - title: divider
- - title: blog
- permalink: /blog/