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File metadata and controls

50 lines (42 loc) · 5.48 KB


Our current testing strategy is split into two parts:

Unit Testing


In order to use the lein test and lein test-auto aliases, it's required that phantomjs is installed and available on the PATH. Other environments are available (e.g. slimer, rhino etc) find out how to install and run them here.


There are three ways to run the unit tests:

  • lein test will run the tests once and report a result.
  • lein test-auto will run the tests and re-run the tests if it detects any source files to have changed.
  • Build the Docker test environment from the project directory with docker build -t 'witan-ui-test' -f scripts/test.dockerfile . , and then docker run --rm witan-ui-test lein test to run the tests once, and report a result.


Additional tests should be written inside the test/cljs/witan/ui/test directory and the appropriate namespace should be added to test/cljs/witan/ui/runner.cljs. The test macros are provided by cljs.test and executed by lein-doo.

Manual Acceptance Testing

Until there is an automated way to run acceptance tests the only way to catch regressions is with a manual script/checklist:

Last updated 03/07/17

Test Expected Result
Can the user reset their password? The user receives a password reset email containing a link to the password reset form.
Can the user login? The user can enter their password and be taken to the dashboard.
Can the user upload a file without sharing? The user can upload any file (<100mb) from the Upload screen without opting to share it.
Can the user upload a file with sharing? The user can upload any file (<100mb) from the Upload screen, opting to share it with another group.
Can the user navigate to a recently uploaded file? From the dashboard, the user can view files uploaded in the last couple of minutes.
Can the user download a file? The user can see and click the 'Download' button on a file and the file download occurs.
Can the user edit metadata on a file they have permissions on? The user can edit metadata, hit Save, reload the file and observe that the edit has persisted.
Can the user edit sharing details on a file they have permissions on? The user can adjust the sharing details, reload the file and observe that the edit has persisted.
Is the user prevented from editing metadata on a file for which they don't have permission? The user is not presented with any options to edit the metadata and cannot navigate to the 'Edit' view.
Is the user prevented from downloading a file for which they don't have permission? The user is not presented with the download button and cannot download the file.
Can the user create a datapack and share it with another user? The user can create a datapack, including navigating to the correct page, searching their files, searching groups and saving the datapack.
- If the user includes a file for which a recipient has no permissions, but the user has 'update' permission, does the recipient gain 'read' and 'download' permissions? When sharing a datapack with another user, that user will gain 'read' and 'download' permissions for any file that the author use has 'update' permission for.
- If the user includes a file for which a recipient has no permissions and the user also has no permissions, does the recipient get a message telling them they are unable to view a file in the datapack? If a datapack shared with a user contains files that they cannot see, they will be informed that this is the case.
Can the user create an empty datapack? The user can create an empty datapack.
Can the user delete a datapack? The user can delete a datapack (for which they have permission).
Can the user remove files from a datapack? The user can removes files from a datapack (for which they have permission).
Can the user delete a file? The user can delete files (for which they have permission). They are prompted to confirm with an appropriate message.
Can the user invite other users using the 'Collect' tab on a datapack? The invited users gain Add File permission (visible on the Sharing tab)
Did the invited user receive an email with link? The invited user received an email which contained a link. Clicking the link takes them to the Add Files to Datapack screen. No other information about the datapack is available.
Can the invited user submit a file to the datapack? The invited user can successfully add a file to the datapack. They see a success message.
Can the collecting user observe the new file in their datapack? The new file is now visible in their datapack.
Does loading a file take < 1s? When navigating from the dashboard to a file, the loading icon spins for no more than 1s.
Does quickly changing sharing permissions on a file work as intended? This is an area we've seen regressions frequently. When quickly changing sharing permissions, the app should remain responsive and not panic.