- fix shebang line for Python 3 (#21)
- bump CMake minimum version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- remove unused dependencies (#15)
- minor cleanup (#12)
- [capability] add button for clearing the TF buffer #9 from christian-rauch/clear_tf_buffer
- [maintenance] Integrate an existing testcase upon build by Catkin. #5
- Contributors: Christian Rauch, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Peter Han
- [fix] child_frame_id format #6
- Update maintainer
- Contributors: Dirk Thomas, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Peter Han
- use Python 3 compatible syntax (#121)
- fix tf parent to always convert to string (#113)
- Support Qt 5 (in Kinetic and higher) as well as Qt 4 (in Jade and earlier) (#101)
- use proper icon for images
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- update script to use full plugin name
- add groups for rqt plugins (ros-visualization/rqt_common_plugins#167)
- First public release into Hydro
- Disable dependency to tf2 (that's not building) for now
- rqt_tf_tree plugin disabled until tf2 is catkinized
- catkinizing
- first public release for Groovy