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The Ultimate Gazebo Workspace - rhinoceROS 🦏


ros_service - A global planner service package.

atreus Ω - A package containing a mutlipurpose four- wheeled differential drive robot equipped with sensors such as IntelRealSense R200 Depth Camera, LiDAR, Ultrasonics, GPS, IMU, Magnetometer and a pair of cameras.


  • Obstacle Avoidance with soft turning using pcl processing (passthrough + voxel + ransac + euclidean clustering + centroidal analysis).

  • Detection of slope angle and ditch depth by using a sonar panel.

  • Dynamic traversal using GPS and IMU to reach desired location along with sonar obstacle avoidance.

  • Ability of localisation by using 2 independent EKFs.

  • Teleoperation with respect to waypoints/time by path smoothening.

  • Alvar Gate Traversal.

  • Tennis Ball Detection.


Run a catkin make in the rhinoceROS folder:


Source the bash script in the devel folder in rhinoceROS:

source ~/Gazebo/rhinoceROS/devel/setup.bash

For basic bot simulation:

roslaunch atreus spawn_my_bot.launch


  • Run the following command if the traffic light does not glow red:

     sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-gazebo-* && sudo apt-get install gazebo9 && sudo apt-get install libgazebo9* && sudo apt-get --reinstall install libignition-math4 && sudo apt-get --reinstall install libignition-math4-dev && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Run the following command if the GPS and IMU sensors values are not seen through a rostopic list:

     sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-hector-gazebo-plugins
  • In case if you don't have the ROS package ar track alvar:

     sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ar-track-alvar