- dofec srv update
- adding dofec salvo msg
- updated big dofec messages
- adding messages for big dofec board
- adding led strip driver mrs module service
- adding radar msg and updated status msg
- added collison avoidance info
- new RTK messages
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Tomas Baca
- added uwb estimator type
- typo fix in msg description
- added ImageLabeled and ImageLabeledArray msgs
- update cmake with ImageLabeled
- nimbro test service
- added constraints override
- added install for msg and srv
- install in cmakelists
- added nimbro test msg
- added llcp msg
- added tarot gimbal msg
- update mrs_pcl_tools/PclToolsDiagnostics.msg
- add mrs_pcl_tools/PclToolsDiagnostics.msg
- added pixels_per_column, columns_per_frame and pixel_shift_by_row to OusterInfo message (#5) Co-authored-by: vasek <uav25>
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Matej Petrlik, Myralllka, Pavel Petracek, Tomas Baca, Václav Pritzl
- add UInt16Stamped msg
- added cpu temp to mrs_status
- added input_id for mpc and traj. gen
- added rc mode to control manager diag
- Add override jerk constraints in path msg
- updated docs build script
- added cont.&track. flags regarding human activation added Track.msg
- added gimbal PRY message
- added TrackStamped message
- added the Track and TrackArrayStamped messages
- added PathWithVelocity message
- added pathfinder msg
- TrajectoryGeneration: added getPath service
- MpcTracker: updated fullstate prediction
- updated path msg
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Matouš Vrba, Pavel Petracek, Tomas Baca, Vit Kratky
- updated path
- added velocity reference
- updates for mrs status
- fixed msg linking script
- added ram total to mrs_status msg
- added AloamgarmDebug msg
- added UavManagerDiagnostics
- updated full state's vector
- updated subtypes of PositionCommand
- added full state MPC prediction message
- added ALOAMREP heading estimator type for repredictor testing
- added another estimator type for testing of ALOAM with repredictor
- added aloamgarm altitudetype
- Contributors: Daniel Hert, Matej Petrlik, Tomas Baca, Vaclav Pritzl
- Major release
- Noetic-compatible
- update msg linking script
- new cmake version
- Contributors: Daniel Hert, Jan Bednar, Matej Petrlik, Matouš Vrba, Pavel Petracek, Robert Penicka, Tomas Baca, Tomáš Báča, Viktor Walter, klaxalk, mergify[bot]
- nothing changed here ;-)
- added bumper params msg
- serial msg for raw message
- set TOWER estimator type number to a unique value
- TOWER lcalizatino types
- added services for reference validation
- added flying_normally to control manager diag
- adde motors to control manager diag
- added SetInt srv
- added rampup info to AttitudeCmd
- added gain and constraint diagnostics
- added missing alt odom type
- added new srv
- updated mpc diagnostics msg
- added ControlError.msg
- new constraints message, changed the constraints srv
- Adding pose array message for the fire_detect package
- updated attitude_cmd
- add Float64MultiArrayStamped.msg to cmake
- add Float64MultiArrayStamped.msg
- Add ALOAM altitude estimator
- Add aloam slam estimator type
- updated profiler's rate
- BRICKFLOW heading estimator
- change altitude estimator service
- new altitude estimators
- added new reference messages
- new message and service types
- updated speed tracker's message
- removed start idx from the tracker trajectory
- added swarming command message
- upated uav_state msg
- removed orientation from UavState, it is already in the pose
- added UavState message
- added ICP estimator type
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Matej Petrlik, Matej Petrlik (desktop), Pavel Petracek, Pavel Petráček, Robert Penicka, Tomas Baca, Viktor Walter, Vit Kratky
- added bumper status
- height available in odometry diagnostics
- added mpc tracker diagnostsics collision avoidance
- added the constraints override feature for controllers
- Remove GimbalPitch.srv
- added other uav avoidance trajectoris to mpc diagnostics
- vslam pose estimator
- +gripper
- VIO heading type
- added landoff diagnostics
- added disturbances to attitude command
- added PlannerTask service
- added rviz cylinder msgs
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Matej Petrlik, Matej Petrlik (desktop), Pavel Petráček, Tomas Baca, uav61
- BRICKFLOW estimator
- updated AttitudeCommand
- Contributors: Matej Petrlik, Matej Petrlik (desktop), NAKI, Pavel Petráček, Tomas Baca, Tomáš Báča, Vojtech Spurny