For info on how to setup Bodi to start working on a task, read the here.
Click to read the current tasks for PHP developers
- Have discussions with how this should be done.
- Make a PHP hosted version of this
- Auto scrape info for movies, songs & etc in folder and store data with file names, file / media info, file path & more to be accessed via API (info will be populated via JavaScript etc).
- Option to post & store fetched data about movie / song etc via JavaScript to PHP api etc.
- Make an endpoint to download / install Add-on's / Plugins to server!
Click to read the current tasks for JS developers
- Remove any un-neccesary JS.
- Improve JavaScript (it's terrible right now)
- Fix photo gallery from constantly fetching
- Fix video player bugs
- Playlist not working properly (player should quit when no videos in playlist)
- Fix Volume Amplification
- Video Player Feature Improvements
- Add option to disable subtitles button
- Option to add subtitles button
- Convert video duration to hours format after 60 minutes of video / audio length (60 mins to > 1:00)
- Add support to stream YouTube Videos, WebTorrent and more.
- Notification timing - refer to Estuary repo here as the fix should be addressed THERE.
- Make a static plugin loader etc.. (maybe load plugins / static addons etc via JSON data etc..?)
- Make some static JS examples of a some kinda 'Addon' that could be used (client side movie scraper etc.. - photo gallery, games, web browser etc). GO WILD!
- Create a script loader that loads scripts ( games / addons etc.) when needed and UNLOADs them when they are not.
Click to read the current tasks for HTML / CSS developers
Bodi's main theme relies on the Estuary design framework which is a work in progress. You can find tasks for HTML / CSS that will help Bodi in the long run in the Estuary repo here