diff --git a/unittests/MapWinGISTests/ShapefileTests.cs b/unittests/MapWinGISTests/ShapefileTests.cs
index f43f92ad..0f42432c 100644
--- a/unittests/MapWinGISTests/ShapefileTests.cs
+++ b/unittests/MapWinGISTests/ShapefileTests.cs
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ public void Reproject2281Test()
Assert.IsTrue(sf.NumShapes == 1, "Unexpected number of shapes in " + filename);
var proj = new GeoProjection();
proj.ImportFromEPSG(32612); // WGS 84 / UTM zone 12N
var numShps = 0;
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ public void CreateFishnet()
var startY = shp.Extents.yMin - blockSizeY;
var numPoints = 0;
// Use diagonal for total size of fishnet:
- var width = (int) Math.Ceiling(
+ var width = (int)Math.Ceiling(
Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(shp.Extents.xMax - shp.Extents.xMin, 2) +
Math.Pow(shp.Extents.yMax - shp.Extents.yMin, 2)));
width += blockSizeX;
@@ -359,16 +359,16 @@ public void CreateFishnet()
Assert.Fail("Create a new shape failed: " + shp.ErrorMsg[shp.LastErrorCode]);
// First point:
- if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point {x = startX, y = startY}, ref numPoints))
+ if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point { x = startX, y = startY }, ref numPoints))
Assert.Fail("Inserting a point failed: " + shp.ErrorMsg[shp.LastErrorCode]);
// Second point:
- if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point {x = startX + blockSizeX, y = startY}, ref numPoints))
+ if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point { x = startX + blockSizeX, y = startY }, ref numPoints))
Assert.Fail("Inserting a point failed: " + shp.ErrorMsg[shp.LastErrorCode]);
// Third point:
- if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point {x = startX + blockSizeX, y = startY + blockSizeY}, ref numPoints))
+ if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point { x = startX + blockSizeX, y = startY + blockSizeY }, ref numPoints))
Assert.Fail("Inserting a point failed: " + shp.ErrorMsg[shp.LastErrorCode]);
// Fourth point:
- if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point {x = startX, y = startY + blockSizeY}, ref numPoints))
+ if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point { x = startX, y = startY + blockSizeY }, ref numPoints))
Assert.Fail("Inserting a point failed: " + shp.ErrorMsg[shp.LastErrorCode]);
// Closing:
if (!shpBlock.InsertPoint(new Point { x = startX, y = startY }, ref numPoints))
@@ -414,5 +414,107 @@ public void SaveAs()
if (!sf.SaveAs(tmpFilename))
Assert.Fail("Failed to save shapefile: " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]);
+ ///
+ /// Merges the sf.
+ ///
+ /// MWGIS-69
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void MergeSf()
+ {
+ const string sf3Location = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\0031 Merge M\shp3_point\SHP3_POINT.shp";
+ const string sf4Location = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\0031 Merge M\shp4_point\SHP4_POINT.shp";
+ var sf3 = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf3.Open(sf3Location)) Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sf3Location + " Error: " + sf3.ErrorMsg[sf3.LastErrorCode]);
+ var sf4 = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf4.Open(sf4Location)) Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sf4Location + " Error: " + sf4.ErrorMsg[sf4.LastErrorCode]);
+ var sfMerged = sf3.Merge(false, sf4, false);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(sfMerged, "Merge failed");
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, sfMerged.NumShapes, "Incorrect number of shapes");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Merges the M shapefiles
+ ///
+ /// MWGIS-69
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void MergeM()
+ {
+ const string sf1Location = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\MWGIS-69 Merge M\shp1_point_m\SHP1_POINT_M.shp";
+ const string sf2Location = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\MWGIS-69 Merge M\shp2_point_m\SHP2_POINT_M.shp";
+ var sf1 = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf1.Open(sf1Location)) Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sf1Location + " Error: " + sf1.ErrorMsg[sf1.LastErrorCode]);
+ var sf2 = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf2.Open(sf2Location)) Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sf2Location + " Error: " + sf2.ErrorMsg[sf2.LastErrorCode]);
+ Debug.WriteLine("Before merge");
+ var sfMerged = sf1.Merge(false, sf2, false);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(sfMerged, "Merge failed");
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, sfMerged.NumShapes, "Incorrect number of shapes");
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void LoadAmericanData()
+ {
+ const string sfLocation = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\MapWindow-Projects\UnitedStates\Shapefiles\states.shp";
+ var sf = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf.Open(sfLocation)) Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sfLocation + " Error: " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]);
+ var value = sf.CellValue[1, 0] as string;
+ sf.Close();
+ Debug.WriteLine(value);
+ // Value should be Washington
+ Assert.AreEqual('h', value[3]);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void ReadRussionDataFromTable()
+ {
+ const string sfLocation = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\CORE-199 Russian\point.shp";
+ const int fieldIndex = 2;
+ var sf = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf.Open(sfLocation))
+ Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sfLocation + " Error: " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]);
+ var value = sf.CellValue[fieldIndex, 0] as string;
+ Assert.IsNotNull(value, "No value returned");
+ sf.Close();
+ Debug.WriteLine(value);
+ // Value should be Воздух
+ Assert.AreEqual('д', value[3]);
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void CreateRussionCategories()
+ {
+ const string sfLocation = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\CORE-199 Russian\point.shp";
+ const int fieldIndex = 2;
+ var sf = new Shapefile();
+ if (!sf.Open(sfLocation))
+ Assert.Fail("Can't open " + sfLocation + " Error: " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]);
+ // create visualization categories
+ sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.FillType = tkFillType.ftStandard;
+ sf.Categories.Generate(fieldIndex, tkClassificationType.ctUniqueValues, 0);
+ sf.Categories.ApplyExpressions();
+ // apply color scheme
+ var scheme = new ColorScheme();
+ scheme.SetColors2(tkMapColor.LightBlue, tkMapColor.LightYellow);
+ sf.Categories.ApplyColorScheme(tkColorSchemeType.ctSchemeGraduated, scheme);
+ Assert.IsTrue(sf.Categories.Count > 0, "No categories were made");
+ var cat = sf.Categories.Item[0];
+ Console.WriteLine(cat.Name);
+ Assert.AreNotEqual(cat.Name[0], '?', "The category name is invalid");
+ }
diff --git a/unittests/MapWinGISTests/UtilTests.cs b/unittests/MapWinGISTests/UtilTests.cs
index f61de693..bd34ca5d 100644
--- a/unittests/MapWinGISTests/UtilTests.cs
+++ b/unittests/MapWinGISTests/UtilTests.cs
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ public void GdalInfoEcw()
var utils = new Utils();
var retVal = utils.GDALInfo(@"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\ECW-crash\TK25.ecw", string.Empty);
+ Assert.IsTrue(retVal.Contains("Driver: ECW/ERDAS Compressed Wavelets (SDK 5."), "Wrong ECW driver");
@@ -167,11 +168,11 @@ public void ReclassifyRaster()
Console.WriteLine($"Input statistics: {min} - {max}");
var newMax = 0.9 * max;
var newMin = 1.2 * min;
var arr = new[]
- new {Low = nodataValue + 1, High = newMin, NewValue = newMin},
- new {Low = newMax, High = max + 1, NewValue = newMax}
+ new {Low = nodataValue + 1, High = newMin, NewValue = newMin},
+ new {Low = newMax, High = max + 1, NewValue = newMax}
var utils = new Utils();
retVal = utils.ReclassifyRaster(input, 1, output, arr.Select(i => i.Low).ToArray(),