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File metadata and controls

148 lines (102 loc) · 3.79 KB

Commands I need on the fly

This is a mix of regular commands and my aliases.


Command Description
gisf Stage file (git index stage file).
gisa Stage all (git index stage all).
gs Status (git status).
gcm Commit with short message (git commit -m).
gl git log (git log -> fancy version).
gc git clone
gbsa git branch show all (git branch -a).
gbsl git branch show local (git branch).
gbdl git branch delete local (git branch -D).
gbdr git branch delete remote (git push --delete).
gdf git diff file (git diff).
gupdate Add all and commit with 'Update'
gpl Pull
gps Push

git remote -v -- show remote address
git remote add origin -- add new remote address (if there is none on origin)
git remote set-url origin -- add new remote address (if there is already one on origin)
ansible-vault encrypt your_file.yml
ansible-vault edit your_encrypted_file.yml
ansible-vault decrypt your_encrypted_file.yml

List Git commands:

alias glc='git'

Restore all changed files:

alias gra='git restore .'

Restore a changed file (add file):

alias grf='git restore'

#- Branches

Pull from origin/main:

alias gpm='git pull origin main'

Pull from origin/develop:

alias gpd='git pull origin develop'

'Checkout Local' branch (add a branch name):

alias gbcl='git checkout'

'Checkout Remote' branch (add remoteName/branchName):

alias gbcr='git checkout --track'

Check out new branch (add name):

alias gbcn='git checkout -b'

#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Index

Stage file (add file or path):

alias gisf='git add'

y (yes): Stage this hunk to be included in the next commit.

n (no): Do not stage this hunk; leave it as is in the working directory.

s (split): Split this hunk into smaller parts, allowing you to stage only specific lines or changes within the hunk.

e (edit): Manually edit this hunk to remove or modify lines before staging.

? (help): Show the available options and their meanings.

Stage parts of file (add file):

alias gisp='git add -p'

Unstage file (add file or path):

alias giuf='git restore --staged'

Unstage parts of file (add file):

alias giup='git restore -p'

Stage all files:

alias gisa='git add .'

Unstage all files:

alias giua='git restore --staged .'

#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Commits

Initial commit:

alias gci='git commit --allow-empty -m "INITIAL COMMIT"'


alias gcc='git commit'

Commit with message:

alias gcm='git commit -m'

Commit with message 'Work In Progress':

alias gcwip='git commit -m "WIP"'

Change last commit (file/commit message) before push:

alias gccl='git commit --amend'

Revert last commit (before push):

alias gcrl='git reset --hard HEAD~1'

Stage all files and commit with message:

alias giacm='git add . && git commit -m'

Stage all files and commit with WIP status:

alias giacwip='git add . && git commit -m "WIP"'

#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Pushing/Pulling

Pull actual branch from remote repository:

alias gpl='git pull'

Fetch actual branch from remote repository:

alias gpf='git fetch'

Pull actual branch from remote repository, than push:

alias gpp='git pull && git push'

Push actual branch to remote repository:

alias gps='git push'

Revert last push (add commit hash):

alias gpr='git revert'

Stage all files, commit with 'WIP' status and push:

alias ggo='git add . && git commit -m "WIP" && git pull && git push'

alias ggo='git add . && git commit -m "WIP" && git push'

#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Stashing

Stash changes:

alias gsc='git stash'

Pop stashed changes:

alias gsp='git stash pop'