This is a mix of regular commands and my aliases.
Command | Description |
gisf |
Stage file (git index stage file). |
gisa |
Stage all (git index stage all). |
gs |
Status (git status). |
gcm |
Commit with short message (git commit -m). |
gl |
git log (git log -> fancy version). |
gc |
git clone |
gbsa |
git branch show all (git branch -a). |
gbsl |
git branch show local (git branch). |
gbdl |
git branch delete local (git branch -D). |
gbdr |
git branch delete remote (git push --delete). |
gdf |
git diff file (git diff). |
gupdate |
Add all and commit with 'Update' |
gpl |
Pull |
gps |
Push |
git remote -v -- show remote address
git remote add origin -- add new remote address (if there is none on origin)
git remote set-url origin -- add new remote address (if there is already one on origin)
ansible-vault encrypt your_file.yml
ansible-vault edit your_encrypted_file.yml
ansible-vault decrypt your_encrypted_file.yml
alias glc='git'
alias gra='git restore .'
alias grf='git restore'
#- Branches
alias gpm='git pull origin main'
alias gpd='git pull origin develop'
alias gbcl='git checkout'
alias gbcr='git checkout --track'
alias gbcn='git checkout -b'
#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Index
alias gisf='git add'
s (split): Split this hunk into smaller parts, allowing you to stage only specific lines or changes within the hunk.
alias gisp='git add -p'
alias giuf='git restore --staged'
alias giup='git restore -p'
alias gisa='git add .'
alias giua='git restore --staged .'
#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Commits
alias gci='git commit --allow-empty -m "INITIAL COMMIT"'
alias gcc='git commit'
alias gcm='git commit -m'
alias gcwip='git commit -m "WIP"'
alias gccl='git commit --amend'
alias gcrl='git reset --hard HEAD~1'
alias giacm='git add . && git commit -m'
alias giacwip='git add . && git commit -m "WIP"'
#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Pushing/Pulling
alias gpl='git pull'
alias gpf='git fetch'
alias gpp='git pull && git push'
alias gps='git push'
alias gpr='git revert'
alias ggo='git add . && git commit -m "WIP" && git push'
#----------------------------------------------------------- #- Stashing
alias gsc='git stash'
alias gsp='git stash pop'