golang sdk for the api of https://www.fastbill.com/
- Go 1.19 or higher
Add the sdk package import statement
import "github.com/malsch-solutions/fastbill-go-sdk"
Initialize your fastbill service
fastbillService := service.NewService(os.Getenv("FASTBILL_EMAIL"), os.Getenv("FASTBILL_API_KEY"))
Create the desired client for example for customers
customerClient := customer.NewCustomerClient(fastbillService)
Call the method of your choice
customers, err := customerClient.Get(¶meter.Parameter{
Limit: 10,
Offset: 0,
}, nil)
- Customers
- Contacts
- Estimates
- Invoices
- Items
- Recurring invoices
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Products (article)
- Projects
- Work times (time)
- Documents
- Templates
- Webhooks