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Class 13: Monday, April 17 – Recursive Algorithm Analysis




  • implement partition algorithm that chooses a pivot and segments a list into sublists
    • partition(items) - return a pair of lists (small, large) containing all elements less than (or equal to) pivot in small and all elements greater than pivot in large
    • choose a pivot in any way: first, last, middle, median-of-three, random
    • use any partitioning scheme: Lomuto, Hoare, or three-way (return a triple)
  • implement recursive quick sort that uses partition algorithm and sorts sublists recursively
    • quick_sort(items) - return a list containing all elements of items in sorted order
    • use the divide-and-conquer problem-solving strategy:
      1. Divide: split problem into subproblems (partition input list into sublists)
      2. Conquer: solve subproblems independently (sort sublists recursively with quick sort)
      3. Combine: combine subproblem solutions together (concatenate sorted sublists)
    • remember to add a base case to avoid infinite recursion loops (hint: very small lists are always sorted)
  • annotate your partition and quick_sort functions with complexity analysis
  • write unit tests for your sorting algorithms
    • include test cases of varying sizes and edge cases

Stretch Challenges:

  • try other techniques to choose a pivot and other partitioning algorithms
  • implement in-place quick sort with a separate in-place partition algorithm
  • implement stable quick sort with a separate stable partition algorithm
  • implement slow sort algorithm, just for fun ;-)
  • annotate functions with complexity analysis
