Writing in TypeScript
In this class, you will begin writing TypeScript code and learn how to adapt your existing JS code to TypeScript.
TypeScript is becoming more popular, and is extremely useful in large codebases. Knowing how to refactor, write, and publish TypeScript code will allow you to decide whether TypeScript is right for a project.
Writing TypeScript will also force you to think about the types you use in the code you write which will make a you a stronger programmer.
- Define static & dynamic typing
- Explain the pros & cons of static vs. dynamic typing
- Implement functions, enums, & interfaces using TypeScript
- Convert existing JS code to TypeScript
Data types describe the shape of the data that we're expecting.
Examples: string
, number
, boolean
, object
, array
, class
In a statically typed language, variables' types are static, meaning that once a variable is set to a type, it cannot be changed. Statically typed languages generally check at compile time that a variable is being assigned the correct type of data.
Examples of statically typed languages include Java, C, C++, and Swift.
Q: Can you use static typing in JS?
A: Nope.
TypeScript is another language separate from JS and must be compiled into vanilla JS. You can't use static typing in vanilla JS.
You compile your TypeScript into vanilla JavaScript.
In a dynamically typed language, a variable's type can change over the course of the program. Consider the following code:
let x = 10 // x starts as a Number
x = 'hello' // x becomes a String
x = y.toFixed(2) // x becomes a string!
Usually you won't do this on purpose, most often it will happen by accident.
In a dynamically typed language, we do not know until runtime what type of data a particular variable holds.
Examples of dynamically typed languages include Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby.
Discussion: Write down 3 reasons each for using either a statically typed or dynamically typed language.
Q: What is happening on each line of code below?
function getPriceWithTax(amount, rate) {
const price = amount.toFixed(2)
const tax = price * rate
return price + tax
Ask yourself what type is assigned the variables at each line.
What could possibly go wrong? 🤔
Consider this code 🔎:
function mystery(x) {
if (x.powerLevel <= 100) {
} else {
Now, consider the following questions:
- What is x?
- What other fields, data, and behavior does x have? How else can I interact with x?
- How would I find this information?
Now, let's take a look at this code with some types added. 😎
class Cat {
powerLevel: number;
personality: string;
appearance: string;
photo: Image;
leave(): void {...}
display(): void {...}
function mystery(x: Cat) { ... }
Since our types are set in stone at compile time, many code editors will use that information to give you smart autocomplete suggestions based on that particular data type. If you use VSCode, you can use Intellisense to browse available methods from a class while writing code. You can also Cmd+Click on a method name to go directly to its definition.
There isn't just one right answer that works in all scenarios; you will need to decide which style is right for your project. Here are some pros of dynamic typing to consider:
- It's faster to write, thus might be better for scripting
- It's more succinct
- It's more tolerant to change: a code refactor will have a smaller area of effect
- Doesn't require extra compilation step
Follow the example with these files:
Your source code will be the files named: .ts
Typescript files must be compiled into .js before they can be used.
npm install -g typescript
tsc example-2.ts
The most basic types are string
, number
, and boolean
, and we can use them in the same way as in regular JavaScript; we just can't reassign a variable to a different type.
let y = 88; // implicitly typed number
let sum: number = 10; // explicitly typed number
const title: string = 'hello'; // type string
let done: boolean = false; // type boolean
sum = undefined; // OK
sum = null; // OK
sum = '100'; // Not OK - will result in a compile error
Math.round(title) // Compile error
Try these ideas out in example-2.ts
We can add types to the parameters and return values of functions:
// Add types to each parameter, and a type for the return value
function add(num1: number, num2: number): number {
return num1 + num2;
add(4, 6);
add('2', 7); // Compile Error
Try these ideas out in example-3.ts
We can also use default and optional parameters. If you want to skip one, just pass in undefined
function greet(greeting = 'Hello', person?: string) {
if (person) {
console.log(`${greeting}, ${person}!`);
} else {
greet(); // prints 'Hello!'
greet('Hola'); // prints 'Hola!'
greet(undefined, 'Jane'); // prints 'Hello, Jane!'
Finally, if you don't know what type a piece of data will be, e.g. if you're receiving it from an API, you can always use the any
let someValue: any = 10;
someValue = [1, 2, 3];
Try these ideas out in example-4.ts
There are two ways to declare an array, which are completely equivalent (if you've used Java before, these should look familiar):
let list1: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
let list1: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3];
Note! Every memeber of an array must be the same type.
What if we want an array with mixed values of different types? In that case, we can use the 'tuple' type:
let person1: [string, number] = ['Jane', 20];
You can also easily make your own enum type. If you try to print the value of an enum, you'll see that it's actually a number, with the first value defaulting to 0.
enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Pear };
let f: Fruit = Fruit.Pear;
console.log(Fruit.Apple); // 0
console.log(Fruit.Orange); // 1
console.log(Fruit.Pear); // 2
In addition to primitive types, we can denote the shape of a JavaScript object using type annotations:
let user: { firstname: string, lastname: string, postcount: number } = {
firstname: 'Jane',
lastname: 'Smith',
postcount: 222
We can also define the type ahead of time using an interface:
interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
greet(message: string): string;
let person: Person = {
name: 'Jane',
age: 22,
greet(message) { return this.name + message }
Take a look at this 5 min tutorial from the source. Take 5 mins and do the tutorial.
- What did you see in the tutorial?
- What was different about using typescript than using JS?
- Did you see anything new?
Use the fizz buzz code, you wrote test for this earlier. Let's convert it to TypeScript.
Step 1
Get the code here at the link below or use your copy of the code from the previous assignment:
Step 2
All of the code here is in fizzbuzz.js
. Change the name of this file to fizzbuzz.ts
. The .ts file extension denotes a TypeScript file.
Step 3
VSCode will provide hints in the form of three small dots under the names of variables, function, parameters, and more to tell you where types are missing. You can hover over this to get a hint as to what is missing.
Set the types for the vairables at the top:
const FIZZ = 'fizz'
// FIZZ is type string change to:
const FIZZ: string = 'fizz'
Not you're not getting a code hint since TypeScript is inferring the type.
Do the other variables.
Step 4
Functions take parameters as input and provide a return value as output. These should define a type. Look at the comments for a clue about the parameters and return values:
function isFizzy(n) {
return n % 3 === 0
// Takes a number returns a boolean change to:
function isFizzy(n: number): boolean {
return n % 3 === 0
Do the other functions:
- isFizzy
- isBuzzy
- isFizzyBuzzy
- fizzyBuzzy
Step 5
The last function is more complicated. Here the input is just a number but the output is an object. You can see the "shape" of the object here:
const result = { count, fizz: 0, buzz: 0, fizzBuzz: 0 }
To define this you should create an interface. An interface defines all of the properties an object might have and their types. This interface becomes the type.
Read more about interfaces here:
After reading the docs above, write an interface for the fizzbuzz results. Use it to complete the types for this function.
Step 6
Run the TypeScript compiler.
There's one last step, convert your .ts files into .js files. Follow the guide here:
npm install -g typescript
tsc fizzbuzz.ts
This should compile your TypeScript code into standard js, or provide helpful error messages where types are mismatched.
What do you think of typescript so far?
Choose one:
- Update one of your libraries: Date lib or String Lib to TypeScript.
- Do the TypeScript Exercism: https://exercism.io/my/tracks/typescript