➡️ Slides
Elapsed | Time | Activity |
0:00 | 0:05 | Why you should know this |
0:05 | 0:15 | Learning Objectives |
0:20 | 0:30 | In Class Activity I |
0:50 | 0:10 | BREAK |
1:00 | 0:45 | In Class Activity II |
1:45 | 0:05 | Wrap up review objectives |
Explain why students should care to learn the material presented in this class.
- Identify and describe
- Define
- Design
- Implement
- Funny comic
- Prime the Pump (e.g. think and jot, think pair share, etc)
- Productivity Tip/Tool
- Review of current event (e.g. tech news relevant to your track/topic)
- Quiz on homework or topic(s) of past class
- Concept Test
- Why learn this?
- Industry examples of usage
- Best practices
- Personal anecdote
- I do, We do, You do
- Reading & Discussion Questions in small groups
- Draw a picture/diagram
- Complete Challenges solo or in pair
- Q&A about tutorials
- Pair up and code review
- Pair program
- Formative assessment
- Form into groups
- etc (get creative :D)
- Continue working on your current tutorial
- Complete reading
- Complete challenges
- Links to additional readings and videos