- [00m] 🏆 Objectives
- [60m] ✓ CryptoZombies Review
- [30m] ✓ CryptoZombies Discussion
- [10m] 🌴 BREAK {docsify-ignore}
- [25m] 💻 Activity: Debate Prep
- [25m] 💻 Activity: Debate
- [05m] TT: The Importance of Ethereum (Closing Thoughts)
- 🌃 After Class
- 📚 Resources & Credits
- Review the tutorial and clarify any outstanding questions.
- Compare and contrast Ethereum and Bitcoin.
- Explore the economic importance of Ethereum smart contracts.
In breakout groups, please answer the questions in this survey. You may discuss the answers with your partner, and use any resources available to figure out each question --- but you must submit your own answers!
The instructor will share the answers to the questions and provide an opportunity to discuss them as a class.
The instructor will split the class into two breakout rooms. One will be assigned Ethereum, whereas the other will be assigned Bitcoin.
Which is better? Bitcoin or Ethereum? Why?
Write down as many points as you can that support your theory.
The class will debate on the given topic, with the instructor stepping in as moderator.
Ethereum is an essential tool among many developers and entrepreneurs. It can be used to:
- Create decentralized businesses
- Eliminate third-party users from various industries
- Lower costs for services and products
- Enable decentralized registration, democratized crowdfunding, and SCM (Supply Chain Management)
What will you use Ethereum to do?
If you haven't finished the CryptoZombies tutorial, please make sure to do so before next class period. This information is critical for your success!