layout | published | author | guest_color | bigTitle_font_ratio | bigTitle_line_ratio | track1_color | track2_color | track3_color | track4_color | track5_color | track6_color | track7_color | category | guest_name | guestPic | track1_link | track2_link | track3_link | track1_title | track2_title | track3_title | episode_URL | image | musiColor | track4_link | track4_title | track7_link | track7_title | track5_link | track5_title | track6_link | track6_title | description |
episode |
true |
Louise |
bliss |
6 |
1 |
bliss |
trippy |
dreamy |
bliss |
bliss |
dreamy |
vibrant |
181 |
Edyth |
guestPic181.jpg |
Kink - Express |
A/T/O/S - What I Need |
Fink - Sort Of Revolution |
musiColor181.png |
Edyth - Vogue |
Mounika - Yolo |
Applescal - Airports |
Feverkin & Koresma - Golden ft. Cuff Malloy |
This morning, Edyth is waking you up with a beautiful blend of songs. Let us take you for walk on the edge on the world to feel the ups and downs of this mindblowing episode. |
This morning, [Edyth]( "Edyth's FB page") is waking you up with a beautiful blend of songs. Let us take you for walk on the edge on the world to feel the ups and downs of this mindblowing episode.
Edyth is a newborn producer on the Trip-hop scene. We discovered him thanks to his amazing first EP, Bare I, out on Fake Music. Only five tracks that wander in your head for a while, that's how powerful those songs are.
Edyth has something of a cosmonaut, taking us out of the atmosphere with hazy samples and distant bass lines. Gravity has no effect in his nebula.
Edyth: "That house track. The infectious groove that isn't needlesly heavy nor unnecessarily tamed by the typicalities of 'E.D.M.' This track proves that funk and raw dance potential isn't something that's mutually exclusive to sharp loud sound walls but to synchronicity and unique concepts. Basically train sounds is what we're talking about- I'm dancing to train house in the morning as I choo-choo myself to get my coffee and pit-pat this rythm for the rest of the day."
Edyth: "Jazz. Yes, that's what this is. This is jazz. If you don't have it on that last day of the week then I will never believe you are a person that knows how to unwind. If you can't sink into your couch with a nice end-of the week drink then you haven't been grinding hard enough. Who knew fluttering pianos, burst drums and bass thumps being strobed at you can be so soothing. Maybe it's the vocals, sublime isn't enough of a word to describe them. Deep Medi can be surprising sometimes."
Edyth: "When it comes down to it, I'm the biggest sucker for minimalist instrumentals and a heartfelt voice. The lyrics are vague but the place that it all comes from isn't- this track is a celebration of not being dead (which is, incidentally, the only thing I tend to celebrate)."
That’s all folks! [Edyth]( has selected marvelous tracks today, a big thank to him and David. Enjoy your sunday in your new galaxy!