All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- gunicorn
- docker compose nginx now restart unless stopped
- my vacancy serializer(retrieve/update)
- file.
- ConditionalGetMiddleware in middleware for optimize response.
- GZipMiddleware in middleware for compress response.
- Pagination for all GET list url(uri)
- Django-filter, custom filters for profile and vacancy.
- Search in vacancy
- Ordering in vacancy and by trust_hr
- Default model image for Profile, Company
- Fixtures for user
- Nginx container and config
- Celery beat schedule task spam-mail-every-week
- Subscribe to spam email url, view
- CandidateProfileListAPIView optimize queryset DB requests. n+1 there is no.
- RecruiterProfileListAPIView optimize, n+1 no.
- VacancyListCreateAPIView and VacancySerializer optimize. Nested serializer made unnecessary requests to the DB(n+1). Queryset too.
- VacancyDetailAPIView optimize retrieve(GET detail) and queryset.
- FeedbackListCreateAPIView optimize queryset.
- Activation email template
- In RecruiterProfile model, field company add blank=True.
- MINOR Clean Code.
- Ordering chat model and message
- Improve Dockerfile
- CustomTokenObtainPairView bug and refactor